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IDF have told The Times they expect to invade Gaza this weekend.

syd syside

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I'm just speaking from my own perspective that i would do anything i possibly could to dodge serving, but you never answered my question... did you already serve? Are you going to serve? Are you about to hit 18 (which i believe is the age in which you are required to serve). If you are only 17/18 you seem to have above average intelligence, i don't mean that in any sort of patronizing way either

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Abby interviewed the PM's spokesperson


i wish she would have called him on the bullshit usage of the word 'terrorists' and 'terrorism' which he uses repeatedly a classic dehumanizing propaganda tactic, but you could tell he (and her) was pretty pissed off. Surprisingly tame interview though even after she accuses his government of intentionally targeting aka murdering journalists


edit: he also invites her to come to Israel reversing what he said in the letter

i think everyone would agree that shooting rockets onto civilians is terrorism, there's nothing dehumanizing about that, hamas are people who use terror.

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I'm just speaking from my own perspective that i would do anything i possibly could to dodge serving, but you never answered my question... did you already serve? Are you going to serve? Are you about to hit 18 (which i believe is the age in which you are required to serve). If you are only 17/18 you seem to have above average intelligence, i don't mean that in any sort of patronizing way either

im 28, and i did serve.

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Abby interviewed the PM's spokesperson


i wish she would have called him on the bullshit usage of the word 'terrorists' and 'terrorism' which he uses repeatedly a classic dehumanizing propaganda tactic, but you could tell he (and her) was pretty pissed off. Surprisingly tame interview though even after she accuses his government of intentionally targeting aka murdering journalists


edit: he also invites her to come to Israel reversing what he said in the letter


ridiculous. you must really get off on people not looking into how fucked up your gov is.

i think everyone would agree that shooting rockets onto civilians is terrorism, there's nothing dehumanizing about that, hamas are people who use terror.


sad. so sad.

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alcofribas, awepittance, and godel plz surrender and face the fact that this debate is over. i will of course continue arguing semantics with u as I dig ur guys' style and lush. but c'mon many legitimate points/questions are either apparently "irrelevant" or flat out ignored. we had our fun but plz..... accept and surrender. the facts are clear. face it.




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alcofribas, awepittance, and godel plz surrender and face the fact that this debate is over.




lol, I've seen your debate tactics regurgitated by many people for almost a decade since this arab/muslim/terrorism dehumanizing tactic was spawned after 9/11, it's far from over. I will never surrender! Anytime you want to mention how 'the terrorists are bad' i will slam the shit out of you because establishing a white western american moral hierarchy is always a losing game. You aren't going to get anyone to back down by continually bombarding us with quotes from other people.

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alcofribas, awepittance, and godel plz surrender and face the fact that this debate is over. i will of course continue arguing semantics with u as I dig ur guys' style and lush. but c'mon many legitimate points/questions are either apparently "irrelevant" or flat out ignored. we had our fun but plz..... accept and surrender. the facts are clear. face it.



What's your problem?


Surrender to what? I already explicitly call it quits to be in a debate with you.


And apart from that, you may have noticed, if you're able to read, that my argument with eugene already came to some sort of conclusion. You may even notice that we entered into an exchange about things to come.


Compson, this is the moment you should realise you really need reality to enter your head once in a while. And I'm sure this is not the first time you've heard this.


Wake up, compson! WAKE THE F UP! :fail:

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Abby interviewed the PM's spokesperson


i wish she would have called him on the bullshit usage of the word 'terrorists' and 'terrorism' which he uses repeatedly a classic dehumanizing propaganda tactic, but you could tell he (and her) was pretty pissed off. Surprisingly tame interview though even after she accuses his government of intentionally targeting aka murdering journalists


edit: he also invites her to come to Israel reversing what he said in the letter


ridiculous. you must really get off on people not looking into how fucked up your gov is.

i think everyone would agree that shooting rockets onto civilians is terrorism, there's nothing dehumanizing about that, hamas are people who use terror.


sad. so sad.

what is ?

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alcofribas, awepittance, and godel plz surrender and face the fact that this debate is over.




lol, I've seen your debate tactics regurgitated by many people for almost a decade since this arab/muslim/terrorism dehumanizing tactic was spawned after 9/11, it's far from over. I will never surrender! Anytime you want to mention how 'the terrorists are bad' i will slam the shit out of you because establishing a white western american moral hierarchy is always a losing game. You aren't going to get anyone to back down by continually bombarding us with quotes from other people.





What's your problem?


Surrender to what? I already explicitly call it quits to be in a debate with you.


And apart from that, you may have noticed, if you're able to read, that my argument with eugene already came to some sort of conclusion. You may even notice that we entered into an exchange about things to come.


