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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. That's because it probably was going to be, and was cut due to Zelda being shifted to a Switch launch title.
  2. Dumpster Fyre, amirite?
  3. One of my favourites, although the original Thomas Harris book is better (like it usually is). Would have been interesting to see Brian Fuller's take on Silence if Hannibal had made it to a fourth series (as the rumour was they were going to explore that storyline next). tbh i hated the series. everything was so strange (in negative way) but the strangest was motivations of characters. they were totally unrealistic! You're talking about the series, or the books, or the movies (or all of them)?
  4. Still better than DfN *runs*
  5. To be fair, T7 has been out (in arcades) for several years now...
  6. Yes, that makes sense, but when it STARTED SELLING LIKE HOTCAKES, you'd think Nintendo would say, "hey, people like this - let's ramp up production to meet demand, and see how far this goes?". NOOOOOOOPE. on YouTube people are saying that nintendo didn't ask enough money for the nes classic, maybe they weren't making enough profit??? word is a snes model is coming out and i'm sure it will cost more. Oh you bet your sweet patootie they will - "SNES Classic" will be easily 99.99. I'd scratch off the "Old Skool" bit and it'd be fine. Apparently the Switch is doing quite well, with almost 3 million units sold worldwide - it's on pace to outsell the Wii U's (not that hard) entire install base (13.2m units) in the first year. If Nintendo can keep the quality software (both first- and third-party) flowing, they might just have a hit on their hands. Interesting how they can totally ignore Sony and Microsoft and do their own thing and be successful at it. Still playing Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap - getting to the point I may need a guide to find all the hidden shit. Trying not to succumb. Also picked up the Spectre Knight expansion for Shovel Knight - so damn good. Yacht Club knows how to make retro games. Looking forward to Puyo Puyo Tetris as well - glad I didn't spring for the Japanese version when it came out last year.
  7. OK, just read the Wiki, and while it is unknown what happens to Shaw (she's apparently in the film), Michael Fassbender (David) is playing dual roles as David and another, newer android that accompanies the new crew of the Covenant.
  8. tbh.. of course I was going to watch this at a theater if only for the lols but actually overthinking this rn. wtf is this even So, let's talk about this: In the video, Shaw is put into cryosleep by David, and they finally arrive on the Engineer's homeworld - so Covenant picks up where? Does David return to Earth and then set out with the new crew? What happens to Shaw?
  9. One of my favourites, although the original Thomas Harris book is better (like it usually is). Would have been interesting to see Brian Fuller's take on Silence if Hannibal had made it to a fourth series (as the rumour was they were going to explore that storyline next).
  10. Yes, that makes sense, but when it STARTED SELLING LIKE HOTCAKES, you'd think Nintendo would say, "hey, people like this - let's ramp up production to meet demand, and see how far this goes?". NOOOOOOOPE. Same reason people get mad at artists and record labels for releasing exclusives, or items you can only buy if you go to a live show, etc. - it's the disregard for the willing customer.
  11. Bah, just spend the money on a Raspberry Pi 3 and have a mini NES, Genesis/Mega Drive, Sega Master System, Super Nintendo/Super Famicom, etc. Nintendo is just creating more hype around their brand rather than giving gamers what they want - fuck 'em.
  12. I actually really enjoy seeing him work. I'm not really into his style of music but he's a great fucking producer and he seems like a no-bullshit-kinda-guy. And he actually seems to produce some pretty cool stuff on the side... Jesus the amount of money invested in that studio...
  13. Rampage (based on the video game) Starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson: The first privately owned space station is destroyed by a mysterious experiment done onboard. Three canisters from the crash land on Earth. One lands in the gorilla enclosure at the San Diego Zoo, the other in the plains of Wyoming and the last one in the Florida Everglades. The Griffin Technologies Group, headed by two siblings (Malin Akerman and Jake Lacy), tries to destroy any evidence of wrongdoing before the government finds out. It’s too late because the canisters have infected a gorilla named George, a wolf in Wyoming and an alligator. They start evolving and growing exponentially. To cover their track, the Griffin idiots decided to unleash a beacon that will make all three large animals head toward one destination: their head office located in the Willis Tower in Chicago. Yes, you’ve read that right! A giant gorilla, a humongous alligator and large wolf are going to kick each other’s asses in Chicago. Wait a minute, what about Dwayne Johnson’s character? Well, he’s an ex-marine who’s now a primatologist (of course he is) that raised George at the San Diego Zoo. He taught the ape sign language, and they share a special bond. Naomie Harris might have picked the worst project in history to follow-up a well-deserved Oscar-nominated performance. The Moonlight actress plays a fired Griffin Tech scientist who helps our protagonist in trying to stop Chicago from being destroyed by those humongous beasts. Synopsis taken from: http://splashreport.com/rampage-video-game-movie-story-details/
  14. Do you think you'll make it through all twelve of them?
  15. We had a Burger Fi near where I live - it closed down, unfortunately. Pretty deece burgers IMO. NOTE: Not a good thread to browse when you've skipped lunch!
  16. Com Truise - Memory Clark - Death Peak
  17. Awww shit - now Richard will want one of those (probably already has one, and probably had a hand in inventing it)
  18. I am playing it as well - amazing artwork, and even more amazing it was hand-animated by one guy. The fact you can switch between modern and retro graphics by toggling R2 and modern and retro sound (even with an option to emulate the SMS FM chip!) by clicking R3. Damn hard game too - just like I remember it. THIS is how retro remakes should be done - imagine Megaman (any of them) done like this...
  19. No, of course not - they'll rape their customers first by making them buy a SNES Classic, then next year have the grand unveiling of the SNES Virtual Console on Switch, taking your money all over again (and again).
  20. Ceephax is gonna see this and want one of those
  21. Considering their rate of failure, I'd be more nervous about them trying to hit the US, and instead the missile veers off into China or Japan. Imagine the fallout (no pun intended) from that!
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