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Venetian Snares - Earliest Albums

Hugh Mughnus

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Does anyone know where you can find v-snares earliest albums? The self released ones on cassette, Subvert, Spells, and Eat Shit And Die?

I've looked around for a digital purchase and haven't come up with anything.


Has anyone heard them? Shit or good?



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those 3 remain unfindable afaik.. maybe some shitty mp3 rip of eat shit somewhere, i have the fuck the stranger in the ass version of that one i think - it's different from the Greg Hates Car Culture version at least

keep ur eyes on his bandcamp maybe he'll rerelease em some day







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idk but this is fucking awesome. id love to find a copy of the cassette.

the cassette art there in the background is from "spells" I'm pretty sure.



One of his really early releases (from 1998) is on his bandcamp: Fuck Canada // Fuck America




I saw! Wish he'd put up his earlier ones too.

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