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Trans Canada Highway leaked


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Any particular user have the cat in the bag


emptysea has it


semj YEK has it




i was not blown away with this ep.... it's "quite good" and has it's moments though it' no IABPOITC. track 2 is wicked and i wish they would go back to this style of msuic.. that skyliner track , a bit meh imo. the short linterludes are nice as usual and the remix i actually like quite a bit, very different sounding... ambient yet booming. coolness


so all in all a decent ep

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Guest The Mekon
How do I get to the WATMM Slsk room???


It doesn't come up in my chat room list.


You are probably on the test network - use the non-test client instead (156c? I can't remember)

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Guest felttipen

ive listened to 1:23 of left side drive and it sounds really nice. but i think personally that they would of been a lot more popular if they have of just put these tracks on campfire HP and made the album better and as strong as geogaddi and mhtrtc.

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Review by Me.


I really like Left Side Drive but then who dosnt from the reviews I read...When I heard this track I thought of what they said that this EP would sound glacier.


Heard from telegraph lines was ok to short and plain but those tracks have there time and place.

Skyliner is a great track but i heard it for the past few weeks so I only played it once but its nicer when the quality is nicer alot nicer actualy i heard things more clearer then before and appreciated the track even more.

Under the coke sign was cool felt like I was at some modern Train-Station or something like that.

dayvan cowboy remix was nice cause i didnt expect it to sound like it did so i enjoyed it

over all I dont regret my pre order but I will when the box set releases and I have to get all these albums again oh well.

I wonder what the sticker will look like.

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OK, I've had some time to let this sink in now. My thoughts haven't changed that much - I like Left Side Drive and Heard From Telegraph Lines the most. Under the Coke Sign seems a bit like Farewell Fire to me, like they're trying for a certain mood but not quite reaching it. The one thing I've changed my mind about is the remix, I quite like it now. The structure is strange, but as others have said, the middle part has more of a pulse than anything else on the EP. It sounds like an extension of Geogaddi, rather than TCH - menacing and psychadelic. It really shows how BoC have become rather predictable, sort of "stuffy," by contrast. The original Dayvan Cowboy works better as a track, but it's too bottled up and plotted out, the drums and guitar too planned. The remix roughs it up, gives it a good dose of unpredictability.


Overall certainly not up to the level of IABPOITC, but it seems like BoC aren't really headed in a dark and emotional direction anymore. All these tracks are fairly light, not quite what I expected.

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disappointe with the remix.


the rest imho is their best work since geogaddi... has a lovely flow. the beat in skyliner is excellent.


good stuff. looking forward to hearing it on vinyl on a valve system.



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Guest john fonda

not heard it yet,my email is reapo_man@hotmail.com,please offer assistance folks,help only

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the remix has grown on me ... also skyliner is better than i had thought at first. and i must have heard left side drive 100 times in the last two days. quite happy with the EP overall; certainly better than the headphase, probably as good as geogaddi (though it doesn't quite reach iabpoitc). my only complaint is the TWO short 'bridge' tracks, this just seems ridiculous

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Guest SyZyGy

Hello watmm, new user here, glad to be aboard!


Left Side Drive = LSD? hmmm :boc:


anyway, great song, although the scratchy background distortion kind of bothers me.


under the coke sign is great, just wish it was longer.

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Guest -Ad-

I'm waiting. I didn't for Campfire. But I am this time. Dammit I will wait. Then again I am currently listening to Belle & Sebastien and Depeche Mode...maybe I need new music. :rolleyes:

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Guest Barrichello

ok. have given it a serious hammering over the past couple of days, to and from work in the motor, during work and on my pod out and about.


ism say Left Side Drive is the winner.


didn't think much of it at first though.



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Goddamnit, I have to hear this track. Can't seem to get it off Soulseek ("remotely queued :sleeping: ") .....if anyone wants to help me out> samlambert1984@gmail.com It'd be very much appreciated.


I did get "Heard from.." though, what a beautiful little track. WHY THE FUCK IS IT ONLY A MINUTE LONG

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Guest SyZyGy

The synth work towards the end of Left Side Drive is quite tasty.


what is it with with the three word song titles?

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Guest cosmonaut
Also there's some strong flavoring of Forest Moon in Left Side Drive.

haven't heard the new ep yet, but if this is so, wang will thus be activated - forest moon is one of my favourites by them

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