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I don’t want to say too much about the film (The Force Awakens) cos I also have a lot of respect for JJ Abrams, and I want to see where they’re taking it next, to see what they’re doing with it,


I have to say that I felt that George’s group of six films had more innovative visual imagination, and this film was more of a retrenchment to things you had seen before and characters you had seen before, and it took a few baby steps forward with new characters. So for me the jury’s out, I wanna see where they go with it.


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I don’t want to say too much about the film (The Force Awakens) cos I also have a lot of respect for JJ Abrams, and I want to see where they’re taking it next, to see what they’re doing with it,


I have to say that I felt that George’s group of six films had more innovative visual imagination, and this film was more of a retrenchment to things you had seen before and characters you had seen before, and it took a few baby steps forward with new characters. So for me the jury’s out, I wanna see where they go with it.



he's right but also jimmy has no idea what depthful characters or what things like plot are

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I don’t want to say too much about the film (The Force Awakens) cos I also have a lot of respect for JJ Abrams, and I want to see where they’re taking it next, to see what they’re doing with it,


I have to say that I felt that George’s group of six films had more innovative visual imagination, and this film was more of a retrenchment to things you had seen before and characters you had seen before, and it took a few baby steps forward with new characters. So for me the jury’s out, I wanna see where they go with it.



That's because perhaps Cameron has become like Lucas and the future Avatar movies will probably be akin to the prequels...

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That's because perhaps Cameron has become like Lucas and the future Avatar movies will probably be akin to the prequels...


actually, the next four avatar movies are sequels.


i think the reason he's saying this is he knows, like lucas, when he's dead, his avatar franchise will be rebooted and redone to appeal to a foreign market (which is basically what 'the force awakens' was hence all the similarities to 'a new hope').


foreign markets now account for a bigger box office share than the domestic revenue (united states) and hence so many old franchises are redone to capitalize on the brand's popularity which has only been a myth in regions like china and russia (eg. the original star wars was never shown in theaters in those two countries)


as to the "innovative visual imagination". disney didn't get abrams for his imagination which makes me agree with him. where do they go next? just remake 'empire strikes back' and 'jedi' or do something original? disney isn't really in the business of original filmmaking

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  • 2 months later...


That's because perhaps Cameron has become like Lucas and the future Avatar movies will probably be akin to the prequels...


actually, the next four avatar movies are sequels


i think the reason he's saying this is he knows, like lucas, when he's dead, his avatar franchise will be rebooted and redone to appeal to a foreign market (which is basically what 'the force awakens' was hence all the similarities to 'a new hope'). 


foreign markets now account for a bigger box office share than the domestic revenue (united states) and hence so many old franchises are redone to capitalize on the brand's popularity which has only been a myth in regions like china and russia (eg. the original star wars was never shown in theaters in those two countries) 


as to the "innovative visual imagination". disney didn't get abrams for his imagination which makes me agree with him. where do they go next? just remake 'empire strikes back' and 'jedi' or do something original? disney isn't really in the business of original filmmaking 


I'd be really surprised if Episode VIII mirrors Empire... and appeal to a foreign market? Whaaa...? Star Wars has always been universally popular; don't really see the connection there.


Avatar too did really well overseas, so again - not seeing that in either context.

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They played the Star Wars Trilogies this past week/weekend on TBS or TNT. 

I have to say, they were all pretty terrible. Even Empire. Man, loved the first 3 as a kid, but these flicks just don't hold up.

Sorry Star Wars.

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I'd be really surprised if Episode VIII mirrors Empire... and appeal to a foreign market? Whaaa...? Star Wars has always been universally popular; don't really see the connection there.

check this: http://deadline.com/2014/09/american-box-office-importance-studios-oversas-841427/


btw: there was an article about 5 years ago in the la times titled 'why does america make everything cool?'


the long and short of the story was, if you were popular in the united states, you'd have a very easy time appealing to an international audience. this is why, for example, girls in russia know britney spears songs, yet even the most popular pop group in russia would have a difficult time appealing to the .us market even if they only sang in english.

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