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Mass Effect 3

Guest Adam

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idk, kinda fails as the last in a trilogy.


pretty good when you just consider it by itself though.


I wonder if it's really the last in the mass effect world? This post isn't really relevant but:


I bet it's the end of commander shephards era for sure, but perhaps in the future there will be other games in the same universe (ie same format, same species etc etc) just at a different part of the timeline? Maybe for example a prologue to the mass effect series where you play in the first explorations of space or something?


I dont know. Just can't see bioware or EA ending such a popular universe like this.

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I believe Bioware already said that they will continue to make games in the ME universe, but that this is Shepherd's trilogy. So hopefully we will see more ME games in the future.


I'm enjoying at the moment too, but it's very early days as I haven't had a great deal of time to play it so far.

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I can also be counted among those who are loving the game so far. As for the ending, I haven't beaten the game yet to see. But I am not, in general, very critical about games, or movies for that matter. A lot of people hated the end of The Matrix trilogy where I enjoyed it. Same goes for Lost. I'm just like that for some reason...

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I believe Bioware already said that they will continue to make games in the ME universe, but that this is Shepherd's trilogy. So hopefully we will see more ME games in the future.


I'm enjoying at the moment too, but it's very early days as I haven't had a great deal of time to play it so far.


Really?! That's great.


I'm alright with that, and it seems like the smart thing to do. If they draw the same story line out too far it becomes redundant. Glad they recognized the ME universe is worth building on...


I can also be counted among those who are loving the game so far. As for the ending, I haven't beaten the game yet to see. But I am not, in general, very critical about games, or movies for that matter. A lot of people hated the end of The Matrix trilogy where I enjoyed it. Same goes for Lost. I'm just like that for some reason...


same here RE the matrix. I thought it was great

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There Was Going to Be A Mass Effect First Person Shooter


BioWare's Montreal studio was developing a competitive first-person shooter called Mass Effect Team Assault in 2010 before transforming that effort into the third-person multiplayer mode in Mass Effect 3, according to a new behind-the-scenes iPad app created by gaming journalist Geoff Keighley.








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Just completed the game.


And I have no idea why everybody is sooooooooooo upset about it?


Mine ending was really satisfying. It wasn't all fairies and rainbows. But is what you what really want? Most video game/movie endings are always really forgettable and dull. This wasn't. It fitted the epicness of the game. Nothing worse than too logical and cliche happy endings. It was larger than life kinda stuff.. I really liked it.


Also did you watch after the credits?


I just don't understand why the whole gaming community is so angry about it.

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Just completed the game.




And I have no idea why everybody is sooooooooooo upset about it?


Mine ending was really satisfying. It wasn't all fairies and rainbows. But is what you what really want? Most video game/movie endings are almost always really forgettable. This wasn't. It fitted the epicness of the game. Nothing worse than too logical and cliche happy endings. It was larger than life kinda stuff.. I really liked it.


Also did you watch after the credits?


I just don't understand why the whole gaming community is so angry about it.



to be honest, I don't think it could end in any way where the gaming community would be happy.


It's the same thing we see happening with music albums. No matter how good it is, everyone in the music community thinks they are an expert and they find some way to bitch or complain about the material instead of just enjoying it.


It's the same with games. Everyone thinks they know how it should have ended, the best ending would have been theirs etc etc.

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Yeah. I also think no matter how it turned out people would complain. People tend to have ridicules/unrealistic expectations for such hyped things as this game.


But still.. It really isn't as bad as people make it. Not at all. Maybe I just got the "good" ending and alot of people didn't. I really can't understand why people bitch so much about it.


Only complaint I can think about is that the decisions you made througout all the games, didn't have much impact on the end.


I would like to her some of the people unsatisfied with the ending, how you would have liked it to end?

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The main complaint about the ending is that the options presented pretty much undermines everything you've done and decisions you've made in in the previous two games. It also doesn't really make sense in what ME2 was suggesting. Some people have invested a lot in this universe and its characters and are mad at getting shitty options to end it all. Nerd rage can be a mighty powerful thing.

