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Abandoned Space Guns


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So it seems there have been a couple attempts to use giant guns to launch objects into space.


The image above is of project HARP, a project that was started by the American and Canadian defence departments and abandoned in 1967. The guns are now just sitting around in the Barbados jungle. These seem to be the most IDM examples of space guns. More info here: http://www.slate.com/blogs/atlas_obscura/2013/07/03/project_harp_a_giant_space_gun_in_barbados_is_now_abandoned.html


The guy who built these also tried building some for Saddam Hussein, in a project called Project Babylon. He was assissinated before finishing the project. It seems that what was built is now sitting around in war museums in the states. More info here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Babylon


The general wikipedia page for space guns is pretty fascinating too: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_gun

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Had to.

lol. Ages 3 and up??


One could make a track using samples the Space Gun makes when the trigger is held. Also, he's right about its resemblance to the gun Deckard (Harrison Ford) uses in Blade Runner



Oh, were we talking about abandoned howitzers from the 1960s designed to shoot things into orbit?

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