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NASA's James Hansen: Canada is poised to destroy the world

syd syside

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Blame all those English Canadians who voted TWICE for fucking Harper and the Conservative party. You think Canadians are down to the earth and cool? Half of them voted for that party. I feel more and more ashamed of living in this country.



They are "americanizing" everything in politics and it's alarming. It seems only people in Quebec are seeing that. And each time we open our mouth stating the obvious, those retarded rednecks are all shout "equalization!!!" or "GTFO". Well yeah, I wish we could GTFO soon before Canada becomes the sore asshole of the earth from getting butt-fucked by all the industries.

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They are "americanizing" everything in politics and it's alarming. It seems only people in Quebec are seeing that.


Even then, look at the gouvernment we're stuck with and it's pretty obvious that Québec is slowly but surely americanizing its ways (and selling its ressources to foreign industries for next to nothing) and that people are becoming more and more apethetic about it every passing year.

Capitalism will kill us all, etc.

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Mildly globalwarming related, I have always wondered how they calculate that the sea level would rise a certain amount if the ice on Greenland and Antarctica would melt. For example, they say the sea level would rise 7 meters if all the ice on Greenland would melt, surely that can't be right? Am I underestimating the amount of ice on Greenland or overestimating how much water there is in the sea and how much would be needed to even raise it by 1 meter? Anyone with real knowledge about how this sort of thing works around here?

Looks like if they were to both melt, then the sea level would rise 68m! And if you were to calculate just Greenland from the data in the link it would come out to around 7m.

The melting of Antartica alone would account for the majority of rising sea levels if all ice was to melt as it contains 90% of the worlds ice.

Melting of water bound glaciers would have no effect on sea level because or displacement.


Blame all those English Canadians who voted TWICE for fucking Harper and the Conservative party. You think Canadians are down to the earth and cool? Half of them voted for that party. I feel more and more ashamed of living in this country.



They are "americanizing" everything in politics and it's alarming. It seems only people in Quebec are seeing that. And each time we open our mouth stating the obvious, those retarded rednecks are all shout "equalization!!!" or "GTFO". Well yeah, I wish we could GTFO soon before Canada becomes the sore asshole of the earth from getting butt-fucked by all the industries.


Have you talked to people outside Quebec? There is definitely a butt load of moderates and leftist elsewhere in Canada.

Edit: Nm, I initially thought you were suggesting that all English Canadians were Conservative rednecks.

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^The above link doesn't account for the loss of volume when ice melts which is around 9% according to the internet, so if Greenland was to melt it would maybe be more around 6-6.5m.

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Blame all those English Canadians who voted TWICE for fucking Harper and the Conservative party. You think Canadians are down to the earth and cool? Half of them voted for that party. I feel more and more ashamed of living in this country.

this^ fuck the Harper Govnt
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^The above link doesn't account for the loss of volume when ice melts which is around 9% according to the internet, so if Greenland was to melt it would maybe be more around 6-6.5m.


Maybe I am thick, but why does that presentation only talk about volume when talking about the ice and only surface area when talking about the ocean. Shouldn't you also account for the volume of the oceans to know how much the surface would rise when a volume of X amount would be added.

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There is definitely a butt load of moderates and leftist elsewhere in Canada.

Edit: Nm, I initially thought you were suggesting that all English Canadians were Conservative rednecks.


Oh yeah you guys exist in large form, but still half of the citizens outside Quebec voted for the conservatives (only 15% here), so they must think Canada is doing a good job at the moment! To the 45% in Ontario and BC who voted for the Cons, wtf tell me one reason why it was the correct vote???



We've elected most of the NPD because of that (and the Jack-effect), because we are seeing worse and worse things out of that government and Canada each day.



In a certain way, Harper and the conservative party is doing a better job at dividing the country and (perhaps) giving Quebec it's sovereignty than ever before!

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