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Guest Phasers

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Have you read this?

But well, it starts quite nicely, but it sounds a bit like you've just made a base track and randomly put stuff on top of that. You could try bringing some more progression in there.

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Guest Phasers

Have you read this?

But well, it starts quite nicely, but it sounds a bit like you've just made a base track and randomly put stuff on top of that. You could try bringing some more progression in there.


That was an interesting read, thank you!

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Not digging the random Inspector Gadget sounds. If anything, they're just kind of annoying. If you mixed them lower and tried to make some kind of structure out of them you could probably get away with them.

Clap is kind of dull, it's neither really simple nor complex, neither here nor there. It could much more dynamic than just having 2 different levels (one, really, for most of the track).

The synth is OK, a bit bland. The melody feels a bit arbitrary. Gets better toward the end when it kind of climaxes. It could use a bit of reverb, in my opinion stuff that's completely dry had better be pretty pleasing or at least feel like it has a purpose in the greater context of the track.


As far as the gestalt of it, it never really quite gels for me. There's not really much of a groove or a mood to this, it's sort of angsty and confused and just comes off as mostly annoying. I think you could turn it into something decent, though, maybe by putting a bouncy kick and a buzzy or gluggly bass underneath the synth to bolster it. Then make a couple more layers, then it's time to kill some darlings.

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Guest Phasers

Who wants to be part of a circle-jerk? I'd rather people not comment on my music than comment simply because I've said something nice about theirs!


I'm should think that anyone who wants to hear people's true feelings about their tracks would feel the same!

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