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Knob Twiddlers
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Nil last won the day on December 25 2020

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  • Birthday 07/28/1984

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  1. I haven't listened to him since Slaughterhouse (great record as far as I remember). The man is productive, which record (singular) released since then would you recommend ?
  2. A little googling gives some plausible clues with regards to what it most likely is, patents being public. No one's ignoring that it's sheer marketing, though it might lead to a new convenient, inspiring toy to make music with, so I understand the guessing name and don't see the arm. I for one am genuinely curious.
  3. I've wished for a padless Push for a long while....
  4. oh. I've used [poly~] for sequencing, not synthesis. [mc.target] saved my ass quite a few time, so I suppose you could unpack the chord list and then send each note to its own [poly~] voice ? I watched a few C74 vids not so long ago on how to handle polyphony with RNBO, and while I'm not 100% sure about that, I believe they share common grounds with [poly~] in that regard.
  5. Hmm I'd try generating a random value to then call the corresponding [coll] entry ? Also, [dict] is worth investing, powerful stuff. Another option would be to transform chords (which are lists of integers) to symbols with [tosymbol], to store them in list, and then to use [zl.lookup] to call random items from the list and transform them back to list with [fromsymbol] ? I like [zl]
  6. Unfold and quite a few tracks on the Mark Fell collab, Source and Boundary Objects are pure bliss when just like me you love the additive synthesis tones that are all over his tracks. The crux of his recent tunes is IMO a personal take on what Electro (as in Cybotron, Drexcyia, Mantronix, Analord etc...) could be once you strip them from any form of nostalgia and embrace what digital tools / computer can offer.
  7. The books are ace. I was anticipating how they'd do that specific scene : they delivered. The 2nd book has another THAT scene, 10 000 000 fold. No to mention the 3rd...
  8. I'd say it's a polarizing show, you'll hate it or love it. So depending on how much you're usually affected by what you watch, it can be a nice summer series, to counterbalance what I remember to be pretty dark / brutal. I loved the show fwiw.
  9. Synalegg has fully switched to Max FWIW. RNBO is neat, even if you're a vanilla Max user like me : exporting your abstractions to its own object is really handy, and I believe more CPU optimized. And M4L Max has incredible documentation included, that's also a deciding factor IMO if one must choose. I suppose the user community for both PD and Max is equally eager to share knowledge.
  10. Purchased right away. edit: Locus
  11. Give me a mastered version of their Lyon gig, and I'll be happy. Oh and Bruxelles, Paris, Lisbon... I guess I just want a batch of their current live sets.
  12. Haha ! Poor temp internet connection as I’ve just moved to a new flat so upload has to wait. Also, not my recording.
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