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Renick Bell - Turning Points


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01. Full Circle                 05:59 
02. Through Others' Senses      04:32 
03. Acquiring Discipline        03:28 
04. Origin of All Phenomena     03:10 
05. Improvise in a Pinch        03:50 
06. Buds                        03:47 
07. Mutual Influence            05:15 
08. Differentiation             02:34 
09. Without Words               03:23 
10. Learning Through Mistakes   03:08 
11. Splitting                   02:18 
12. From the Edge to the Source 04:40 



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  • 8 months later...

This is lush, sad I missed your original thread as I would have picked it up earlier.

Got a cassette of this in a recent trade, it is a great piece of work.

The live coding scene is fairly fresh to me and this is real ear opener.

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