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do you work out?


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I drink a fuck ton of green tea everyday. I only get carbohydrates from vegetables (which sometimes eat more of than most vegetarians)((whom could usually be more accurately described as carbovores), I don't avoid fat. I avoid all sugar, don't eat any grains and only eat fruit like once every few days. I attempt to get about this ratio of calories from macronutrients: <> 50% fat, 25% protien, 25% carbohydrates.


With my budget most commonly I eat a lot eggs, broccoli with cheese, caramelized onions!, canned tuna, cucumbers, almonds, pork chops (always will cook with a shit ton of caramelized onions!), chicken, peanuts, pistachios, salads. I would like to buy more grass fed beef and eat big salads everyday once I get a better job.


Im curious what drives you to live this militant. I try and eat healthy too, but you seem to take it to extreme. Do you feel you are ocd maybe? Does this manifest itself in other areas of your life?

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I drink a fuck ton of green tea everyday. I only get carbohydrates from vegetables (which sometimes eat more of than most vegetarians)((whom could usually be more accurately described as carbovores), I don't avoid fat. I avoid all sugar, don't eat any grains and only eat fruit like once every few days. I attempt to get about this ratio of calories from macronutrients: <> 50% fat, 25% protien, 25% carbohydrates.


With my budget most commonly I eat a lot eggs, broccoli with cheese, caramelized onions!, canned tuna, cucumbers, almonds, pork chops (always will cook with a shit ton of caramelized onions!), chicken, peanuts, pistachios, salads. I would like to buy more grass fed beef and eat big salads everyday once I get a better job.


Im curious what drives you to live this militant. I try and eat healthy too, but you seem to take it to extreme. Do you feel you are ocd maybe? Does this manifest itself in other areas of your life?


i wouldnt be surprised if he gets off on the control/discipline aspect..to me that's one of my favorite parts of exercise...discipline, pushing yourself, sorta "toiling in the fields" for purely physical ends. it doesn't seem that far off to have it extend into your diet (im not there yet, I love potato chips and granola too much).

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I drink a fuck ton of green tea everyday. I only get carbohydrates from vegetables (which sometimes eat more of than most vegetarians)((whom could usually be more accurately described as carbovores), I don't avoid fat. I avoid all sugar, don't eat any grains and only eat fruit like once every few days. I attempt to get about this ratio of calories from macronutrients: <> 50% fat, 25% protien, 25% carbohydrates.


With my budget most commonly I eat a lot eggs, broccoli with cheese, caramelized onions!, canned tuna, cucumbers, almonds, pork chops (always will cook with a shit ton of caramelized onions!), chicken, peanuts, pistachios, salads. I would like to buy more grass fed beef and eat big salads everyday once I get a better job.


Im curious what drives you to live this militant. I try and eat healthy too, but you seem to take it to extreme. Do you feel you are ocd maybe? Does this manifest itself in other areas of your life?


because of this ..



remember this guy? He's fat again!




I wish i was more like Blanket, just for the sense of accomplishment alone. I'm altering my lifestyle step by step and i can see why people are militant with eating healthy and excercise it just feels good.

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I drink a fuck ton of green tea everyday. I only get carbohydrates from vegetables (which sometimes eat more of than most vegetarians)((whom could usually be more accurately described as carbovores), I don't avoid fat. I avoid all sugar, don't eat any grains and only eat fruit like once every few days. I attempt to get about this ratio of calories from macronutrients: <> 50% fat, 25% protien, 25% carbohydrates.


With my budget most commonly I eat a lot eggs, broccoli with cheese, caramelized onions!, canned tuna, cucumbers, almonds, pork chops (always will cook with a shit ton of caramelized onions!), chicken, peanuts, pistachios, salads. I would like to buy more grass fed beef and eat big salads everyday once I get a better job.

you seem like a completely sane person

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

HAha, I'm so far from OCD with pretty much everything in my life besides maybe like making music, keeping operating systems, hard drives, registries, working spaces optimized haha. If I didn't care that people would look at me like a lazy fucking slob I would have no problem never cleaning my house, car, kitchen what have you, I have no problem with chaos in most regards, I just do the bare minimum to appease the illusion that I'm a responsible adult.


First of all, pretty much for any ambitious change to your body it's going to be 60% to 70% about your diet in the long run. +Food is great and all but really in the end it's such a temporary pleasure. I love working out but really for me being discipilined about diet is nowhere near as difficult as making sure I go running when I'm sore, trying to lift as much weight as I can on tons of different machines/free weights for 2 hours straight etc. Working out with real intensity as much as possible is much more of mentally challenging game than just saying no I won't even something that will slow me down and won't benefit my goals at all.


