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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Controller cords will be 5 ft long this year instead of 3 ft. Looks like they finally ran out of those Wii nunchuck connectors they used on the NES Classic and opted for actual miniature SNES connectors
  2. The European version that looks like a Super Famicom is 1000x better:
  3. Nex Machina is insane... puts most other top-down bullet hell style games to shame... Surprisingly fun with local-co-op too!
  4. The shop hours are Fri.Sat.Sun 2-8PM according to the website. Talk about limited. My friend is down to go, and he's the one with the car, but he's not sure when he'll have a weekend free due to his job. But if/when we manage to figure it out and go… We could certainly pick up an extra copy for a certain electronic music website webmaster. I would really appreciate that - of course, if it doesn't come to pass, no worries.
  5. A certain electronic music website webmaster would be eternally grateful if someone were to acquire one for him...
  6. Question is: is it sold out yet?
  7. What are everyone's feelings on "double" crust pizzas outfits like Sbarro here in the States make: I kinda like them as it adds more structure to the slice, but at the same time, there's no nice browned bits of cheese/condiments on the top.
  8. Yeah, this does not bode well for the film. Apparently Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy felt Lord and Miller's work so far wasn't "Star Wars" enough, and the directors wouldn't compromise their vision. Thing is, they were supposedly weeks from wrapping filming - I don't care how good Ron Howard is as a director, there's nothing that can change a film's direction this late in the game without massive reshoots, and if the problem was that it wasn't "Star Wars" enough, how in the hell are they going to fix that with the majority of principal photography already done? I think Disney better carefully reconsider these "Anthology" stories before announcing any further ones.
  9. Where does it say that exactly? On what part of the vinyl? I'm really curious. It's engraved on the sides of the grooves - you have to use an electron microscope to read it, but only while the record is spinning at exactly 77 /1/4 rpm.
  10. What about pineapple with pizza sauce on it? So what exactly about pineapple on pizza is so wrong? Is it the sweetness? The way the pineapple gets warm/hot and tastes like the space between your inner thigh and crotch? I mean I get the pineapple canadian bacon/pork connection, but pineapple is meant to be enjoyed cold, not warm, and certainly not hot. What about pineapple on cold pizza? What are your feelings about cold pizza? I sometimes enjoy cold pizza better than hot pizza...
  11. Yeah, CBS is really shooting themselves (and the potential success of this series) in the foot if they think the majority of folks will cough up a subscription for essentially one show - this isn't Star Wars, FFS. It will get the crap pirated out of it, and when CBS sees the low viewing figures from their streaming service, they'll cite that as the reason to not do another season or even the second half (apparently we're only getting episodes 1-8, with the remaining 7 sometime next year).
  12. NEX MACHINA, twin-stick shooter by Housemarque and the guy who made Robotron 2084 out tomorrow on PS4 (and PC too I think):
  13. I've lived in Texas for 23 years, and when I first got here and saw the brown tapwater, I swore never to drink from a tap again, at least not without RO filtering.
  14. LOL, never drink the water! Always get bottled or a fountain drink
  15. You mean like the Red Moon incident?
  16. fuck yes LOL, is that real or is some digital effect wizardry? I can hardly believe normal humans can do a Ninja Warrior course, let alone in a T-Rex costume.
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