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Mobo + CPU Noise Problems


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I recently bought new studio monitors (Yamaha's HSM80's) and a new usb audio interface (Focusrite Scralett 2i2). When I hooked it all up on my desktop pc and turned on the speakers I could hear a sharp noise representing CPU movement (I literally hear the CPU working). I hooked the monitors on to a cheap laptop, bam no noise at all (so it's definitely not the speakers or the audio interface). Tried it on another desktop pc as well, I got slight noises but not as big of an annoyance. We tried about everything to eliminate that the problem was the motherboard in combo with the cpu or one on on their own (I'm guessing probably the mobo). I disconnected all other usb devices, we changed video cards, we even changed the power supply unit of the PC. The noise was still there. Changing CPU would've been a bit too much of a hassle. I need to buy a new cpu either way if I need to switch motherboard, since the motherboards socket got really expensive (Socket 1366).. Buying new CPU+Mobo would be smarter.


My question is, should I just buy another motherboard + cpu (I'm able to do so) or is there another solution? Could I be able to run into the same problems with a new motherboard (this one I have now is +2 years old, there might be some electronics that got fucked over the years or so..) I'm pretty much an electronic noob so I'm running pretty much out of ideas here..


Don't get really great answers from the net, people keep referring to eliminators. But they look hoax'y..


Anyone who has had a similar problem here (probably yes..)? A quick & easy solution with certainty of success?



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I have experienced that with an onboard soundcard, never with usb though. Using a pci USB card might help, and would be cheaper and easier that a complete refit.

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Possibly an electrical grounding problem. Was the laptop running on batteries when you tried it - if so that supports the theory that your mains supply may be leaky.

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I have experienced that with an onboard soundcard, never with usb though. Using a pci USB card might help, and would be cheaper and easier that a complete refit.


It's not the soundcard which causes the problem.


You could try increasing the spread spectrum if your BIOS has that option.


Wow thanks!

My BIOS had it just on Auto and I set it on Enabled now and the noise is remarkably more silent! It's still there but not as bothersome (or else it's already habituating in my ears, lol.).


I am looking for a complete silent solution though, but this is good.


Possibly an electrical grounding problem. Was the laptop running on batteries when you tried it - if so that supports the theory that your mains supply may be leaky.


Laptop was connected to the net (charging and all). I literally switched its cable with the cable of the desktop pc, same with the other desktop.

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Possibly an electrical grounding problem. Was the laptop running on batteries when you tried it - if so that supports the theory that your mains supply may be leaky.


Yeah, were the monitors plugged into the same outlet as the PC? Try a different outlet for the two and it may help. I had this problem in my old house, it had really old wiring (only two-pronged plugs, none of them were 3-prong grounded they were so old) and plugging the monitors into a different outlet didn't fix it completely (I believe because they were still on the same circuit), but made it much less noticeable.

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Guest Drahken

If spread spectrum helped than it is most likely your motherboard/cpu combo producing EMI. You could try installing a PCI usb card but if that doesn't help your best bet is to upgrade.


When you go to upgrade do some research on audio-specific builds to get an idea of what components are least likely to have this issue.

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Hey there, I had this exact same problem with my M-Audio Firewire Solo and Mackie MR8's. Turns out it was a problem with my grounding. I bought this this fucking beauty to and plugged my interface into it, and then the Hum-X into my surge protector. Problem solved! Hope it works out for you.

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