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Farcry 3


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A search of the forums yielded no results for this topic. This game looks awesome and the narrative looks a lot better than in past titles. I'm excited. It also will have co-op which should make the game much more fun than in the past. Graphics looks 10/10.

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Far Cry 2 was a piece of shit but it was interesting though. Far Cry 3 will be very different though and I'm really interested in trying it. I just hope they haven't given away too much in the ridiculous amounts of trailers they've released. And I hope it controls ok, because I remember the controls in Far Cry 2 for the 360 were shitty.

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The only issues I had with the game was that it didn't have very much depth as far as game mechanics. I thought it looked great and was fun to play. Simple things like lighting grass fires and watching them spread were fun. The new title looks like it has fixed all the awkward problems like nonexistent animal life that plagued the last title in the series. I didn't play the multiplayer, but I did play the campaign multiple times. I didn't have any issues with the controls.

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To be fair, I never really gave Far Cry 2 that big of a chance. But I remember the first 5 hours of that game, being some of the most tedious I've ever played. Which made me give up on it.

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FarCry 2 was an ok game completely ruined by the fact that there was no persistence and sense of progression in the game world. Everything just respawned back after leaving for a few minutes. You couldn't even outrun a camp after dealing with it for the 10th time because they'd catch up with you in their trucks. I thought the companion system was great, there was a sense of freedom to approach missions and it was immersive because everything stayed in first person all the time. It could have been a great game, but the respawn shit made me lose interest quickly.


What I've seen from this one doesn't excite me much. They're reintroducing wacky supernatural stuff. But it lacks character and the action I've seen doesn't impress.

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I'd probably get tomato'd for saying this, but I actually enjoyed FC2. I like games where you get lots of guns and get to blow shit up where ever you want, when ever you want.


It did have it's annoying moments though, especially almost every time you're driving down the road from point A to point B, a gun truck slams into you and the mercs driving it try to kill you. Then two or three more trucks show up to do the same thing.


As for voice acting, the NPCs had the strangest accents, china.

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I really enjoyed Far Cry 2. I liked the ability to take out an outpost of people without being seen if you were tactical about it. Not like in some games where they start shooting towards you as soon as you get close enough or take a shot.

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I really enjoyed Far Cry 2. I liked the ability to take out an outpost of people without being seen if you were tactical about it. Not like in some games where they start shooting towards you as soon as you get close enough or take a shot.


Especially with the mortar. It's a tricky weapon to master, but once you do it's very effective. On one of those radio tower missions, I actually destroyed the target in a moving vehicle with the mortar once, but I think that was achieved by slim chance.


What originally started as a FC3 thread turned into more of a FC2 discussion, lol. That'll probably change once some of us have had the chance to play the game after its release though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Out now. If you're in the US and want early access you can use a EU/AU proxy to unlock your Steam preload to circumvent the region lock.


Played this a few hours. The UI is unwieldly, the typical Ubisoft overt structure and mechanics detract from the experience a bit and it's rather unchallenging even on hard. But it's a lot of fun, the weapons and action feel great and some of the character work is really well done.


Seems like the X360 is struggling too maintain a pleasant framerate. My GTX470 SLI setup isn't managing 60 either. Some of it is very pretty though.



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Now that my videocard is back from repair, I'm debating whether to get this for PC or PS3. I'll most likely get it for PS3 so I can play with my pals and earn trophies. But I wanna know how well my rig can handle it, and of coarse the graphics will be better on PC.

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buy it for ps3 and torrent it for pc?


i just played it for an hour or so, turned it off when i got some fetch quest where i was supposed to pick flowers and skin boars. hopefully things get more exciting than that later on.

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anyone play the first one on pc? no doubt one of the top 3 fps's ever.. it is epicly hard and drawn out but i fucking love it. it looks like they went the direction of the first one a lot except i'm not looking forward to the complex gameplay stuff like in Crysis and what not , which i feel distracted from the gameplay. now it's all about melee, customizing weapons, stuff like that which is a pain in the ass, imo. i guess i just miss when games were simpler and not influenced by the new generation of way too much shit going on instead of just thinking tactically. in the first one you could hide behind a bush and take out an entire encampment, those were the days; lol

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