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I got arrested last night


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Guest disparaissant

I realise you're getting warmed up to run a multi discipline event in the Oppression Olympics, but the bit that hinked me in the story was actually the way the parents refuse to accept her one phone call and the story makes nothing of it. That set off my fuckup detector and then the livejournal broke it. You owe me a new fuckup detector.

yo a bit uncalled for truth it it's just been kind of a bad week for rapey stuff and as far as i remembered you were a pretty upstanding chap so for you to just bust out with that without any sort of elaboration whatsoever was kind of ugh.


but yeah i mean i think you must just not have much experience with shitty parents. her mom is all born again and shit and she was the kind of 19 year old who went around getting fucked up on cough syrup. maybe the comic should have elaborated on the backstory a bit but it's not really that important because frankly that isn't that weird. lots of parents do that shit. my brother went to jail a couple times; my (crazy religious) parents accepted a grand total of zero of his calls to be bailed out. thought it would teach him a lesson or something. absolutely nobody i know was surprised by this. (it did teach him a lesson, it taught him to call someone else when he got picked up.)




agree with you D. (shouldn't it be disparaissent?) thanks for posting the comic.

i finally took a french class and learned that it is actually the present participle form of disparaître so yeah it probably should be -ssent because it doesnt make sense all alone. i got it from a

and i really dont like the name that much anymore.


(and your online persona is kind of a dick lately, so . . )

yeah wha happan analogue wings i like you :(




i went to the principal once

does it count

this is what my rap sheet looks like. i cried in his office, too.


i am just supremely lucky and glad i am white because i did some really stupid shit and never once got in trouble for it. lesson not learned.

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i got arrested a few years ago protecting a female friend from a drunk outside a nightclub, he grabbed her hair and punched her in the face, needless to say i walked over, grabbed the guy by the collar and head-butted his nose bone into his skull, he dropped to the floor where i proceeded to kick the ever-loving shit out of him with my new rocks, i don't give a shit if its uncool to kick a man while he is down, you do not fuck with my peeps. Anyway, i got taken to the station and kept in a cell overnight and released the next morning as the guy didn't press charges. the cops threatened him themselves and i got a pat on the back, heh.

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I bailed my buddy and his brother out of jail last weekend for PI. What happened is that they were drinking at a bar and then his brother broke up a fight. The cops came down and were waiting by the car when they were leaving and then took them to jail. No breathalyzer or sobriety test so I don't exactly know how they can arrest someone for PI without proof. I bailed them out for around 600 dollars. I told him to fight it because they have absolutely no proof that he was drunk. I believe they will win. Cops are crooked as hell.

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That's some fucking bullshit, man. The drunk tank sucks. When I got picked up for weed I spent 9 hours in that bitch. Sucked. The other guys provided some decent conversation after 5-6 hours though, which was surprising, considering a part of the conversation went something like:


"You know, we're not so different. It's kinda cool."

"Ha ha. Whatever, white boy. I've been slinging bars since I was fourteen. Enjoy your bail bond."


But yeah, I sincerely hope everything turns out alright for you, Braintree. You've had a nasty bit of luck lately with that bike accident and then this shit.

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Guest analogue wings

I realise you're getting warmed up to run a multi discipline event in the Oppression Olympics, but the bit that hinked me in the story was actually the way the parents refuse to accept her one phone call and the story makes nothing of it. That set off my fuckup detector and then the livejournal broke it. You owe me a new fuckup detector.

yo a bit uncalled for truth it it's just been kind of a bad week for rapey stuff and as far as i remembered you were a pretty upstanding chap so for you to just bust out with that without any sort of elaboration whatsoever was kind of ugh.


but yeah i mean i think you must just not have much experience with shitty parents. her mom is all born again and shit and she was the kind of 19 year old who went around getting fucked up on cough syrup. maybe the comic should have elaborated on the backstory a bit but it's not really that important because frankly that isn't that weird. lots of parents do that shit. my brother went to jail a couple times; my (crazy religious) parents accepted a grand total of zero of his calls to be bailed out. thought it would teach him a lesson or something. absolutely nobody i know was surprised by this. (it did teach him a lesson, it taught him to call someone else when he got picked up.)


yeah come to think of it i do have at least one american friend where it would have gone down exactly like that. my scepticism had too much "people suck" and not enough "these people suck too"



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But yeah, I sincerely hope everything turns out alright for you, Braintree. You've had a nasty bit of luck lately with that bike accident and then this shit.


Thanks man. It's been a rough year.

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Guest umop_apisdn

Damn, I was just about to put my bet down that this would be dismissed. Bet it feels better now, just sucks you had to stress it for a while.

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Guest uptown devil

The drunk tank sucks.


indeed. i was in there with about 40 other people, crimes varying from drug possession to arson to multiple counts of armed robbery. at about 6am they came in and gave us each a styrofoam 'to go' container with a few hand fulls of generic cereal and a carton of milk. i was sitting next to the garbage can, and this dude a few spots down leans over and asks me to throw his container away for him. trying to be nice and keep the peace, i say okay. he reaches over the guy sitting next to me, who was an african american fellow with cornrows and an ostentatious deerskin-colored coat on, and hands me his container. he was sloppy with his hand off, and right as the container entered my hands it tipped a bit sideways causing the milk to rush out the side. it poured all over the dude next to me's head and down onto his jacket. he woke up immediately and after sensing what happened looks over and sees me still holding the dripping container. he then screams 'clean it the fuck up!' and everyone in the cell fell silent. i was still 100% drunk at the time, and remembering all of those 'don't be anyone's bitch' moments in prison movies, and not wanting to sponge this guy off in front of 39 criminals, i told him 'you clean it up, it's not my milk.' we then went back and forth yelling at each other to clean it up, and after a few minute long stand off he closed his eyes and went back to sleep, milk still dripping from his hair.


that was a tense moment.


my charges were dropped as well. congrats dude :beer:

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

dude you must have been wasted its so fucking cold out. the thought "i'm gonna sleep on the roof" must be a 20 pint in thought

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