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Rough draft - Any Suggestions?

Guest REverb Rock

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Guest Prosperus

It sounds promising, keep up the good work. One comment for now: the track still seems a bit 'empty' to me at some points. For example, at about 1:10 you have a lot of high and low but little to fill it up around the middle ranges. Adding something within that range would maybe make it sound a bit fuller.



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has some interesting parts, and the reverby synth halfway through has a great sound. if i were to suggest anything, i'd say it's all a little too clean (though i'd assume you'd fix towards the end of the process anyway, but that may be the sound you're going for) and maybe you should add some kind of mid-range melody to tie the whole track together. a kinda dull synth piano sound maybe? the track seems a bit disjointed, and that's the first thing i'd try. let us hear where the track goes from there!

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Guest REverb Rock

Thanks guys! I see what you both mean by the emptiness and lack of mid range sounds, I'm going to fiddle with it some more and try to get a fuller sound. The dull/wet paino synth is definitely a good place to start. Time to get to work!


* OH, BTW *


Something I forgot to mention in the original post is that the finalized track is going to have lyrics over it, such as a simple chorus in the beginning and at the very end. I also plan on repeating the sounds (I'm not sure what the actual term for this is; probably just called making noises) "zeet... zop zop, doot doot doot da doot doot doot," throughout the remainder of the track. Its all recorded and sounds surprisingly nice, the only issue is that I don't have a mic in Buffalo [where I go to school], so I recorded it on my Mac lol, need to wait till the spring for an 'official' recording

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