My strict discipiline with my diet is just mostly from being realistic about myself, my goals and all the benifits that will come with being in the top notch physical and most of the time subsequently resulting in top shelf mental condition. I suppose I'm kind of all or nothing when it comes to some things, and the more I commit to something more patience I have with it.


I'm 28, I was getting cardiovascular problems from smoking and possibly might have been showing signs of impending diabetes. I wasn't even that much overweight, I was in better shape than 80% of my friends. Knowing that in a few years my testosterone is going to start decreasing(making it really hard to lose weight or gain muscle) and my potential for health problems becomes crazy high being even slightly overweight. I want to finally be able to see my abs and maintain that level of muscularity and low body fat into my late 40s. I want to fuck more and more hot chicks and say fuck no to long term relationships while I still have my youth. I want to be at my highest level of confidence whilst I have my highest level of intelligence. I want to have the best vessel possible to promote my music (my baby babes) with enthusiasm.


How could one not have a ridiculous level of ambition at this point in life? I would slowly begin to hate myself if I didn't feel like I was getting serious about getting crazy.

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wow...that was...actually....a pretty great rant.


i still like chips and ice cream too much. ill keep that stuff for now.

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HAha, I'm so far from OCD with pretty much everything in my life besides maybe like making music, keeping operating systems, hard drives, registries, working spaces optimized haha. If I didn't care that people would look at me like a lazy fucking slob I would have no problem never cleaning my house, car, kitchen what have you, I have no problem with chaos in most regards, I just do the bare minimum to appease the illusion that I'm a responsible adult.


First of all, pretty much for any ambitious change to your body it's going to be 60% to 70% about your diet in the long run. +Food is great and all but really in the end it's such a temporary pleasure. I love working out but really for me being discipilined about diet is nowhere near as difficult as making sure I go running when I'm sore, trying to lift as much weight as I can on tons of different machines/free weights for 2 hours straight etc. Working out with real intensity as much as possible is much more of mentally challenging game than just saying no I won't even something that will slow me down and won't benefit my goals at all.


My strict discipiline with my diet is just mostly from being realistic about myself, my goals and all the benifits that will come with being in the top notch physical and most of the time subsequently resulting in top shelf mental condition. I suppose I'm kind of all or nothing when it comes to some things, and the more I commit to something more patience I have with it.


I'm 28, I was getting cardiovascular problems from smoking and possibly might have been showing signs of impending diabetes. I wasn't even that much overweight, I was in better shape than 80% of my friends. Knowing that in a few years my testosterone is going to start decreasing(making it really hard to lose weight or gain muscle) and my potential for health problems becomes crazy high being even slightly overweight. I want to finally be able to see my abs and maintain that level of muscularity and low body fat into my late 40s. I want to fuck more and more hot chicks and say fuck no to long term relationships while I still have my youth. I want to be at my highest level of confidence whilst I have my highest level of intelligence. I want to have the best vessel possible to promote my music (my baby babes) with enthusiasm.


How could one not have a ridiculous level of ambition at this point in life? I would slowly begin to hate myself if I didn't feel like I was getting serious about getting crazy.



edit: seeing abs though, why would anyone care about seeing abs.. that kind of vanity makes me sad


like, get a boob job too mate

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Seeing the lower abdominals is a measurement standard for low body fat and core strength. Those are great things for your health and fitness. When I started getting back into changing my diet and working out a lot more my ex-girlfriend said she would most likely give me approximately 10 times more blow jobs if she could see my abdominals. Even if I only recieve 1.5 times more blowjobs from low body fat it will be worth it. I think it's a great goal to shoot for, a goal most people want but aren't able to achieve quickly, give up and think they could never get to that level of fitness. It's standard I would like to carry with me into my late 40s like I said. What the fuck is wrong with any of that?

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You want to watch your body fat percentage - around 10% is optimal. 7 is still ok, but lower than 6% and you're risking health problems.

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Seeing the lower abdominals is a measurement standard for low body fat and core strength. Those are great things for your health and fitness. When I started getting back into changing my diet and working out a lot more my ex-girlfriend said she would most likely give me approximately 10 times more blow jobs if she could see my abdominals. Even if I only recieve 1.5 times more blowjobs from low body fat it will be worth it. I think it's a great goal to shoot for, a goal most people want but aren't able to achieve quickly, give up and think they could never get to that level of fitness. It's standard I would like to carry with me into my late 40s like I said. What the fuck is wrong with any of that?

you're just going to get a big gut in your 40s.. even if you're muscle. i'm absolutely disgusted by girls i know trying to lose (stomach) weight (these people aren't fat), and trying to get their bf/fiance/husband to lose it too (they're obsessed with their stomachs, wtf guys). but that ripped look isn't something for healthy everyday humans, imo.

