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datura stories


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to to the watmmr who's friend told him that picking up a 'fireflower' made him trip out, i gotta say your friend bullshitted you.

I watched him pick it up - his entire demeanour changed in an instant. It's possible he was bullshitting me, but I doubt it.. I trust this man's word.

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well im not botanist or toxicologist or any other ist, but from everything i've heard/seen, to get the effects, people actually ingested a fair amount of the stuff. also, it seems pretty consistent that it takes a couple of hours to set in. so im gonna be over here still being 100% skeptical about a guy getting effects *instantly* and by *touching* it. either one of those two things would be abnormal by itself.


i mean i guess it's somehow possible, freak things happen, but i'm just super highly doubtful about it.

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Oh I agree it's hard to believe! The only explanation I can offer is that this particular plant was producing assloads of toxin to defend itself in its final days. I read one report on erowid (I believe) where someone handled a ripe seedpod which popped open; when the seeds hit his sweaty palm he absorbed toxin & received some effect, though not as severely as my friend. Also, we didn't manage to ID the plant for 6 months or so after the event, long after describing what he went through.. it doesn't make sense that he would invent hallucinations without even knowing that it was a datura he handled.

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hmm ok. i guess... that all makes it a bit more believable.


i once had a 2 day trip, out of body experiences, constant dream-like state, constant memory loss (while at school, i forgot which class i just came from right after sitting down in my desk), fully dialated pupils, from dxm, first time i did it, from the same dose (maybe 6 fl oz of robo max, tops. chugged it from a 12 fl oz bottle), and that is pretty unbelievable to experienced drug types who i tell that to, so i guess weird shit does happen. theres some kind of sensitivity issue some people have with it. weird thing is though, that the 2 times i did it after that, the actual uh, 'trip' lasted about normal, maybe 5-8hrs or so.

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Oh yeah. I forgot that taking like a full bottle of Benadryl is similar to datura. Except most likely 100x milder from some of the reports I've read. Are there any positive datura reports?


Anyway Benadryl was like being awake and asleep at the same time. I had VIVID hallucinations, unlike salvia or shrooms they were not spirals or distortions. It was more like I was asleep and I sort of just couldn't register that I was seeing shit that wasn't there.


The weirdest one was thinking that this video game box by my bed was holographic. Like I kept turning it over. Due to reports I'd read on Benadryl I was 100% careful to remind myself not to take anything I saw seriously. Thus the ants and spiders basically everywhere phased me zero, even though I didn't really think about it consciously. It was basically the most forgettable experience ever.


Anyway, obviously datura is much different but I do think Benadryl gives you a slight peak into the most mild idea of what datura does altogether... Though it seems datura has a very negative body high, and that users maintain wakefulness, and thus terror. Benadryl basically just knocked me out after an hour or two of farting around.


if datura is anything like dph fuck that.


i got attacked by giant spiders for two hours, it was pretty much 4 hours of tru terror, i dont recommend


(dont judge i was in high school, after getting bored of cough syrup dph was the next thing to try)

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Just came across the story where some kid put his sleeping baby niece in the freezer, thinking she was ice cream. It's amazing how many lay people are attracted to the idea of getting this fucked up.

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