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The main complaint about the ending is that the options presented pretty much undermines everything you've done and decisions you've made in in the previous two games. It also doesn't really make sense in what ME2 was suggesting. Some people have invested a lot in this universe and its characters and are mad at getting shitty options to end it all. Nerd rage can be a mighty powerful thing.



I totally understand why people are not satisfied with the lack of choices at the end. And that the choices you've have made througout the series had no effect on the end.


But everybody knew this would be the end of Commander Shepard's triology. Do people really want a Commander Shephard saves the day, the entire Universe, every single squad member and himself type of ending? THAT would have been disappointing. If I got that ending for playing well/being a paragon/completing everything, I would have felt punished by a shitty ending just because I've invested alot in the game. It had to end like it did, in my opinion.


And i'm happy I didn't have to fight some stupid boss battle at the end.


Most video games never give you the feeling that there's a lot at stake, and it could all end very bad if you fail. This game did that. And I think that was it's biggest strength. It made it really intense.


I've invested alot in the triology aswell. I just don't understand how people would have wanted it to end.


You're right. Nerd rage can be mighty powerful thing, lol :facepalm:

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You know.. I just saw a video with the 3 "different" endings on youtube. I think I might understand now why people are so angry about it, lol. And the ending don't really make me want the replay the whole series again.


But still.. It left me satisfied. I'll just leave it at that.

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Man, how shitty is it of fans to demand a new ending? That's like starting a petition for a director to refilm the ending of the movie. I guess it's a different industry, what with DLC and stuff like that, but the whole thing smells a bit entitled.

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Man, how shitty is it of fans to demand a new ending? That's like starting a petition for a director to refilm the ending of the movie. I guess it's a different industry, what with DLC and stuff like that, but the whole thing smells a bit entitled.


Yeah... that's kind of what I was trying to get at in my post above.


Everyone thinks they're a critic now. And also, although everyone seems to have some sense of entitlement, it's funny that there is no general consensus IE lots of people seem to have wanted something different, if that makes any sense..

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Man, how shitty is it of fans to demand a new ending? That's like starting a petition for a director to refilm the ending of the movie. I guess it's a different industry, what with DLC and stuff like that, but the whole thing smells a bit entitled.



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Man, how shitty is it of fans to demand a new ending? That's like starting a petition for a director to refilm the ending of the movie. I guess it's a different industry, what with DLC and stuff like that, but the whole thing smells a bit entitled.




Hahaha. Got to love spergin' nerds.

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Man, how shitty is it of fans to demand a new ending? That's like starting a petition for a director to refilm the ending of the movie. I guess it's a different industry, what with DLC and stuff like that, but the whole thing smells a bit entitled.


Yeah... that's kind of what I was trying to get at in my post above.


Everyone thinks they're a critic now. And also, although everyone seems to have some sense of entitlement, it's funny that there is no general consensus IE lots of people seem to have wanted something different, if that makes any sense..


when arthur conan doyle wrote an unsatisfactory ending to the sherlock holmes series, complaints from fans forced him to bring the character back. that was back in the early 1900s, so i don't think it's a product of modern times as you suggested.


in any case, that's what happens when you emotionally involve people in a story. they won't accept subpar material when their previous experience consisted of high quality narrative. this isn't like squarepusher putting out a shitty album and upsetting fans, because one crappy album does not invalidate his entire discography. with a story, however, the end is just as important as the beginning because it is a self-contained unit. i think you could compare it more easily to a song. what if the end of vordhosbn was two minutes of gabba kicks and farting noises? yeah, that'd sort of ruin the entire song. however, we would never expect fans to petition aphex twin to release a better version of vordhosbn, because if his artistic vision included farts and gabba kicks, who are we to disagree? i'm entirely fine with this approach to art.


but ea games/bioware do not treat video games as an artistic medium, the same way that george lucas does not treat film as an artistic medium. these people want money. they want a franchise. they want action figures and posters and comics and an animated series. they only pretend to have integrity when their bottom line is in question. if the company itself is treating the series as a cashcow, i don't think it's out of line to expect them to deliver the exact product you want. consider the financial aspect from the perspective of dedicated fans. if you bought all three games at release, you've spent a minimum of $180 on the series. i think it's ok to be a little pissed if the end doesn't match up thematically or quality-wise to the rest of the series.


