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warble vst effect?


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i was listening to boc and noticed that in some tracks every sound/instrument has a warble type of pitch effect


i know this is probably due to running their sounds through shit reel to reels and shit tape but can this be done digitally?


i'm looking for a vst that can change the pitch and speed of pitch bend for the same effect.

i really hope this exists.


thanks guys



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Guest RadarJammer

If you use Reaktor then the Shortwave effect here is good http://joeorgren.com/tech.htm andhttp://www.native-instruments.com/forum/showpost.php?p=429869&postcount=3 and more in the UL


mDelay from the Xhip effects might be used http://xhip.presetexchange.com/effects/

modulating the rate on most delay plugs will get you there but it might be better to use a manual automation envelope rather than an LFO for a more organic feel

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As an aside, vibrato is a useful tool even when one doesn't want the explicit BoC wobbles (or going even further, the rapid spittly-sounding high-speed vibrations). Applied *very* subtly along with reverb/delay can really thicken up a sound I find, & cranking it just a little bit further creates a bit of an underlying drone that goes in & out of sync with the main pitch.

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there was a free vst called audiovibrato that worked quite well, but it isn't available anymore because they had hosting troubles or something.

I do have the 32 bit version though if you are interested. http://www.mediafire...ihkfv5n8imv93dk


it doesn't work. maybe because i have windows 64 bit version?

thanks the both of you for suggesting vibrato though.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Dunno if the WOW & FLUTTER VST was suggested but here it is:


I use it whenever I want a really fucked up tape wobble and never feel like I need anything better or anything


Oops okay, Helium suggested it, anyway, it's fawkin awesome, give it a go mate!

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Can be done with nearly any decent chorus fx by not feeding back upon the signal.. Or if you're lazy like me, use Melda's vibrato effect: http://www.meldaproduction.com/freevstplugins/mvibrato.php it can sync to tempo, you can draw custom shapes in it, phase difference, etc etc.. Most complete, free & recent vibrato (VST) effect you can get afaik.


Their other products are worth checking out as well.

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Guest ryanmcallister

this is something i've played around with extensively, and from my experiments I can say that radarjammer hit the nail on the head suggesting delays. a lot of digital delays use a fading algorithm that allows you to change the delay rate in real-time without and clicks or pops, but some also use a sort of "repitch" algorithm that hiccups and takes a little time to catch up, changing the pitch in the process until it neutrals out. if you do this slowly and in a subtle manner you can get a nice BOC warble. i can't really give a list of which plugins do it and which don't, but if by chance you are using Ableton Live the stock delays in there do it quite nicely. I'll plug this little video of mine here because it is quite relevant. Check the last half for the warble bit:



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