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Chris Matthews vs. Reince Priebus

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest Mirezzi

This was pretty good for lols. I think Matthews has been watching Sorkin's The Newsroom and he wanted to channel Will McAvoy.



By the way, WTF kinda name is Reince Priebus? Sounds like a boss in Dark Souls!

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So is Newsroom supposed to be a tv version of Network?


I haven't seen it yet, but I'm interested.


Newsroom is worth watching but it has an agenda and sometimes they make it so obvious it will make you cringe.

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Good on Matthews putting Priebus on the spot like that. All too often I see these so called "journalists" throwing softball after softball at these political shills to appear "fair and balanced". But it's BS, the notion that the "truth is always somewhere in the middle" is toxic to get to the bottom of things and to proper journalism. The parties and the media both are at fault at making the world a black&white dichotomy and you are either this or that. Are there any real political discussion programs where matters can be discussed in a rational and factually based manner instead of a shouting match of talking points? Or is this sort of format too taxing for the average person to follow, where *gasp* you'd have to think on your own instead of getting all your opinions spoon-fed to you in little bite-size snappy chunks to spew up at the next family dinner?

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

I like chris matthews. he's loud and angry, but in a friendly way.


once he popped the ranch pringles, he could not stop.

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I find Matthews overall to be pretty despicable, but every now and then he somehow lands on the right side of the argument. This blatantly racist shit should be called out at every available opportunity.


I like telling some of my pro-romney friends about that demanding Biden to apologize for his comments= Republicans actually pushing for political correctness.


Again, I can't stand Obama, but the Romney campaign really is disgusting. No establishing birthers as nutjobs because they KNOW it would lose them a huge portion of, lets face it, racist Republicans. Claiming to be small government while making one of their main talking points the revision and revitalization of Medicare, something which Republicans have overwhelmingly opposed ever since its creation.


It's a complete fantasy land at this point, and it blows my mind that the Obama campaign isn't wiping the floor with these tactics every breathing moment.


the only other thing I have ever liked about Chris Matthews:




one of the best political "pwn"s in televised history. start the vid up around 3:45 or so. if it wasn't real it would be hilarious.

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i think Matthews has been waiting to 'pwn' somebody ever since Jon Stewart wiped the floor with him. AFter the interview was almost over Chris Matthews sort of lost his shit and said 'this is the interview from hell!'. I've never seen him in such a vulnerable flailing state it was pretty amazing.


but how are so many republicans in denial about thinly veiled racism?

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i think Matthews has been waiting to 'pwn' somebody ever since Jon Stewart wiped the floor with him. AFter the interview was almost over Chris Matthews sort of lost his shit and said 'this is the interview from hell!'. I've never seen him in such a vulnerable flailing state it was pretty amazing.


but how are so many republicans in denial about thinly veiled racism?


are you kidding me? they don't deny it, if anything they are openly embracing it.


Surely you have heard about the GOP strategy to isolate Latino and black voters from registering at select states.


Even so, maybe you didn't hear Boehner, the speaker of the Rep Party literally say he hopes minorities don't show up.


In the exact same article, the Chair of one of the Rep. Party in Franklin County said the following:

"I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban — read African-American — voter-turnout machine… Let’s be fair and reasonable."

If that isn't fucking one step away from Jim Crow rhetoric, I dunno what is. This is beyond despicable, and why Matthews is getting pasted as a crazy bulldog that needs to be leashed by his MSNBC handlers is inane.


Also, nothing is said about this show of compassionate conservatism at their own rally.


Everyone with any semblance of common sense should be "pulling the race card" at this point, because the GOP's top members have been throwing it around since Obama first ran for president.

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The best part is that it's very effective.


Id never thought I would say this, but we really need liberals to be incredibly confrontational and if need be, even condescending/snooty again within public dialogue.

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