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Adobe Creative Cloud


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Guest disparaissant

yeah its a bit ironic that a program that ostensably should have a great UI doesn't.

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Pretty funny how GIMP always comes up in these discussions. The Adobe CS products are more than just Photoshop.

Well, if you rely on adobe's software for your income, I think it's more than reasonable to pay a couple of hundred bucks for it. That's still what they're aiming at, if it weren't for the "elements" nonsense.

If I only had to pay 'a couple of hundred bucks' for the Creative Suite, I would have bought it already. Problem is, it costs almost as much money as I make in a month.


Pfff ... like you guys ever purchased an Adobe product in the first place !

Plus now that this BS happened I'm sure GIMP and other programs will be worked on even more, and better versions or new programs entirely will come about now that Adobe CS has turned to shite


Turned to shite? CS6 is fucking excellent imo.

There still isn't any decent freeware/open source page/book layout software out there. I can't imagine anything ever touching Indesign in terms of features, tbh.

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I wish I could switch to GIMP, but so much of the essential stuff is so backwards it's like they're trying too much not to be like Photoshop. The layer management alone is enough to make me ragequit every time I try to do something serious in GIMP. There used to be a fork that tried to make it behave more like Photoshop, but that has been abandoned for a long time unfortunately.


Photoshop has pretty damn good UI. It's pretty much the only Adobe software I use these days though. I'll probably stick to CS6. Installing it in Wine is a bitch anyway.

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I have mixed feelings about this new Creative Cloud. I'm a designer so I use Photoshop and other Adobe software all day long at work, but only on occasion at home. I used to have pirated copies but purchased CS4 when that came out. I'm perfectly happy using that version at home when I happen to need it. So I don't really want to shell out a monthly payment for software I don't use all the time.


On the plus side, it will allow me to stay current and learn new tools as they come out. It could even prompt me to start using it more at home, and do some more experimental/personal work for fun and to expand my portfolio - because I may get excited about updates and such, and want to get my money's worth.


On the work front, I work for a small privately owned studio and we tend to wait a few versions before upgrading. So my boss won't be too pleased with the higher cost (presumably), but we as employees will like having the latest software at all times.

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