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Waxlimbs's Music

Guest Waxlimbs

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Guest Waxlimbs

Hello, I've been wandering around trying to get the gist of this place, and I finally feel alright enough to post some of my own work! I'll be using this thread as a central... thing for all of my music that I post here.


I'll quickly introduce myself, since nobody here really knows me.

My name is Alex and I live in Toronto, Canada. I started taking electronic music seriously about two years ago (making it, that is) and have been hellbent on becoming the best possible producer I can, ever since then.

Blah blah blah, a bunch of words and stuff. Nice to meet you guys, this is a cool forum!


Alright, here's a song I've been working on for a long time. Constructive criticism is welcome!


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first off, welcome to WATMM and YLC!!! :D


in regards to your track - very cool. i like the percussion. however, the mixing sounds a bit weird to me (maybe its my headphones?) and there is a total lack of bass in this track. Maybe that would help bring the mix together more... even the bass you introduce doesn't make up for the lack of low frequency range. Also, I really like the "random notes" synth or whatever you wanna call it


I'm feelin the vibes you have created and i look forward to hearing more :D

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Guest Waxlimbs

Thanks for the feedback!


There is actually a lot of low end hiding, but it's turning out to be one hell of a battle to flesh it out more.

I'll definitely work more on that, thanks for solidifying my concern.


The random notes thing is actually a frequency shifter! :)


EDIT: Yeah, listening to this again, I'm noticing a definite lack of low end. I thought I mixed this better? I'll post an updated better version at some point.

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Reminds me of Nobukazu Takemura with all the little blip bursts & sliding radio tuner noises. At least until The Orby pads come in.


I know I just made two direct comparisons to other musicians but this track actually does have a pretty distinct atmosphere. As far as bass goes I think what you've got works pretty well. Maybe experiment with making that low pad a bit louder see if it spices things up any.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Hello, I've been wandering around trying to get the gist of this place, and I finally feel alright enough to post some of my own work! I'll be using this thread as a central... thing for all of my music that I post here.


I'll quickly introduce myself, since nobody here really knows me.

My name is Alex and I live in Toronto, Canada. I started taking electronic music seriously about two years ago (making it, that is) and have been hellbent on becoming the best possible producer I can, ever since then.

Blah blah blah, a bunch of words and stuff. Nice to meet you guys, this is a cool forum!


Alright, here's a song I've been working on for a long time. Constructive criticism is welcome!


i kinda agree with Sergeantk on here. you need more bass and/or more on the low end. if what you say is true though you should work on the EQ cause i can't hear it. that being said, the rest of the track sounds great. and i love that little ending thing you did too.

and Welcome!

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Hey and welcome :)


In regards to the first track you posted, the lack of low-end sounds didn´t bothe me too much.. What bothered me maybe most was the lack of dynamics in the track, ups and downs and whatnot. Cos to me it sounds a bit monotone. I like to be surprised and be taken on a constantly moving and changing journey so that´s just personal preference.


That being said though, I really like the message/feel/ideas and sounds of the track :) Maybe the whole mellow/not-too-excited feel is what you´re going for particularly in this track, I don´t know. I´ve only listened to this song by you so I´ll wait to make too much of a judgement ;)


The second "live" one, was just way too samey for me. Tracks like that for me have to at least have a bit more chordal variation.. Or something.

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Guest Waxlimbs

I get where you're coming from, and I appreciate the input.

I've been mainly posting my more ambient stuff, and I'll start transitioning to something a little different, and end up in my strange choppy stuff.


Here's a track that I did for an EP I recently released.

(Sorry for the lack of embed, I can't seem to find a way to do that with bandcamp and forums.)


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Guest active galaxies

I like the variety of sounds you're drawing from here, in both tracks you've posted, crunchy yet delicate in places.


The first track needs more variety, you set up a lot of interesting sounds to take the listener on a journey, but the journey doesn't develop much from the outset, and there aren't any aspects that develop/flourish/bloom as the track goes along to keep the listener drawn in. Having said that, promising sound design, and nice glitch percussion dude.


The second track has greater variety, and a nice line of subtle tension from your reverberating drones low in the mix, but lacks a coherent internal structure. Ambient/drone-stuff does need a structure to it (even if this is buried beneath the surface) to stop it from appearing formless. I realise doing this as a live take brings all sorts of limitations and issues into play, but some careful editing could give this an extra level of focus.

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Alright, thanks very much for commenting!


Here's a newish track. It's my first recorded "performance," and by that I mean that everything was played live with no programmed loops or anything of the sort.



Beautiful textures in this one. quite haunting. I like it a lot actually.

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Guest Waxlimbs

I like the variety of sounds you're drawing from here, in both tracks you've posted, crunchy yet delicate in places.


The first track needs more variety, you set up a lot of interesting sounds to take the listener on a journey, but the journey doesn't develop much from the outset, and there aren't any aspects that develop/flourish/bloom as the track goes along to keep the listener drawn in. Having said that, promising sound design, and nice glitch percussion dude.


The second track has greater variety, and a nice line of subtle tension from your reverberating drones low in the mix, but lacks a coherent internal structure. Ambient/drone-stuff does need a structure to it (even if this is buried beneath the surface) to stop it from appearing formless. I realise doing this as a live take brings all sorts of limitations and issues into play, but some careful editing could give this an extra level of focus.


I get what you're saying. The first one is a remaster of a track from a year ago when I had a lot more trouble with structure and going places in music, and the second was basically just me testing a synth patch I created, and I ended up publishing the test recording. Not trying to excuse the lack of progression!

Thanks for the feedback, very well put. I just might go through this one again and add some levels of subtle percussion or something to try and achieve this.


Beautiful textures in this one. quite haunting. I like it a lot actually.


Thanks, glad it appealed! I might try to do a remake of this with a full song structure and all that jazz.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

wow. that sounds great man. only thing id say is maybe do a little work with the drums. not so much rhythm wise but just with its tone. it sounds a little generic to me. and i can so hear some vocals on top of this. great work man!

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