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What? not if you diet properly tauboo. You can even drink beers as long as you're doing it in moderation. The ripped look isn't always there, but you're not going to get a gut from exercising and maintaining a healthy diet.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I'm just going to get a big gut in my 40s? How the fuck would you know that? Do you know my family? Have you met my mother, father, brothers and sisters? Do you have a PHD in nutrition and heredity etc. and know my bloodline that well? Can you see the future? How can I buy your crystal ball or your time machine dude? Your arrogance and general lack of excitement for a fellow community member to get in the best health of his life and do anything possible to sustain that great health as long as he can, sure makes you sound like you're extremely ignorant and not very happy with yourself.

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when i say gut i don't mean like, massive gut.. just a bit of podge and not total flatness. i just don't think people should be so obsessed with it. i'm all for fitness and healthiness but everyones just vain and trying to get a stupid amount of blowjobs.

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How could one not have a ridiculous level of ambition at this point in life? I would slowly begin to hate myself if I didn't feel like I was getting serious about getting crazy.


I hear you. Although. I see no evidence of fit men getting more girls. I see lots of out of shape men pull very hot girls. Anyway.

Im just jealous.. This has been the hottest summer i can remember. I have no air conditioning. I lost my job so i lost my gym membership and I cant afford to eat healthy food right now. So, i'm just feeling like a sweaty blob trying to get by. Usually i'm like you. Except i do have cheat days. I think its good to treat yourself sometimes.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Do you have any idea how ignorant, whiny and assumptious you seem Tauboo? I don't judge people because of what they view as important in their lives or how they treat their bodies. Telling people they shouldn't enjoy being really healthy and love working out is as just as fucking stupid as going around telling people that they are lazy, unhealthy, fat and ugly because of it. Different strokes for different strokes. Do what the fuck you want with your life. I don't care. My brother in law is in his late 40s, most of the people in his department of the university are all about the same age, have immaculate health, eat smart, get great exercise and have very low body fat percentages. There are lots of people who realize the important of nutrition and exercise in their middle ages and their lifestyles reap the benifits from their discipline.


Don't nobody get it twisted. My ambitions are all of my own motivation, no person in my life since high school as encouraged me to be healthy. Again this is primarily to make sure I maintain optimum health for as long as I can and can enjoy my life the best that I can. To keep this level of health and fitness level into my 40s I will continue eating more and more vegetables, avoiding poisonous refined sugar/high fructose corn syrup etc. not letting myself drink too much, gardening and growing vegetables, drinking lots of magical green tea, reducing the potential for a lot of health problems that come with being innactive and even minorly over weight. The only other thing besides myself and my life that I'm doing this for is my music. I want to sustain youthful health to more tenaciously perform, create and promote music for many more years.


Yes Marf, confident people are more attractive to people. The better shape I'm in the more I love life and the more confident I am on average by far. I've pulled some pretty decent pussy while not in great shape. Sex is also better when you're fitness is top shelf. In those relationships would I have had better sex more frequently If I was in incredible shape? Most likely so.

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i didn't assume anything

When I started getting back into changing my diet and working out a lot more my ex-girlfriend said she would most likely give me approximately 10 times more blow jobs if she could see my abdominals. Even if I only recieve 1.5 times more blowjobs from low body fat it will be worth it.

that's what you said.



i didn't think you were being serious about that and my replies weren't serious either. i like you man, sorry i offended you. the only somewhat serious thing that maybe i wasn't clear about, is that i don't like seeing people getting down about not achieving perfection... seriously beautiful people who are unhappy, makes me sad. maybe i shouldn't whine about it tho, ok..




also, i drink green tea.. but.. what's so good about it anyway? why drink loads of it? antioxidants?


edit: but yea it's true, being fit is good for sex

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

It's all good. I would not have defined by response necessarily as offended. Just annoyed and had to clarify. I try to not mislead when there is confusion.


You made the ridiculous assumption that of course I would without a doubt have a "big gut" in my 40s or at least implied so with two of your statements. You made the assumption that she was putting pressure on me to reach that level of low body fat and visible muscularity. She wasn't at all, no one ever has, but me, she just made the honest statement that she would get excited by that and probably be much more horny from it. Whenever I was overweight my girlfriends have pretty acted like they were content with my body when I wasn't. But, they all would have been more content with me if I was at my best, most confident, clear headed and most fit.


Green tea has ginseng and caffeine (good for your metabolism and energy) of course the antioxidants/flavonoids are good. "Green Tea Polyphenols May Repair DNA" etc. etc.

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Guest Franklin

I drink a fuck ton of green tea everyday. I only get carbohydrates from vegetables (which sometimes eat more of than most vegetarians)((whom could usually be more accurately described as carbovores), I don't avoid fat. I avoid all sugar, don't eat any grains and only eat fruit like once every few days. I attempt to get about this ratio of calories from macronutrients: <> 50% fat, 25% protien, 25% carbohydrates.


