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BF3 Rent-a-server Cry babies all

Guest El_Chemso

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Guest El_Chemso

I quite like the new servers, the longer game seems to add to the game mechanics. To long and I get bored thou, and some servers just repeat metro over and over. But that aside, I keep joining these games that say "No shotguns, no Mass gun, no darts" then today I joined one that said "No shotguns, no mass, no darts, no C4, no mortar, no sniping - any recon class will be kicked" I was like jesus whats the point? It strikes me as loads of people who can't stand to get killed have rented servers so they can take there ball home if its not going there way. But in this scenario you get kicked. Anyway I'm no lover of shotguns so doesn't bother me much.


Joined a server today and the only instruction was "Don't feed the pigeons" thats nice I thought. We were dominating the air so I started strafing the base taking out the jets and heli on the ground. Completely legit game tatic in my book, it forces the other team to man there anti air and protect their base. Dice have even added extra anti air stations in the patch. Anyway saw their heli up in the air over the game. Shot it down, got kicked. It just smacked of some poor little dude crying his eyes out because he got killed. I mean I could understand it if I'd spawn killed him or something. But just normal game play.


Vent over, how do you filter to play only official dice servers (xbox360)?

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Yeah funny this thread is up I just started getting back into it as well after like 4 months of not playing it.


Had a couple of good rounds but they are so dense I felt like I needed a break after each one. I might be able to muster the will to play two in a row but usually not.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I still love BF3 but I liked it more when I was playing in 24 player servers on 360, despite how much better the graphics are on my PC, my homies kept wanting to play in 64 player servers, it frustraited me quite a bit, more than 32 players is too chaotic (even on the biggest maps IMHO)


Well they bought a 16 player clan server, playing mostly Squad Rush, this game is waaay more fun to me in the 16P Squad Rush format.


I do wish they would pretty much remove RPGs and noob tubes in all infantry games, it's the only thing about this game I think is retarded, besides the spawns in Team DeathMatch, when fools are just spamming RPGs, so lame.

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Haven't played in months then came back over the last few days and everyone is suddenly bordering on professional standard, no fun.

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I think DICE/EA are shooting themselves in the foot by taking away the general servers hosted by them in a lame attempt to make more money off renting servers, as most if not all of those server owners know fuck all about setting up a decent match.

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I think DICE/EA are shooting themselves in the foot by taking away the general servers hosted by them in a lame attempt to make more money off renting servers, as most if not all of those server owners know fuck all about setting up a decent match.


There was a complaint in r/BF3 yesterday about people setting up "Infantry Only" servers, but not turning off vehicles in the server options, then they would kick/ban people for using them lol

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Guest El_Chemso

I don't think they can actually turn anything on or off, at least on xbox I don't think they can.


Today I was playing with a few friends on BF, quite rare that a few of us manage to get on. Really enjoy a bit of team gaming, owning the other team on metro to the point they were in the RU base. I was enjoying the barrel shooting that that is. I happened to be top scorer, all of a sudden I die mid play, and reappear on the other team. Balancing apparently. What bullshit. So we left, found a different server. I hope these rent-a-servers are really expensive.

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I don't think they can actually turn anything on or off, at least on xbox I don't think they can.


Today I was playing with a few friends on BF, quite rare that a few of us manage to get on. Really enjoy a bit of team gaming, owning the other team on metro to the point they were in the RU base. I was enjoying the barrel shooting that that is. I happened to be top scorer, all of a sudden I die mid play, and reappear on the other team. Balancing apparently. What bullshit. So we left, found a different server. I hope these rent-a-servers are really expensive.


I think they are 20-35 a month.

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