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billion dollar ghost city in usa to test future tech...


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hmmm, it says it's for testing infrastructure, plumbing and self-driving cars but i can't help thinking it's got to be something more sinister like weapons testing or planning for the next 9/11...





also, china are going nuts building 'ghost cities' but seemingly in more of a misguided real estate frenzy...





are ghost cities more idm than incomplete sky-scrapers? i think so.

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Guest iep

nor incomplete skyscrapes nor ghost towns are ever going to be the most idm, take that shit to a dark ambient forum


*SPISHes out while pulling a yek in your empty appartment*

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Guest ruiagnelo

China has been around for about 4000-5000 thousand years, so i am sure they know where they are heading to. Even tho i can't understand what is happening.


How come have we gotten from this:




to this:






Concerning the construction of this million new dwellings and hundred new cities, i just can't stop my story-telling mind from imagining how they could be used to imprision colossal amounts of people from the most diverse western nations or to house their own chinese people after a war that would destroy most of the existing cities.


/ideas for movie


I might just be going crazy

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China has been around for about 4000-5000 thousand years, so i am sure they know where they are heading to.


you think? what they're doing seems pretty crazy, i just can't see why... 64 million empty homes but still plans for 400 new cities in 20 years!?!



How come have we gotten from this:




to this:








america :cerious:

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Guest ruiagnelo

China has been around for about 4000-5000 thousand years, so i am sure they know where they are heading to.


you think? what they're doing seems pretty crazy, i just can't see why...



What i was saying is that, even tho it is all a scary mystery to us (at least it is for me), and what they are doing (what is it anyway?) is really crazy, i am sure that they know exactly what they want, they have a plan

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Guest Ranky Redlof

its like this


only goal is to keep the economie growing, usually resulsts in disasters tho

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Guest Gary C

I have two thoughts; either major world powers are so worried about resources/expertise running out that they're building the next century of cities early.


Or, more likely, it's commerce and contracting gone mad and that lots of people make a lot of money just by building things, regardless of whether they ever get paid off through usage.

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Really enamored with these ghost cities. I mean, I sort of live in a ghost town...so to intentionally build one, to me, is kind of amazing/creepy. Plus, there is one in China that just sounds like a city ruled by a wizard. Ordos. City of Nothing.

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Guest kokeboka

3000 years from now, archeologists will dig up the ruins of all the great man-made wonders of our age. They'll find highways, shopping malls and casinos, and speculate that aliens came to Earth and built them.


No-one ever funds anything for the sole good of science, there has to be a lot of lobbies interested in this project. I do love abandoned buildings - they all have a story to tell.


They just need to make more space for all the fat americans.


here we go again...

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i think they're just riding the wave of an economic/property boom much like we were before the crash in 2008, only there it is on an infinitely massive scale... which can only mean an impending crash of such magnitude that the whole world's economy will suffer (an even more) massive crisis.

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Guest Gary C

Also; Truman Show.


Fill it with demographics and let them create a commune or fight amongst themselves. Imagine going into a working, but empty city with a few thousand people and having to make your place.

You could even bring in people to manage the water and electricity, but let everyone else decide their societal worth. I'm sure they'd getting pretty pissed off working constantly for others to swan around. Who would make the first moves to be a leader or mayor? And how soon would it all collapse?


And yeah, there's a McDonald's and a Pizza Hut within photographical distance of the Great Pyramids.



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They just need to make more space for all the fat americans.

why don't you pick on qatar instead

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why are they investing all the resources and labor into this when they could probably model these situations way more easily and effectively on some powerful computers?

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For instance, while some researchers will be testing smart technologies on old grids, others might be using the streets to test self-driving cars.


Surely if you're going to be testing self driving cars, you would want the place to be populated. You need to know what the thing is going to do when a babby gets in the way or an old lady loses her footing.

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Guest fiznuthian

Also; Truman Show.


Fill it with demographics and let them create a commune or fight amongst themselves. Imagine going into a working, but empty city with a few thousand people and having to make your place.

You could even bring in people to manage the water and electricity, but let everyone else decide their societal worth. I'm sure they'd getting pretty pissed off working constantly for others to swan around. Who would make the first moves to be a leader or mayor? And how soon would it all collapse?


And yeah, there's a McDonald's and a Pizza Hut within photographical distance of the Great Pyramids.




That's a fucking disgrace..

Seriously. Fuck McDonalds and Pizza Hut for placing those there.


When i'm standing on top of the world's greatest pyramids ever constructed by hand, I don't want to see anything corporate in the horizon.. :angry:

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