honestly, i don't think there's anything wrong with the consumer making it clear to the developer & publisher that they disliked the ending and expect something more. if i get a stale piece of cake at the end of my $180 meal, i'm gonna ask them to take it back and bring me a new one. if they don't want to, i won't eat there again. bioware is going to lose a lot of dedicated fans if they choose to ignore complaints about the ending of the series. you know, the same dedicated fans that buy the game the day it comes out and buy all the dlc, no matter how overpriced. when the spergin' nerds like something, they are super dedicated to it. what company doesn't want that?


the way i see it, either bioware releases dlc and placates some of the fans who are upset (in addition to profit) or bioware doesn't release dlc and further pisses off the upset fans, creating a cascade of negative pr. from a business standpoint, i think it's obvious what they should do.


but this is all from a business standpoint. from a narrative standpoint, this article explains why the ending failed from a literary perspective: http://calitreview.com/24673

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Man, how shitty is it of fans to demand a new ending? That's like starting a petition for a director to refilm the ending of the movie. I guess it's a different industry, what with DLC and stuff like that, but the whole thing smells a bit entitled.


Yeah... that's kind of what I was trying to get at in my post above.


Everyone thinks they're a critic now. And also, although everyone seems to have some sense of entitlement, it's funny that there is no general consensus IE lots of people seem to have wanted something different, if that makes any sense..


when arthur conan doyle wrote an unsatisfactory ending to the sherlock holmes series, complaints from fans forced him to bring the character back. that was back in the early 1900s, so i don't think it's a product of modern times as you suggested.


in any case, that's what happens when you emotionally involve people in a story. they won't accept subpar material when their previous experience consisted of high quality narrative. this isn't like squarepusher putting out a shitty album and upsetting fans, because one crappy album does not invalidate his entire discography. with a story, however, the end is just as important as the beginning because it is a self-contained unit. i think you could compare it more easily to a song. what if the end of vordhosbn was two minutes of gabba kicks and farting noises? yeah, that'd sort of ruin the entire song. however, we would never expect fans to petition aphex twin to release a better version of vordhosbn, because if his artistic vision included farts and gabba kicks, who are we to disagree? i'm entirely fine with this approach to art.


but ea games/bioware do not treat video games as an artistic medium, the same way that george lucas does not treat film as an artistic medium. these people want money. they want a franchise. they want action figures and posters and comics and an animated series. they only pretend to have integrity when their bottom line is in question. if the company itself is treating the series as a cashcow, i don't think it's out of line to expect them to deliver the exact product you want. consider the financial aspect from the perspective of dedicated fans. if you bought all three games at release, you've spent a minimum of $180 on the series. i think it's ok to be a little pissed if the end doesn't match up thematically or quality-wise to the rest of the series.


honestly, i don't think there's anything wrong with the consumer making it clear to the developer & publisher that they disliked the ending and expect something more. if i get a stale piece of cake at the end of my $180 meal, i'm gonna ask them to take it back and bring me a new one. if they don't want to, i won't eat there again. bioware is going to lose a lot of dedicated fans if they choose to ignore complaints about the ending of the series. you know, the same dedicated fans that buy the game the day it comes out and buy all the dlc, no matter how overpriced. when the spergin' nerds like something, they are super dedicated to it. what company doesn't want that?


the way i see it, either bioware releases dlc and placates some of the fans who are upset (in addition to profit) or bioware doesn't release dlc and further pisses off the upset fans, creating a cascade of negative pr. from a business standpoint, i think it's obvious what they should do.


but this is all from a business standpoint. from a narrative standpoint, this article explains why the ending failed from a literary perspective: http://calitreview.com/24673


Yes, but how do you explain that there is no consensus as to what the ending should have been exactly, other than to say everyone has different ideas of how it should have went due to their emotional attachment to the story?


I've read about 200 different peoples version of how it should have ended, all different.


Know what I mean? =/


Not saying I disagree with your post, which is very well thought out however, there is more to it in my opinion.



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