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Ssaliva - WYIN


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The label that gave us that killer LP of Iranian Classical music from Morteza Hannaneh last year return with this curveball album of midnight anxiety and ambient trauma by ssaliva following on from releases for Leaving Records, Ekster, Vlek and Purple Tape Pedigree, among others. Highly recommended if you're into Oneohtrix, Arca, Mica Levi...

Pulling together material from blink-and-miss Bandcamp releases along with previously unheard works, WYIN coherently highlights a broader period of work than any of ssaliva’s previous releases, framing a probing and adventurous spirit at work in its element; modern digital ambient composition.
Coming off the back of Collapsing Market’s reissue of Tschashm-e-Del, an archival radio play of Persian Classical music conducted by the label’s grandfather, their first ssaliva entry keeps the label outlook as mutable as ever with a natural focus on atmosphere and feelings connoting existential angst and solitary psychedelia. It’s a product of the contemporary environment, which, more than ever, is bleakly electronic and at the mercy of rabid socio-economics, as symbolised in the sleeve’s illustration of a financial trader’s open palm, contrasting with the front cover’s zoomed in image of blood-spattered textures.
In six parts he just about keeps his head above the waves and acres of negative space, firstly buoyed by choral voices in Danger Came Smiling, then against the discordant fulgurite of Hell/Home, which both make the sublime timbral relief of a that much more effective, in the same way that the hyperreal, acrid sensation of For All I Care, the crystalline dimensions of 2drown and the spiralling, elusive complexity of b reflect and express the modern world with an intangible accuracy perhaps best compared to Arca.
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Pre-ordered it a few days ago directly to the label. « We never happened » is a beautiful record, I can’t wait to receive my copy and to listen to that new one.

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Pre-ordered it a few days ago directly to the label. « We never happened » is a beautiful record, I can’t wait to receive my copy and to listen to that new one.



Yeah, I enjoyed 'We Never Happened'. Lots of lovely, unusual textures. Totally engrossing.

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love this guy, interesting shift in his style. def a lot darker and more experimental than a lot of his earlier stuff



Lots of artists seem to be coming out with darker stuff these last few years. I don't think it's just the Trump thing. It stretches back a lot further than that. Electronic music seems a lot more reflective and in many ways trying to offer some solace for people. Most art is basically a barometer of the times we live in. Music is no exception. We are living in interesting times but not necessarily nice ones.

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