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Hey XXX - just for you.


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Guest abusivegeorge

Not sure about the hand out thread but the one thread with the word "hand" in it, that had anything to do with keltoi always reminds me of this:




Actually that's a lie, it doesn't ALWAYS remind me about that, I was searching for the handout thread when I found that, but this is a rare moment in which I'd forgotten about that thread and happened to find it. I bookmarked that website.

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I found it! http://forum.watmm.c...19-handing-out/


edit: That thread, while funny stemmed from a chatmm convo where someone was telling a story of handing out records at a show. I pictured him just going to the merchandise booth and taking stacks of records and just handing them out to everyone, allowing the artist to collect no monies and lol'd hard at the thought.

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ahhh yes, the UCB Werewolf sex skit cums to mind:



'Wolfing out' has been a phrase used by my friends and I for many a moon now, meaning when someone gets way too drunk/fwasted and starts freaking out and breaking shit or yelling at everyone angrily.


Thank you xxx for giving this phrase more wonder-filled purpose.

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