Compson, this is the moment you should realise you really need reality to enter your head once in a while. And I'm sure this is not the first time you've heard this.


Wake up, compson! WAKE THE F UP! :fail:







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I have to admit I kinda wish Israelis would get it over with and exterminate/displace the Palestinians, and join together all their settlements in exchange for never being able to pull the pity card ever again, and being utterly ignored by the global community from this point forward.

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"exterminate/displace the Palestinians"


by jove …………that's the final solution!


let's channel himmler,gobbeles,goring and hitler for guidence on this.


and with that utterance I have 86ed myself out of this thread




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If the irony that Israel has become the oppressor they so reviled escapes most Israelis, then they're in bigger denial than I thought...


But it's not like history isn't replete with examples of interlopers staking a claim and killing off the locals. Heck, we did it to the Indians. The only prob is there's more media scrutiny these days.


The thing that bugs me the most is Israelis trying to claim the moral high ground. There is none. They wanted a land grab, now they've done it. All that's left is cleaning up all the "loose ends."

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If the irony that Israel has become the oppressor they so reviled escapes most Israelis, then they're in bigger denial than I thought...


But it's not like history isn't replete with examples of interlopers staking a claim and killing off the locals. Heck, we did it to the Indians. The only prob is there's more media scrutiny these days.


The thing that bugs me the most is Israelis trying to claim the moral high ground. There is none. They wanted a land grab, now they've done it. All that's left is cleaning up all the "loose ends."



we are in agreement here and while i will concur that the jewish cult/clan is entitled to their own slice of real estate given the history of persecution thru the ages…the question arises at what cost to "Palestine",morality,truth /humanity and at which point/year did they turn into the exact fascist force they despised the most and were crushed by in europe?


it's beyond ironic

watching eugene twitch and jerk in an automaton brainwashed defensive tantrum is in of itself a study of robotic learned fascism/racial superiority/bigotry.

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to me the birth of the palestinian suicide bomber was an obvious symptom which screamed…..

"we have nothing else to live for,we are backed into a corner,there is no other hand to be played ,you have forced us into this terminal stance,there is nothing left to lose"



eagerly awaiting the test results from ringo's corpse.







Was Palestinian Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat murdered, poisoned with the same radioactive element that Russian agents used to kill Alexander Litvinenko in 2006? That's being suggested by a series of reports put out by Al Jazeera this week, igniting calls from his widow toexhume his body for further testing and a return to the anger over his death eight years ago.


Well, they might, in what's the latest twist in the controversy over Arafat's death. Polonium is a rare element, hard for anyone but a national government to get its hands on and dangerous to handle. Its presence on Arafat's belongings is certainly suggestive. But it's also not out of the realm of possibility that it was added to his effects after his death (though, again, it's very difficult to obtain). Only if his body is exhumed -- carefully, under supervision by professionals guarding against tampering -- can suspicion congeal into fact.An investigation by Al Jazeera finds that "tests reveal that Arafat’s final personal belongings – his clothes, his toothbrush, even his iconic kaffiyeh – contained abnormal levels of polonium, a rare, highly radioactive element. Those personal effects, which were analyzed at the Institut de Radiophysique in Lausanne,Switzerland, were variously stained with Arafat’s blood, sweat, saliva and urine. The tests carried out on those samples suggested that there was a high level of polonium inside his body when he died."

For the moment there are lots of unanswered questions, perhaps most importantly: Why are the clothes only being tested eight years after the fact?

When Arafat died there was an avalanche of speculation that it was foul play. My assumption in 2004 was that it wasn't entirely shocking that a 75-year old man, who'd had a hard life and his physical movement restricted by Israel to his compound for the previous two years, would pass away. Conspiracy theories are popular everywhere, certainly nowhere more so than in the Middle East, and a lot of the speculation about his death struck me as standard point-making from opposing sides.

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I enjoy Eugene's thoughts on most topics but I suppose on this topic he has some willful myopia like most Israelis. Then again, if someone told me that white Americans had no right to US soil and should give it back to the Indians I'd get in a huff too. Fact is Israelis have put enough time and sweat into the area that their "sweat equity" means something too. Hence the current fucked up mess.


If I can indulge in some broad generalizations and borderline anti-semitism, it seems there's a strain of self-pity in Jewish culture, which can be entertaining at times (eg. some Woody Allen), but really annoys me when it comes to Israel. It's not bad enough to buttfuck the Palestinians at every opportunity, but then to claim the moral high-ground and say "we were just minding our business, but look at how these animals treat us" when you are in fact a part of one of the most heavily subsidized, militarized, and aggressive states on the planet, is ludicrous. They seem to need these miserable wretches to measure their virtue and "self-restraint" against. Which is why I say, just bulldoze all of them and get it over with, it's what you have always wanted to do anyway, and then "STFU".


