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Producer Snafu - NEStalgia 2011

producer snafu

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please excuse my spam, i just wanted to share my new album which i have released on my own. it's a Chiptune album that covers a few Genres including IDM, Breakcore, Dubstep, Drill and bass and bossa nova i hope that you enjoy the listen and consider buying it and sharing it with your friends. http://producersnafu...album/nestalgia


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Cool going to give this a listen! What did you use to make it?


i use FL studio to sequence everything, but the majority of it is just choped up sound wav shapes recorded from an original nintendo played at c5.

which is basicall a tri, square, pulse,a second pulse with pwm and 2 separate noise channels.


i take these small lil shapes and i throw them in a sample channel in the fl sequencer and loop them, thus emulating an oscillator, from there i can just minipulate the sound in the adsr in the instrument properties.

if not that then i just use the v-station and the quadrasid to get that commodore sound

You got some sweet melodies there and the whole thing is put together skilfully. You can tell you've put some heart in this one. Good job man!


thank you! i really appreciate that!

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