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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft and Sony's next consoles focuses on streaming games as part of a monthly subscription vs buying the games outright (physically or digitally).
  2. It's funny - we haven't had a tape deck for ages, and just recently my wife bought a walkman off eBay to listen to some old cassettes she had... Fun Fact™ - I haven't had a record player for about 10+ years now... wondering why I still have loads of vinyl. Beyond my MacBook Pro and PlayStation, I have no means of playing audio CDs (my current car doesn't have a CD player). Have loads of CDs still as well. Personally, I'm kinda done with physical formats - I think as you get older, you start to let go of physical things for the most part.
  3. I predict there will be a whole market in the future for selling just the boxes for digital releases so collectors/fans can have something physical to display...
  4. Perhaps you mean the live recording at Quirky? Sorry, not sure what you're referring to? I mean the droning sound throughout the second track of Quirky, Brixton. There's also some ending bit of Kalpol Introl there. Or do you mean something else? No, this is a "classic" Autechre sound, from the Amber days... I need to sit down and listen and think about which AE track the sound I hear appears in... I need Google search for my thoughts!
  5. I think it's fairly likely this will be a pstv in a different case. I really wish Sony would just add backwards compat to ps4 rather than sell us more plastic shite to go under the telly. I had a go on a mini snes at my mates...I thought it was shit. Shit idea, shit execution, pure trading off nostalgia..these things are destined for the landfill in like 5 years I think you're missing the point of these mini emulators/consoles - they are totally meant as pure nostalgia devices, hence why the hardware is recreated, etc. - if they just wanted to release an emulator, they would have done exactly what you've suggested (and Nintendo sort of did with Switch Online and the NES games you can play). Speaking of which, Switch Online has already been 'hacked' so you can run any classic games via it. Vita TV was the right idea at the wrong time - I wouldn't be surprised if the PS Mini is actually leftover Vita innards repurposed... But more likely the PS Mini is just the bog standard Raspberry Pi-style mini PC with an emulator on it. It'll be hacked within weeks of release and people will be running all the PS games that should have been on the console to begin with... Vita TVs apparently go for mad cash now - wished I had picked up one when they were on bargain bin clearance for 20 USD...
  6. Oh you adorable dotard, ie. Collapse (the track) sounds familiar as Rich played it at Houston...and you were there yourself I know Collapse was played at DfN... that's not what I am talking about. To be clear(er), I hear sounds that are reminiscent of older Aphex tracks (like the "farting bass" in T69 Collapse that sounds similar to the beat in "On"). psst, It was a joke, albeit a lousy one, but still... Also, I'm either going mad, or I'm onto something - I was listening to the EP (again) this morning on the way to work, and I *swear* I hear an Autechre-style sound (can't recall which track) at around 2:12 in 1st 44 that made me think I've heard this before. Now, I am *not* implying Richard is stealing sounds, or reusing old sounds, etc. - just very odd that I'm getting "auditory deja vu" every time I listen to these fantastic tracks. Collapse EP might be my favourite Aphex release since ICBYD... yes, I think it is *that* good. Not hearing any DrukQs influences like others are saying though - this is pure Richard D James genius and despite my recognizing old sounds, is super fresh and innovative. The end of 'abundance' is sublime... Speaking of which, anybody source that voice sample in 'abundance'? Curious to what exactly the voice is saying and where it is from...
  7. USB Really? Those don't look like USB ports, but that would be pretty cool as it would mean you could potentially use them with PCs (although since you can use a DS4, why would you...?) Wonder how long it will be until Nintendo has the Nintendo 64 Mini ready... A mini PC Engine would be cool - it'd be hella tiny!
  8. I wonder what kind of connector those PSOne controllers use? Couldn't get a clear look at what they've revealed so far... In other mini retro console news, the Mega Drive/Genesis Mini has been delayed to 2019 as SEGA wants to get it right and do a simultaneous worldwide release, plus they dropped the developer they were working with (who was responsible for the horrible Genesis Flashback console) and have teamed with a reputable Japanese developer.
  9. Oh you adorable dotard, ie. Collapse (the track) sounds familiar as Rich played it at Houston...and you were there yourself I know Collapse was played at DfN... that's not what I am talking about. To be clear(er), I hear sounds that are reminiscent of older Aphex tracks (like the "farting bass" in T69 Collapse that sounds similar to the beat in "On"). RE: promotion - I don't think they've gone overboard with promotion - as pointed out with DrukQs, there was a lot more promotion (videos, stickers, posters, several versions, limited editions, etc.). Even Syro didn't have as much promotion as DrukQs did. It might be all building up to something... or it's just standard promotional stuff!
  10. That's my big question - why are they doing this AFTER the EP has been released? Honestly 90% of the people who would show up to such a thing are probably the folks who are gonna buy the EP anyway...
  11. Definitely no old sounds in this. It's all 120% next level. Well you certainly have better-tuned ears than I probably do, so it's likely I'm hearing things that aren't there.
  12. FLOL! I just assumed @prdctvsm 'shopped it in himself... would be an odd coincidence if that image was untouched and there's a similar logo. And, for the record (ha) - the BOC EP white label was delivered by courier, not messenger pigeon.
  13. Yeah, but Richard never leaves output from hardware as-is, does he? Surely he tweaks and modifies it to his liking... what I can remember off the top of my head (this is off T69 Collapse for example) is that farting bass sound after the collapse bit in the song sounds like the same bass beat from "On", no? I'm probably wrong, but I've never gotten these deja vu feelings from any of his other recently releases... Got a digital camera with a charged battery handy? Use that and video it
  14. First off: loving Collapse - some of his best work to date IMO. Second off: Anyone hearing "old" sounds in some of the tracks? I don't want to imply Richard is recycling old sounds (I am 1000% sure he has throughout his musical career though and is really good about tweaking them so they sound new and original), but sometimes I get a feeling of recognition during some of the tracks with certain sounds (I need to sit down and write down the times in each track to identify them for sure). Anyone else notice or feel this?
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