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Conspiracy Theories are true! mmm not so much?...


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why are you even trying to win with me? is that really the problem here?


maybe if you tried to develop a more balanced and grounded view of things instead of just sucking up to me because I scorn your views, you'd get somewhere. this is your whole problem, you're not really concerned about how to correctly approach the thorny problems you constantly bring up (not restricted to religion), you're just after consensus and getting everyone to agree with you. building up the us vs them angle is your whole trip. I utterly despise that and no amount of peaceable remarks towards me will make a difference if you're going to simply carry on like you do.

No not 'win'...that's just a turn of phrase


"Building up the whole us vs them angle is your whole trip"?

Well needless to say I disagree with that assessment

I think I can see why you think that

But that's definitely not my trip, and I don't think my posting history would bear that out

I think you think that because I think religious beliefs and values are silly or harmful, I must think their adherents are "them" not "us"

And that when I wax about my ideal secular utopia, I must want "them" excluded


Anyway, this probably isn't the right place to elaborate

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And Usagi, if you really think I'm sucking up to you

Then prolly best I just stop replying to you full-stop

As apparently there's literally nothing I can say to you

That you won't interpret as having some ulterior motive

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why are you even trying to win with me? is that really the problem here?


maybe if you tried to develop a more balanced and grounded view of things instead of just sucking up to me because I scorn your views, you'd get somewhere. this is your whole problem, you're not really concerned about how to correctly approach the thorny problems you constantly bring up (not restricted to religion), you're just after consensus and getting everyone to agree with you. building up the us vs them angle is your whole trip. I utterly despise that and no amount of peaceable remarks towards me will make a difference if you're going to simply carry on like you do.

No not 'win'...that's just a turn of phrase


"Building up the whole us vs them angle is your whole trip"?

Well needless to say I disagree with that assessment

I think I can see why you think that

But that's definitely not my trip, and I don't think my posting history would bear that out

I think you think that because I think religious beliefs and values are silly or harmful, I must think their adherents are "them" not "us"

And that when I wax about my ideal secular utopia, I must want "them" excluded


Anyway, this probably isn't the right place to elaborate



your posts do reflect that (at least the ones that aren't hilarious non-sequiturs like "anal poop" or "haha sexual"). they stink of self-declared ideological superiority. you just don't get how people think and behave irl, it's like "they believe x so I'mma jump the gun and write some reactionary shitposts". and somehow you must think that because this is WATMM and we're all 'enlightened' IDM listeners who must all uniformly adhere to the same banal one-dimensional self-assured worldviews, you can come on here and preach to an imagined choir and not get called out for it. but you do get called out for it, all the time. at which point you retreat and then reiterate the same shit in the next thread. you learn nothing and don't evolve.



And Usagi, if you really think I'm sucking up to you

Then prolly best I just stop replying to you full-stop

As apparently there's literally nothing I can say to you

That you won't interpret as having some ulterior motive


oh no

please don't do


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You really seem to give me ZERO credit for anything

If I "zig", you think it's just my machiavellian way of "zagging"


I change my mind here quite frequently

In real time, in front everyone

But you seem to think I'm this 2-dimensional, completely-unreasonable zealot


So whatever...you're gonna think what you're gonna think

We're not gonna gain any ground on this so let's just move on

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You really seem to give me ZERO credit for anything

If I "zig", you think it's just my machiavellian way of "zagging"


I change my mind here quite frequently

In real time, in front everyone

But you seem to think I'm this 2-dimensional, completely-unreasonable zealot


So whatever...you're gonna think what you're gonna think

We're not gonna gain any ground on this so let's just move on


lol, no you don't. not really. I don't know who you think you're bullshitting when you say this, maybe just yourself. at best, when you are countered, you go "oh, that's thoughtful, hmm, interesting" and then in the next thread it's "p-values did 9/11! I know game theory cos I play poker! Islam is a cult! did I mention I've done hard drugs!". cool story bro. it's this that is really annoying, not your opinions by themselves. I mean there are people here who think worse, lord help us.



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Usagi, if I'm not mistaken

I noticed that you said something charitable about my contributions to EKT

But then went back and deleted it

I'm curious why you would remove the ONE positive thing that you've said to me

(perhaps ever)

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^ that is because I started the post with "I liked it better when you stuck to EKT". I removed it because I didn't want to sound like I was dictating where you should and shouldn't post. and then I saw Blank's post and I was like fuck it, I'll reply to that.


for the record, I did like your EKT posts. you seemed to do that exclusively when you first started. then you somehow went off the deep end and it became 90% shitposts. I realised something had gone wrong when you started the Cop Murders Unarmed Civilian thread, which was pure hysteria. I was like "dis nigga trippin', yo".


again, I would advise you to be less concerned with how much people like you or dislike you and more concerned with what you're posting.

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1) that's fair


2) thanks, I should post there more often


3) I mean, certainly the thread title was as inflammatory as I could possibly make it, but I do think police violence and systemic corruption is rampant and worrisome, and I don't think that's going too out-on-a-limb...(just look at Chicago these days, or that rural Texas PD that was exposed as having a large KKK element, who for 20 years framed and murdered tons of black people, all with the complicity of the local DA...etc)


4) I mean, ultimately I don't care who likes me or who doesn't...(if I did care, I prolly wouldn't post as many unpopular opinions as I do, or be as abrasive as I sometimes am)


But to be sure, sometimes I can be a total asshole to people for absolutely no reason

And I'm trying to more consistently *not* be that way

but certainly not for any demagogic reasons, per se

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