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Obama Admin. admits to surveillance methods: Beating a Dead Horse Pt. 74


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I love it when Greenwald knocks the dick out of people's mouth with comments like the white house talking point one. Guy's on fire imo ;). I think anyone as passionate as he is about these issues would find it very hard not to take some pleasure in just utterly humiliating the complacent hackery of mainstream journalists. whatever 'noise' it's adding to his message to me is just really good tasting frosting.

and FYI, he has been charged with Espionage. But don't fret, even before Snowden was charged with an archaic piece of WW1 legislation, Obama had charged more whistleblowers and government employees with the espionage act than any other previous president in history combined, GOBAMA BRO!

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just talked to an employee who works pretty high up in google. She said that Google is extremely reluctant to hand over data to the US government without a warrant, it infuriates most of the high up people in the chain. The problem is (and i suspected and greenwald and others like fiengold have written extensively about for the past decade) that if Snowden's claims about PRISM are true, the companies like Google and Verizon cannot legally speak about it, admit to it, or even publicly acknowledge it or they would be in breach of federal law and could be charged with a felony for obstruction of justice.

So even if what these companies do is super fucked up, in some ways you could argue they don't have a choice. They are legally required to deny the program's existence.

she said that it's a huge problem and google is trying to 'find a way out of it' at the moment. I'm not really sure what they could do though, a whistleblower on record would have to come out of google and Verizon. Probably wouldn't make a bit of difference at all though to the government trusting public. I think in 2004 it was revealed by an ATT employee that the NSA had an entire room to filter and database all incoming phone calls, and barely anyone gave a fuck

this is one of the more damaging and troubling parts of the patriot act. terrorist investigation overeaches and warrantless wiretapping are bad enough, but i would argue the worst part of what the Patriot act does is give the federal government the power to gag you from speaking about anything they've done. The ultimate version of this is the 'sneak and peak' search where an FBI agent can literally search your house without your knowledge, use the information against you in court and not disclose any of it to your lawyer.
IT just seems like such a ridiculous way to circumvent what is normally understood as the justice system, i shudder to think how many innocent people have been caught in the Patriot act net.

so yeah to sum up this post, i got confirmation from a Google employee that PRISM is very real but the public can never be proven it's existence because they are legally gagged from speaking about it.

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That's so sexist

when i made the 'knocking dick' comment i was mainly thinking of this douche bag




so far Gregory and O'Donnel have been the only ones to have some sort of weird swagger about knocking Greenwald down. Both failed miserably though


If you want to see a mastering of the art of misdirection, check out the Lawrence O'donnel interview. It's a fascinating incite to how the robotic lackey journalist mind works.

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You call them journalists, but i only see presenters. ..must be that thing in their mouths?


Not sure why one could get angered by people sharing their views/talking points with someone like that Richard Haas monkey though. That view has no legs to stand on.



It 's just that a couple of times i,ve seen presenters ask greenwald questions to respond to viewpoints such as those of haas. Just to give greenwald some air to bring some of his talking points and to contrast them directly to those other ones. Thats arguably what a lot of the tv watching monkeys actually need to understand the argument. If greenwald could remain a bit more cool and collected, he could win a lot more minds, i believe.

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i can't say I love the package and delivery on this commentary on the Greenwald/O'donnel interview but I like how they break down the technique at play. It's just a nice deduction of all the logical fallacies Lawrence tries to pull off.

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just talked to an employee who works pretty high up in google. She said that Google is extremely reluctant to hand over data to the US government without a warrant, it infuriates most of the high up people in the chain. The problem is (and i suspected and greenwald and others like fiengold have written extensively about for the past decade) that if Snowden's claims about PRISM are true, the companies like Google and Verizon cannot legally speak about it, admit to it, or even publicly acknowledge it or they would be in breach of federal law and could be charged with a felony for obstruction of justice.


So even if what these companies do is super fucked up, in some ways you could argue they don't have a choice. They are legally required to deny the program's existence.


she said that it's a huge problem and google is trying to 'find a way out of it' at the moment. I'm not really sure what they could do though, a whistleblower on record would have to come out of google and Verizon. Probably wouldn't make a bit of difference at all though to the government trusting public. I think in 2004 it was revealed by an ATT employee that the NSA had an entire room to filter and database all incoming phone calls, and barely anyone gave a fuck



this is one of the more damaging and troubling parts of the patriot act. terrorist investigation overeaches and warrantless wiretapping are bad enough, but i would argue the worst part of what the Patriot act does is give the federal government the power to gag you from speaking about anything they've done. The ultimate version of this is the 'sneak and peak' search where an FBI agent can literally search your house without your knowledge, use the information against you in court and not disclose any of it to your lawyer.

IT just seems like such a ridiculous way to circumvent what is normally understood as the justice system, i shudder to think how many innocent people have been caught in the Patriot act net.


so yeah to sum up this post, i got confirmation from a Google employee that PRISM is very real but the public can never be proven it's existence because they are legally gagged from speaking about it.


this seems likely the case

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from the article above about Snowden in Russia:




China sharply rejected US criticism of the decision to allow Snowden to leave Hong Kong. The Hong Kong justice secretary said the US request for Snowden's arrest could not be processed because Snowden's name was spelled three different ways in official documents: "I couldn’t say the three names were consistent, so we needed further clarification."

fucking L. O. L.


at least American incompetence may leave a chink in the armor of the New World Order

i think his 'anti americanism' is way overstated personally.

says the man whose sister works for RT :-D


But yeah, from what I've seen, I agree.


He certainly doesn't get in pissing matches with us, or bang his shoe on the table. He just goes about his business, which happens to piss us off. And he likes to tweak our nipples a tad if the opportunity presents itself.


But in this case, he happens to also be doing what's right.

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it's funny going back to his old speeches, all the clues and 'hints' of how Bush like he would be were on full display.

He uses the phrase 'the terrorists' hundreds of times during the 2008 elections. It's honestly embarrassing that anybody sees this guy as an intellectual thinker as opposed to just a really fucking good politician

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