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Take Shia LaBeouf Anywhere


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There's a lot of anger here.

Shia is in the Kanye boat, for me.


People that make society worse. I can ignore them, sure.


Edit: I'm going to be a really crotchety old man, I can tell lol.

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surprised watmm is very anti shia. i can see the kanye comparison, but i think you guys are taking him too seriously. there are so many worse things you could be doing in the world, i can totally get people not liking him, for sure, but being so angry about it is puzzling.

Lol it's not like I'm stewing at work thinking about it, or starting "I HATE SHIA" threads or something!


But if it comes up in conversation (such as at WATMM) I don't see what's wrong with voicing an opinion on him, even if the opinion is an angry one. heh



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