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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Agreed - and he owns the Analord stuff outright, so there's no other parties to worry about except Chrysalis...
  2. sure is. the very same stage featuring one of the best musics in video game history. mm2 is indeed relatively easy (especially compared to 1) and one of the main reasons for that is this OP fella: - hyper economical. - fires in 8 directions. - effective against multiple robot masters (including the ability to even one-shot himself). - even his stage is one of the easiest so starting with him is a no brainer. ... the platforming is rather mild, too imo. thanks to this thread i got inspired to finally check out out 9 and 10 via emulator. both very nice indeed (figured 10 is kinda underrated) and decidedly harder than the classics (or my skills just got rusty). but the music doesn't hold a candle to the first 4 titles imo, those are nothing less than works for the ages. What emulator are you playing 9 and 10 on? I thought they were PS3 games...
  3. well b4 all that... how about a SAW II repress from warp. i mean for crying out loud we had RDJ and ICBYD I think he should bung it all onto a Bleep Store or Bandcamp and have at it
  4. I wonder if this was the "reissue of a very special album" mentioned by the Redditor...
  5. OK, I did end up getting Assault Suits Leynos and Song of the Deep - my impressions (for anyone interested): Song of the Deep - Made by Insomniac, aka the Ratchet and Clank folks (we'll forget about F.U.S.E, mmmkay?) this game which has been described as "metroidvania" (aka large map, lots of backtracking, abilities acquired to access other areas previously inaccessible) reminds me more of the classic Sunsoft NES/Famicom game Blaster Master (a vehicular platformer/adventure) in that your protagonist pilots a submarine to find her lost father. The artwork is very good, and the soundtrack is perfectly suited for a deep sea adventure. The character artwork is a bit Ghibli-esque in some parts, which is not a bad thing, and the challenges and obstacles are not overly difficult (so far). Definitely worth a look further if you are looking for something different if you are Overwatched out, and not a bad deal for 14.99 USD. Assault Suits Leynos - A remake of the classic Genesis/Mega Drive game "Target Earth", this 1990 side scrolling shooter/platformer was one of my favourites back then, due to unique (at the time) gameplay and the anime-themed storyline and art direction. The update stays true to its roots for better or worse, and a 26-year old game remade today can sometimes be a bit clunky but fun. This game, like the original is hard, and the addition of Japanese voiceovers for the story progression is a nice touch that back in 1990 wouldn't have been possible on cartridge. Is it worth 19.99 USD? Probably not. I haven't gotten too far into the game, and my memories of how hard this game was to beat do not make me look forward to beating it again, but if you are a fan of the original, you will be pleased with how closely the remake stuck to its source material.
  6. does this exist anywhere online? I think instructions for Audacity would be helpful: Play your 33 rpm record at 45 rpm then when recorded into Audacity, click in the Track Panel (where the Mute/Solo buttons are) and Effect > Change Speed. In the "From" box, choose "45" and in the "To" box, choose "33 1/3". Click OK. As the process of slowing down the recorded track reduces the high frequencies it can contain, we recommend setting the Project Rate button bottom left to the highest rate your card supports (probably 96 000 Hz), though note this would take double the disc space of recording at say 48 000 Hz. I would assume this works in the reverse as well.
  7. Mind you, this is an EP, and a themed one at that - but I can see your desire for a multi-themed LP... perhaps soon...?
  8. Gonna pick up Assault Suits Leynos (remake of Mega Drive/Genesis classic Target Earth) and the new game by Insomniac, Song of the Deep.
  9. Indeed... I gave up after awhile. Some of the final trophies are insane.
  10. RIP Somadril. I had just started exploring your stuff about 2 months ago, it sucks to see someone go way too early. This has been happening a lot the past year or two. I'm not sure why. aww, what the hell. 2016 has just been an awful year. Very sad news when we lose a member. Appreciate life people, it's always too short. Somadril was a member here at WATMM, or do you mean "a member of the electronic music community"?
  11. I think they were smart (or perhaps fortunate) they weren't able to get all the proposed features in the app on initial release - extends the life of the app, and if they play their (Pokemon) cards right, adding gen 2 - 7 Pokemon in increments will see this lasting more than a year, which would be pretty incredible for a mobile app.
  12. Yep - both of my kids now want to go walking after I get home from work and we eat dinner - I'm on a weight loss plan at the moment, so this is perfect (and good for them too). They finally found a Slowpoke last night at a local park, which they deemed a successful evening of hunting
  13. wow. sounds cool. Makes me wonder if that is more around the speed it was recorded and he slowed it all later. oh sh*t! that sounds fucking perfect like that. woah. That. Is. Amazing. Totally chances the vibe of the song!
  14. On PC or PS4? Sadly the PS4 version has been left behind the PC one in terms of patches... PC ! Yet I would love playing that game with a controller in hand - the PC version really lacks gamepad support (well, except if you have the Xbox controller). Sadly, it seems as if every game developped with GameMaker doesn't support other controller than those ones. Speaking of controllers, what would you recommand me ? I heard the Steam Controller was pretty shitty yet it makes me extremely curious ! Anybody has one here ? I'm not a member of the PC Master Race™, so I'll let someone provide you the 511-page instructions for adding a controller to your spreadsheet-processing-machine-moonlighting-as-a-game-console...
  15. How's a flashlight going to remove a sticker?
  16. On PC or PS4? Sadly the PS4 version has been left behind the PC one in terms of patches... It's not available in your country yet? (oh, not even worldwide yet - yikes! Imagine the insanity once Japan/China gets a hold of this)
  17. i've basically heard the same thing from everyone i know who's played it. go anywhere and there's 50 people with their phones out swiping at zubats Incredibly, Nintendo's stock value has risen up to 11 billion USD since launch and is on 5% of all Android smartphones, rivaling dating app Tinder, and matching Twitter's daily usage. I bet Nintendo's gonna start making a whole lot of smartphone games now because of this (for better or worse), but highly unlikely any will reach this level. It will be interesting to see how long this phenomenon lasts...
  18. Fucking Pokemon Go - went to the park for a walk and there were about 50-60 teens/young adults all playing it...
  19. We'll have to see what they have in Store for the future, eh?
  20. While we frown upon advocating piracy on the forum, unfortunately the only way to get these would be a P2P service. Richard really should consider at least putting these on Bandcamp or SoundCloud for those who still want them. Alternatively, you could go about collecting the vinyls, or the Chosen Lords CD. Although neither of these feature the digital-only tracks Rephlex offered for sale at one point.
  21. No Man's Sky has gone gold; let's see if all the hype was just that, or it turns out to be the game everyone hopes it will be...
  22. As mentioned before, this EP was based around the challenge of programming for the Cheetah synth (all the press makes it out to be some major feat; anyone familiar with it can speak to that?), and he created some fun, bubbly tracks that he decided to share with the rest of us. I think you're setting your expectations too high by thinking everything the man releases must be some ground-breaking and forward-thinking reinvention of electronic music - sometimes the most simple, basic form of things are the ones we appreciate the most. The innovative stuff sometimes falls flat after time as that was the only merit it had going for it to begin with. And Richard running out of ideas? I highly doubt that. If anything, I think these recent releases are the beginning of a 'second act' akin to his 90's period and the best is yet to come...
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