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Tribes: Ascend

Guest Adam

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

After seeing that Fat Guy Movie Adam posted how can you not want to get good with Fusion Mortars and more so specifically the MIRV Launcher? Looks so fun laying down that much damage with such precision. I know that's what I've got my boner set on. I'm either going to start spending my XP on a heavy class, if Jugg I'm probably gonna get the MIRV Launcher or I'm going to get the Plasma Gun and beef up my Raider. Hard choice.

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They need to do something to give the Brute some love so he's more than "that guy that suicides onto their base throwing as many fractals as he can before he dies."

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Played so much tonight. Wish capping was less stressful.


My friend just got the game and is rank 7, so I and another mutual friend joined in (we're both 22) and it was hilarious and frustrating. There was no reason to play capper at any point since everyone played soldier and would walk through the flag, then hold boost to "get moving." My friend got slayer three games in a row and we'd change off between top two back and forth by sheer volume of kills. It is a hard game to learn, but I never played with people that bad when I first started since I always joined my same friend and he was about rank 10-15 at the time (I caught up a lot in terms of rank gained). It's really funny watching kids run into the forcefield on sunstar around the flag, it's like bugs going toward a light.

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I found some really good custom servers that allow only people above rank 20, way more interesting, with stand-offs insted of cappers hiding in gens alone and stuff like that.

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Guest Drahken

Yea plasma gun was always good at fucking up heavies in Tribes 1 glad it still fits that role well. The reduction to splash on it should help though.


Really glad they buffed LAR. I was so pissed when I unlocked it a couple weeks ago, the falloff/bullet speed made it really hard to lead your targets properly when you are chasing the capper. Much better now, can actually hit shit while moving.

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Guest fiznuthian

saved up 100k xp, switched to jugg (from tech) and bought an lmg. the mortar is difficult, but the lmg is really good for dueling and defending, i find myself in the midfields a lot picking on med-armor and rival juggs. still, with tech i used to end up in the top 3 of the score list, with jugg i end up somewhere in the middle or bottom.


Hey have you tried using the disc launcher for mobility instead of opting for the (great gun, imo) lmg?

I came to prefer this setup on my jugg because I can scoot around at 200+.. but it's a tough decision because the LMG is such a nice weapon for killing anyone if your aim is solid. :wacko:

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse



  • Reduced the collision size of Raider’s Plasma Gun projectile by roughly 40%. The weapon’s damage and rate of fire remain the same.

lol they already reduced it

I don't think I ever got killed by it though

I think they make new weapons over powered for like 2 days when they come out so people want to buy them

and then nerf them 2 days later to bring balance to the force

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man everything I do is internally expressed by this thought of 'can I get over that hill'. oh the cpu is doing a lot of work, I can hear the fan accelerating 'it is going over a hill'. I bike around looking for good paths, it's awesome yet silly. woah.

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saved up 100k xp, switched to jugg (from tech) and bought an lmg. the mortar is difficult, but the lmg is really good for dueling and defending, i find myself in the midfields a lot picking on med-armor and rival juggs. still, with tech i used to end up in the top 3 of the score list, with jugg i end up somewhere in the middle or bottom.


Hey have you tried using the disc launcher for mobility instead of opting for the (great gun, imo) lmg?

I came to prefer this setup on my jugg because I can scoot around at 200+.. but it's a tough decision because the LMG is such a nice weapon for killing anyone if your aim is solid. :wacko:


you mean the spinfusor mkd ? nah, it kinda forces you into a different role entirely imo - gen room harassing. it's really close to impossible to dogfight with it in the open against lighter classes, and that's what i'm into mostly - lobbing mortars and killing those who come after me. the only problem are pathfinders and dmbs, but dmbs are quite susceptible to mortars so i win the dogfights against them quite often if they come after me.

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Guest Drahken

Got pathfinder to 100% today. Pretty much all I play anymore, capping and flag chasing is just so addictive when you have thrust pack.

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Yeah, it's fun. Only thing that's annoying is that you have to learn routes, well I don't like that anyway. And if you play in pubs you have to fight with lamas in your team.


Just had some gravbike racing, fun! Custom servers are amazing.

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Guest fiznuthian

saved up 100k xp, switched to jugg (from tech) and bought an lmg. the mortar is difficult, but the lmg is really good for dueling and defending, i find myself in the midfields a lot picking on med-armor and rival juggs. still, with tech i used to end up in the top 3 of the score list, with jugg i end up somewhere in the middle or bottom.


Hey have you tried using the disc launcher for mobility instead of opting for the (great gun, imo) lmg?

I came to prefer this setup on my jugg because I can scoot around at 200+.. but it's a tough decision because the LMG is such a nice weapon for killing anyone if your aim is solid. :wacko:


you mean the spinfusor mkd ? nah, it kinda forces you into a different role entirely imo - gen room harassing. it's really close to impossible to dogfight with it in the open against lighter classes, and that's what i'm into mostly - lobbing mortars and killing those who come after me. the only problem are pathfinders and dmbs, but dmbs are quite susceptible to mortars so i win the dogfights against them quite often if they come after me.


Ah, yeah spinfusor takes some work outside.. you're right LMG is superior by far.

What I meant was just using the spinfusor to accelerate to insane juggernaut speed. I use my mortar to much to miss the LMG too much, but the joy of flying past people going almost 300 and throwing mortars at them is too much! :biggrin:

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

We at least need to the WATMMers that are in the same regions of the world playin some Tribes.


Tribesman of the US. Put up your Steam name or your vote for another voice chat medium.

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Played quite a bit over the weekend, really missed the Tribes series!


I did alright except in the few matches where there were a couple high-ranks on the other team vs me and a bunch of other noobs.


Pretty hard to do well when everyone else just stands around/doesn't understand skiing/lets the other team just sit on your flag point so they cap continuously..... In better balanced games I've had a lot of fun though. Haven't unlocked much yet, but it's very enjoyable.


Add me up in-game: hautlle, same as here on the boards.



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