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Guest Gary C

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I chose C as well. I was expecting some epic RDR type of ending.


But it was very weak I thought, I generally don't like overly happy/good times types of endings.


I've seen the two other endings on youtube, both of them are just straight up weird, and like foil said, totally out of character for Franklin. So overall I'm pretty disappointed with how they handled the ending of the game. But it's not going to change my feelings on the game, it's a absolute masterpiece. Other developers have a lot of catching up to do over the next years, in terms of character development, world creation and game content.


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Guest Frankie5fingers


I chose C as well. I was expecting some epic RDR type of ending.


But it was very weak I thought, I generally don't like overly happy/good times types of endings.


I've seen the two other endings on youtube, both of them are just straight up weird, and like foil said, totally out of character for Franklin. So overall I'm pretty disappointed with how they handled the ending of the game. But it's not going to change my feelings on the game, it's a absolute masterpiece. Other developers have a lot of catching up to do over the next years, in terms of character development, world creation and game content.



i didnt get a happy feeling from it at all. to me it felt like they fucking hated each other but had no choice but to stay together. which is weird cause then what was the point of tying up the loose ends? werent they doing it so theyd never have to see each other ever again? i dont know, once the game got near the end it felt like they started to rush it and the plot holes started to show up. still a good game though.


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Guest Gravity


Just finished the other two endings, I agree with you guys about them being out of character for Franklin. That's why I chose C, it just seemed odd to kill either one of them like that so suddenly-- especially Micheal. I was expecting Frank to die. The "everything worked out" ending definitely surprised me, didn't think it would come out that clean for everybody. As Foil said I was satisfied with it however.


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I chose C as well. I was expecting some epic RDR type of ending.


But it was very weak I thought, I generally don't like overly happy/good times types of endings.


I've seen the two other endings on youtube, both of them are just straight up weird, and like foil said, totally out of character for Franklin. So overall I'm pretty disappointed with how they handled the ending of the game. But it's not going to change my feelings on the game, it's a absolute masterpiece. Other developers have a lot of catching up to do over the next years, in terms of character development, world creation and game content.



i didnt get a happy feeling from it at all. to me it felt like they fucking hated each other but had no choice but to stay together. which is weird cause then what was the point of tying up the loose ends? werent they doing it so theyd never have to see each other ever again? i dont know, once the game got near the end it felt like they started to rush it and the plot holes started to show up. still a good game though.





Three bank-robbers that gets to live happily ever after they've just made 4 huge heists, and don't even have to face any consequences for it. That's what I call a happy ending.


And the fact that Trevor basically just forgot all about his grudge against Michael, just seems a bit thin, especially when they've spent so much time in the game building up the tension between the two.


It just feels kind of silly how everything got to work out for them in the end.


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For the love of God has any one who completed the story mode had problems using there phone after you play on to finish getting 100 % completion. I got like fricken 40 million dollars to spend but when I bring my phone up and go online it disappears along with my HUD, and I can't switch characters. Also hidden, alien etc packages are nowhere to be found. Yes I have updated, then deleted it and re updated, still no fix. Also replayed the main heist again, beat the game again, and it still did it. Rockstar said in their site that patch 1.03 fixes that issue, but it doesn't. Also with all the hidden, alien, etc packages being AWOL, their is not even mention of that being an issue on the Rockstar site. Anyone have any input....any....plz?

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For the love of God has any one who completed the story mode had problems using there phone after you play on to finish getting 100 % completion. I got like fricken 40 million dollars to spend but when I bring my phone up and go online it disappears along with my HUD, and I can't switch characters. Also hidden, alien etc packages are nowhere to be found. Yes I have updated, then deleted it and re updated, still no fix. Also replayed the main heist again, beat the game again, and it still did it. Rockstar said in their site that patch 1.03 fixes that issue, but it doesn't. Also with all the hidden, alien, etc packages being AWOL, their is not even mention of that being an issue on the Rockstar site. Anyone have any input....any....plz?


Why not just use your pc at home or garage?

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If online wasn't such a pain in the ass to join missions and stuff (especially when you are playing with others), it would be the greatest thing ever.


But the game spends so much time just loading in and out of menus, it's really tedious.

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Some of it would be migitated a bit by faster loading times but the way the game throws you from menu back to gameplay every time is really frustrating. The online UI is a disjointed mess. I'll probably wait for a next gen release before I dive in again.

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I'm actually replaying the main story again, at 30% now. Not even gonna touch online for a while just from what I've heard

I would at least dip in this month to get that free cash they are giving away soon

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For the love of God has any one who completed the story mode had problems using there phone after you play on to finish getting 100 % completion. I got like fricken 40 million dollars to spend but when I bring my phone up and go online it disappears along with my HUD, and I can't switch characters. Also hidden, alien etc packages are nowhere to be found. Yes I have updated, then deleted it and re updated, still no fix. Also replayed the main heist again, beat the game again, and it still did it. Rockstar said in their site that patch 1.03 fixes that issue, but it doesn't. Also with all the hidden, alien, etc packages being AWOL, their is not even mention of that being an issue on the Rockstar site. Anyone have any input....any....plz?


Why not just use your pc at home or garage?


First, I shouldn't have to, I should be able to use my phone without it turning everything off or freezing, but to humor you I already tried to use multiple computers in the game (jimmies's, etc..) doesnt matter. If I make any attempt to go online as in phone internet it will shut all down, and im stuck without a phone. People have mentioned workarounds like go into an email and click a hyper link to avoid home page, which works, but a pain in the ass. The real problem with that anyway is that I found a list of website addresses for the game namely the ones to buy vehicles and see about properties, just comes up 404 not found. FUCK!

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Took ages and wasn't exactly fun at times but I 100%'d so I could find this.





Apparently there are two more. As well as a ghost and a bigfoot still lurking around.



Eerie, glitchy experience. The single-player may be over for me (unless there's DLC which I expect there will be) but I still have massive amounts of fun when I play online. This game has been perfect.

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It's been pretty solid for me on Xbox, aside from the first week. My connection is flaky anyway. Always signing in and out of Live during offline games. I think it's something wrong with my router/provider. But the connection's always held up when I get into GTAV for some reason, usually playing for an hour or so at a time.

I had one issue where chasing a crate-drop seemed to kick me into an empty server. But that was during the Beach-thing weekend so I let it slide.

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