With my budget most commonly I eat a lot eggs, broccoli with cheese, caramelized onions!, canned tuna, cucumbers, almonds, pork chops (always will cook with a shit ton of caramelized onions!), chicken, peanuts, pistachios, salads. I would like to buy more grass fed beef and eat big salads everyday once I get a better job.

HAha, I'm so far from OCD with pretty much everything in my life besides maybe like making music, keeping operating systems, hard drives, registries, working spaces optimized haha. If I didn't care that people would look at me like a lazy fucking slob I would have no problem never cleaning my house, car, kitchen what have you, I have no problem with chaos in most regards, I just do the bare minimum to appease the illusion that I'm a responsible adult.


First of all, pretty much for any ambitious change to your body it's going to be 60% to 70% about your diet in the long run. +Food is great and all but really in the end it's such a temporary pleasure. I love working out but really for me being discipilined about diet is nowhere near as difficult as making sure I go running when I'm sore, trying to lift as much weight as I can on tons of different machines/free weights for 2 hours straight etc. Working out with real intensity as much as possible is much more of mentally challenging game than just saying no I won't even something that will slow me down and won't benefit my goals at all.


My strict discipiline with my diet is just mostly from being realistic about myself, my goals and all the benifits that will come with being in the top notch physical and most of the time subsequently resulting in top shelf mental condition. I suppose I'm kind of all or nothing when it comes to some things, and the more I commit to something more patience I have with it.


I'm 28, I was getting cardiovascular problems from smoking and possibly might have been showing signs of impending diabetes. I wasn't even that much overweight, I was in better shape than 80% of my friends. Knowing that in a few years my testosterone is going to start decreasing(making it really hard to lose weight or gain muscle) and my potential for health problems becomes crazy high being even slightly overweight. I want to finally be able to see my abs and maintain that level of muscularity and low body fat into my late 40s. I want to fuck more and more hot chicks and say fuck no to long term relationships while I still have my youth. I want to be at my highest level of confidence whilst I have my highest level of intelligence. I want to have the best vessel possible to promote my music (my baby babes) with enthusiasm.


How could one not have a ridiculous level of ambition at this point in life? I would slowly begin to hate myself if I didn't feel like I was getting serious about getting crazy.


good for you dude.


You want to watch your body fat percentage - around 10% is optimal. 7 is still ok, but lower than 6% and you're risking health problems.


this really depends. I was a pretty elite athlete for a long time with a bfp of around 3 % and was always in perfect health. you just need to make sure you're always getting proper nutrients in your system in a timely fashion.


Went for my 5th ride today... in 3rd week of no pop and no chips... down to 144 pounds. over the past year by just managing my diet I've come down from a max of 161. Nowhere near the lvl of ambition that Blanket has though. I wish.

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man. so maybe its self-perception or the mirrors or something, but I went to try on shit in a changing room and holy shit I look waaay different. Developing in areas i didn't even think i was working out. My mirror at home just makes it look like ive gotten a little thicker. unloading the truck is even easier than last week. i didn't think i was progressing, but I must be.


I gotta save money for a better diet though. PBJ's and whey protein aren't really cutting it.

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I feel you BFC, having NEVER cared about my body or my diet for the majority of my life, it now feels so important and requires me to take it super seriously... That is what I need to do to make or worth it and effective... To make it my lifestyle now, before it's too late. Good post.


On a side note, I feel like learning things I never did in my youth... Specifically how to skate board, and how to rollerblade. Sounds silly, but I really want to be able to do those things now.

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honestly,, it feels great to know that i look good, or at least better than I used to. plus increased energy for doing all the work i have to do, really helps my mental situation. one of these days im gonna find a gym that does boxing workouts.


I feel you BFC, having NEVER cared about my body or my diet for the majority of my life, it now feels so important and requires me to take it super seriously... That is what I need to do to make or worth it and effective... To make it my lifestyle now, before it's too late. Good post.


On a side note, I feel like learning things I never did in my youth... Specifically how to skate board, and how to rollerblade. Sounds silly, but I really want to be able to do those things now.


rollerblading is awesome, same with ice skating. skateboards are fun but there is far more chance for injury...and definitely be careful with your knees...my brother's are shot from constant skateboarding.

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I also have to commute for my job, and after I take the train, I have a 30 min walk. There is no public transport there, so my options are to take my bike on calTrain (seems like a huge pain in the ass), to learn how to skateboard or rollerblade, or walk the 30 mins. I have no problem with walking, but if I am running late, I'd like a speedier way to get around. A folding bike could be an option, but any decent one I've seen is fuuuucking expensive.

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id probably recommend rollerblading then. just make sure you master stopping and turning immediately if you are ever going near busy traffic. though this is a personal opinion...perhaps someone here that is out and about more would have better advice?

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