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isaac asimov

Guest iep

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i think it's time for thread on this fella.



i'd like to tell his story "Buy Jupiter"


goes like this. Earth just awakened into the space age to find itself our solar system at the intersection of an important intragalactic space routes. some aliens approach the head honcho, whoever, and bargain to buy Jupiter as a billboard, because its the biggest planet in the system, biggest billboard.


and he sells it to them for that purpose.


after the aliens leave his aid gives him shitt, says he can't believe he sold jupiter to aliens, and for such a low amount!


don't worry, he assures the aid, its not like they can take it with them. and besides....


when their competitors get wind of it, we'll get a lot more for Saturn..



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no it's not. and it's not even a novel.


I been reading the complete robot, almost done with tit, and after that i'm going for the robot novels.


love most of his stuff, the end of eternity is a must read.

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I read Foundation and liked it. I started reading Foundation and Empire and didn't get 1/3 of the way through it. I don't know if the writing was worse than the first one or if I was just not in the right mindset.


Oh yeah and The Last Question is kind of corny but brilliant.


I don't think I've read any of his other stuff.

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I read Foundation and liked it. I started reading Foundation and Empire and didn't get 1/3 of the way through it. I don't know if the writing was worse than the first one or if I was just not in the right mindset.



The first part of Foundation and empire is really boring, it gets a lot better after that.

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Oh yeah and The Last Question is kind of corny but brilliant.


Yeah I really love this story, I feel like reading it when I was young really influenced how I view human progress and our ultimate end game.

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