I hold Israel and the Palestinians in about equal regard, which is to say, not very highly at all. Just wish US didn't support Israel. As far as I'm concerned, having a democratic pal in the middle east isn't worth the guilt-by-association. Just let them all blast each other into the ground.

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we are in agreement here and while i will concur that the jewish cult/clan is entitled to their own slice of real estate given the history of persecution thru the ages…the question arises at what cost to "Palestine",morality,truth /humanity and at which point/year did they turn into the exact fascist force they despised the most and were crushed by in europe (nazis)?


it's beyond ironic


watching eugene twitch and jerk in an automaton brainwashed defensive tantrum is in of itself a study of robotic learned fascism/racial superiority/bigotry.


yikes..so let's say israel gets the correct 'slice' of land etc... and they are still attacked, with innocent lives lost and a constant level of tension/disruption by account of rockets and explosives. then what?

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also if correct slice was negotiated through hamas, what terms would you (hypothetically) request? how would you ensure some people of palestine won't 1) see Hamas's violent tactics as successful 2) believe in religious rhetoric that encourages radical beliefs?


edit: is the historical violence rooted in religion not relevant?

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my solution is far outside the box.

i believe there is an ingrained hatred on both sides that encapsulates the stupidity of humanity and it's penchant for violence/war and the idiotic ingrained belief that my invisible god is better than the other guy's.


With the profuse amount of wealth in many of the oil rich arab/muslim countries I would like to see BILLIONS poured into what's left of Palestine and have the infrastructure and economy rebulit to the point that everyone in the territory is employed/educated housed and properly fed and or on the dole,much like what goes on in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

I see it being turned into a huge version of downtown DUBAI with endless shopping malls.apartment complexes,skyscrapers,entertainment centers,resorts,nightclubs,car dealerships etc AND light manufacturing complexes,vocational /educational systems that are dependent upon israeli goods/money or labor -to force the 2 parties to co-exisit in a money making program of an industrial nature.

I realize this is a utopian dream and in reality the United States will continue to prop up Israel with billions in arms and funds and Iran/egypt will continue to trickle in just enough weaponry and money to keep HAMAS armed and politically viable.

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my solution is far outside the box.

i believe there is an ingrained hatred on both sides that encapsulates the stupidity of humanity and it's penchant for violence/war and the idiotic ingrained belief that my invisible god is better than the other guy's.


With the profuse amount of wealth in many of the oil rich arab/muslim countries I would like to see BILLIONS poured into what's left of Palestine and have the infrastructure and economy rebulit to the point that everyone in the territory is employed/educated housed and properly fed and or on the dole,much like what goes on in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

I see it being turned into a huge version of downtown DUBAI with endless shopping malls.apartment complexes,skyscrapers,entertainment centers,resorts,nightclubs,car dealerships etc AND light manufacturing complexes,vocational /educational systems that are dependent upon israeli goods/money or labor -to force the 2 parties to co-exisit in a money making program of an industrial nature.

I realize this is a utopian dream and in reality the United States will continue to prop up Israel with billions in arms and funds and Iran/egypt will continue to trickle in just enough weaponry and money to keep HAMAS armed and politically viable.


as anti-capitalist as I am in some respects, this would be the only reasonable solution at this point (short of annihilation of one or both groups). no one wants to hurt their golden goose.

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my solution is far outside the box.

i believe there is an ingrained hatred on both sides that encapsulates the stupidity of humanity and it's penchant for violence/war and the idiotic ingrained belief that my invisible god is better than the other guy's.


With the profuse amount of wealth in many of the oil rich arab/muslim countries I would like to see BILLIONS poured into what's left of Palestine and have the infrastructure and economy rebulit to the point that everyone in the territory is employed/educated housed and properly fed and or on the dole,much like what goes on in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

I see it being turned into a huge version of downtown DUBAI with endless shopping malls.apartment complexes,skyscrapers,entertainment centers,resorts,nightclubs,car dealerships etc AND light manufacturing complexes,vocational /educational systems that are dependent upon israeli goods/money or labor -to force the 2 parties to co-exisit in a money making program of an industrial nature.

I realize this is a utopian dream and in reality the United States will continue to prop up Israel with billions in arms and funds and Iran/egypt will continue to trickle in just enough weaponry and money to keep HAMAS armed and politically viable.


It's a nice idea and I agree with the basic concept but would this new wealth not have the potential to be used/transferred into more powerful weapons? Basically you are calling for the westernization of the Middle East. So ultimately I agree that is the solution to ridding religious rhetoric and ignorance. Not that the US/West doesn't have its fair share of radical religious power suits but the general population is shifting further and further away from those traps and is becoming more agnostic.

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