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Weird Al: Alpocalypse Tour 2011


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Ok. I'm super late with the post. Tonight was the last night of the tour and I was there. It was my first time seeing him live. Amazingness was experienced.

I've never been in one place with so many dorks at one time before. It was a little scary.


He closed with Yoda. It was spectacular, like a dream come true.

I even bought a t shirt.


Anyone else go to any shows on this tour?


Some other hits played were:


You Make Me

Eat It


That Beverly Hillbillies / dire straits parody.

My Bologna


Amish Paradise

The other Star Wars song

White and nerdy

Smells like nirvana

I want a new duck


He also played a bunch of new stuff. There were a bunch of costume changes with video segments that played while the band was offstage.



The ones I wish he played are:


One more minute

Dare to be stupid

Another one rides the bus


At least he played Yoda. That's all I really wanted out of it. Good times.

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I saw him twice. once in 2007 after lynnwood came out and once in vancouver recently. Dude is a fucking magician! I am a massive Weird Al fan and i get all kinds of funny looks about it from my metalhead friends. Dude doesn't just play live, he puts on a fucking show. He did Trapped In The Drive-Thru in it's entirety in 2007. So fucking awesome. I also met him and he signed my face.

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Yeah man. That's fucking rad. I feel like I share a special bond with people that have the same appreciation for the man, the music, the myth.


My one good (sort of) Weird Al story:


I remember when Even Worse came out. I was maybe 9. I had just got the new cassette (it may have been the first album I bought with my own money), and I was listening to "Fat" in my living room. I stuffed my shirt with pillows, put on sunglasses and was jumping up and down on my couch, singing along.

Anyway, I jumped and fell down on the couch, but I landed with my wrist on the cassette case and it shattered and a large shard of plastic stabbed my wrist.

I now, and always will, have what looks like a large, vertical suicide scar on the inside of my right wrist. Every time I look at it, I think of Weird Al.

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I can't find the god damned pics on my laptop or pc. they might be on my ex gf's laptop. i'll send her a message but she is in jamaica as a missionary (don't bother) so i dunno when i'd get them.

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