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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Me too - the characters and game mechanics are cute and look like it will be actually fun, unlike most FF games of late. Of course, No Man's Sky features dick monsters - look at the creature's name:
  2. Final BroFantasy™ XV has been delayed from September 30 to November 29... of course, the internets had something to say about this...
  3. Really fucking tired of the Resident Evil Rehashes... How many times has this game been re-released? I thought you'd never ask... Gamecube PS2 PC Wii Zeebo iOS PS3 Xbox360 Android PS4 XBone 11 releases! Hahaha! Good lord. Almost as bad as Square with the "Final" Fantasy games...
  4. http://www.inquisitr.com/3417080/stranger-things-season-2-new-cast-millie-bobby-browns-eleven-and-future-seasons/ Putting this in spoiler tags in case somebody hasn't seen the first series yet:
  5. Really fucking tired of the Resident Evil Rehashes... How many times has this game been re-released? And honestly, I didn't think it was that great to begin with - I got tired of Resident Evil around the time of Code: Veronica...
  6. Yeah, really curious as to what more of the story they could tell that would be as interesting as the first series. Funnily enough, that's about how most 80's shows/movies worked - the original was great, and in most (but not all) cases, the sequel didn't measure up...
  7. From what the creators have said publically so far, it looks like they are going to continue the story. Not a bad thing, but I think considering the title, it would work better as a "series" of season-long stories rather than just one akin to more traditional television series.
  8. Wait for the 4.5... see what it has to offer. Right - unless the 4.5 offers more than just 4K and smoother frame rates... DOA levels of fanservice, innit
  9. no interest in playing mmos. wish they'd rerelease viii on pc/ps4. This is SquareEnix - you KNOW they will at some point, when they feel the money-milking potential is just right. DQ VIII is DQ's equivalent of FF VII.
  10. Finished Song of the Deep - nice little game if you enjoy "metroidvania" style adventure/hunt/backtrack quests...
  11. https://soundcloud.com/sagenebulous/time-is-an-illusion
  12. If not, there should be - hell, depending on how my RetroPi build comes out, I might consider doing something like that (sans the copyrighted games, of course), ideally making it dead simple for someone to pop in a SD card of their "legally acquired ROMs" and play.
  13. don't cringe too hard. it's starting to have the opposite effect with the current slew of disaster flops currently affecting the studios. it's so bad there has already been a flop alert issued on ben hur HOLY SHIT LOL DAT GIF
  14. I'd agree with the Weme suggestion...
  15. And Game Freak is independent of The Pokemon Company, which is the license holder to the Pokemon Franchise (Not sure how much of or how Nintendo is involved with The Pokemon Company).
  16. This guy beat Nintendo to the punch - it even has a mini control pad! http://www.daftmike.com/2016/07/NESPi.html The NFC carts are clever as well
  17. Woah, games as in plural - how the hell did you afford that ?! (People not knowing about NEO·GEO's prices will think I'm being sarcastic) I had (in 1990 until 1993, from age 17 to 20) a NEO·GEO gold system (650.00 USD), and 38 games (the lowest price I paid for a game was around 95.00 USD, for the smaller titles - brand new "big" games cost 240.00 USD each. Average was 150.00 USD). At the time, I worked for a veterinarian when I was in high school, and got 300.00 USD every two weeks (remember, 1990's wages), so it worked out well with the infrequency of when the games came out, I could buy 1-2 games every few months. Add to the fact I was still living at home, with little to no expenses. Some of the games I had now either still have held their retail value, some have easily tripled in value *cries* I sold them all to buy my first car after moving to Texas; back in California I never needed a car where I lived - rail and buses and my bike were easier. I loved the games, the box art, the whole presentation - best game console I ever owned. So much fun too taking my memory card to the arcades and loading up my saves on the same games and pwning people at Art of Fighting or Fatal Fury.
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