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trying to get into making short lame home movies

Guest Franklin

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Guest Franklin

so I'm going to try to learn basics on windows movie maker 2.6


anybody have a good video converter that you like? i fucking hate the internet sometimes and don't trust shit that might come with crap or bloatware or



I don't care even if I have to pay a few bucks


hit me with what you use please!

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Guest Franklin

ok fuck. apparently making lame fucking home movies is difficult... how are there so many lame fucking youtube home movies made by dumb housewives about their stupid kids or cats.




Anyway, I think I'm moving on from Window's Movie Maker as it is not at all stable on my windows 7 64 os. has crashed every time I added a video.


I've burned through all of your conversion suggestions!!! thank you to those who turned out! The only one that worked for my purposes has been Jeffero's suggestion, though handbrake did take my mp4 and make a decent mkv file but without sound:(


So PART II is What is your favourite movie making/editing / audio mixing thing? Please remember I'm not like in film school and I don't want to shell out too much money... somebody said adobe premiere and I think that it costs like $150 CAD or something... even elements costs like 90 bucks so that's out. maybe 50 buck max.

is this something I could take to the high seas if you get my drift and be reasonable assured that I won't have issues with the program (there are few legal problems with this in canada).

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Guest Mirezzi

http://download.cnet.com/VideoPad-Video-Editor/3000-13631_4-10906278.html - Video Pad Editor


That's a free (wink, nudge) but fairly shitty program. It'll probably do the job for ya though in an iMovie sort of way.


Otherwise, for simple conversions, I'm with jefferoo: Mpegstreamclip is my favorite program for optimizing/transcoding completed projects for the web/vimeo.

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Guest Franklin

high fives all around.


also another high five for telling me how large the program is lol.

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mpeg streamclip to convert to pro res 422 then edit from there... I use final cut... I became frustrated with w/ pc programs, but there must be a halfway decent program since my mac conversion years back.

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