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Flaming Lips / Prefuse 73 EP


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Yesterday, Flaming Lips frontman Wayne Coyne tweeted that his band's collaboration with chameleon glitch-hop producer Prefuse 73 was "coming out later today" on a slab of psychedelically colored vinyl. And sure enough, four chaotic, fuzzed-out collaborative tracks from the Lips and Prefuse soon made their way to the Internet, in true Flaming Lips guerrilla fashion.


As Consequence of Sound points out, Psych Explorations of the Future Heart has posted YouTube streams of all four songs from the EP, and we've got all those streams below. Psych Explorations also notes that copies of the EP are for sale at Oklahoma City's Guestroom Records, which ought to make OKC residents feel just a little bit better about that brutal overtime Thunder playoff loss last night. (Thanks to reader James Lovett of Playful Prairie, who bought the EP and confirmed that the tracks below are indeed legit.)




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1. Its not going to be available for mail order for a few weeks. Only by your local record shop if they order it in.


2. Its been leaked and it's quite boring.

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it's quite boring.

That's a common theme with him lately (though I liked Ampexian). I thought The Only She Chapters had potential, but it sounds like a garbled mess (kind of like his live sets :wacko: ).


Disappointing if the Lips couldn't even help, but I'll reserve judgement until I hear it...

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