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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Nonsense. I thought that was a nice touch, departed from the usual bullshit in movies. She fancied him more, and in the end he wasn't quite the asshole everyone assumed anyway. exactly. steve had a redemption and we realised he was actually pretty cool. that was the arc. finished watching this all, damn good series, but a little overhyped....sorry. it wasn't quite as clever as it thought it was, it gets by on the vibe really well, and they totally nailed the vintage feel, but there were a fair few weak spots which don't necessarily detract from it but stop it from being a straight up classic or whatever. Yeah, if they want to keep it real then she will talk steve into a 3way with the other dude later on. Can someone explain something to me? I was super high and I'm not sure if I'm missing something or it just hasn't been explained yet. Also, this show is great. It mixes so many good things together. It feels very much like an anime type of storyline, and an amalgamation of so many different things packaged very cleanly together. The music is obviously amazing. It's just nostalgic enough and really hits all the sweet spots. I did find that some of the storyline was a little bit weird. Like the impromptu flotation tank was a bit hacky. Like, I'm sure the salt/water/weight ratio was probably off. RE: Hopper:
  2. Still move like a tank, and zombies just home in on your position... no thanks. RE has been surpassed by other zombie/survival horror games, IMO.
  3. I know! I wish the bandwidth was there to transmit HD video... but I'm happy with pictures!
  4. Agree with you both, but I can't help but be excited by the DLC. I bet (just a guess on my part) the next big From Software game is going to be Demon's Souls remake. People still play that damn game!
  5. Speaking of JUNO, the first pictures of Jupiter from 2500 miles up will be coming next week! I am so excited, since the JUNOCAM takes amazing shots. I wonder what the clouds of Jupiter will look like that close and in high resolution?
  6. Usually I blow up after a pesto sandwich...
  7. Any game that I see that essentially says "IF YOU LOVED [iNSERT VAGUELY SIMILAR GAME HERE]...", I have found it usually isn't. I looked at it, and thought it was pretty poor and honestly didn't see the Journey connection everyone was making. That looks amazing - I always like the winter environments in Dark Souls. The one in the DSII DLC was one of my favourite parts... those crystal reindeers tho... Does it seem to you that DSIII died off pretty quickly after release (moreso than DSII)? I dunno, but I practically forgot about it after beating it and doing PVP for awhile. I saw that a new demo came out, and actually unlocks some DLC if you beat the demo? I wanna try this again, as I liked the original demo. Will be interesting to see how much more they've been able to refine it. Inside is finally out for PS4 - need to pick that up!
  8. Joyrex

    Fuck Tri

    Bunch o' goddamn weeaboos
  9. I played the demo for this - it's all right, but I miss the series' hand-drawn pixel art. These character models are generic and uninspired and the lighting is poor. I'll stick with the NEO·GEO originals.
  10. New PS4 Slim model seems to have leaked ahead of Sony's 7 September press conference (where they are expected to unveil the PS4.5, aka "Neo", the direct competition to the new XBONES... Played some of the Titanfall 2 beta... some neat stuff, but very COD-like. Still burned out on FPSs too much to care really.
  11. Wow... could they have copied Wind Waker and A Link to the Past any more?
  12. Yeah, I'm leaning away from No Man's Sky after reading the pretty damning Kotaku review, plus all the reviews/comments from players on the repetitiveness.
  13. FFS, Jared Leto is now in Blade Runner 2. ONE MILLION DOLLARS says he's a replicant.
  14. Rez Infinite VR is getting a physical release with soundtrack on vinyl, tee shirts, etc.: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2016/08/18/rez-infinite-gets-a-physical-release-vinyl-soundtrack-art-book-t-shirt-more/
  15. Make your own Stranger Things title with Make It Stranger:
  16. CC didn't make the 'scratch' track...
  17. At this point: that would be a bad kind of fiction. He wont win. Also, for people interested, some text from todays fivethirtyeight newsletter: If there happened some big terrorist attacks in USA before election it could maybe turn the tide I guess. I'd almost (sadly) bet money something like that will happen if there is any indication Clinton is a sure victor early before November...
  18. God I wish they'd give this franchise a fucking rest, ffs
  19. How timely - Polygon has an article on "How To Sell Your Game Like No Man's Sky", detailing the marketing push behind the game... http://www.polygon.com/2016/8/16/12503258/no-mans-sky-pitch-indie-success
  20. See, it's when I see things like this: And then I read things like this: http://lifehacker.com/how-i-found-peace-exploring-the-vastness-of-space-in-no-1785319630 How I Found Peace Exploring the Vastness of Space In No Man's Sky When I was a kid, my favorite thing to do when I was alone in my room was play “crashed spaceship.” I would build a ship out of LEGO, crash it on my bed, have my minifig find a way to fix it, then head to the next room—er—planet. Now there’s a version of that I can play as an adult: No Man’s Sky. For me, the experience is nothing short of therapeutic. While my ship is capable of warp speed, the gameplay of No Man’s Sky is very slow and methodical. Walking somewhere could take hours, and even flying to the other side of a planet could take upwards of 20 minutes if you stay within the planet’s atmosphere. Some games make my heart race, some games make me think critically, but No Man’s Sky makes me calm and gives me time to think. The soft hum of your spaceship, the low whistle of radioactive winds, and the sound of your own breathing in your life support suit make for one of the most peaceful backdrops in gaming. Not to mention some alien landscapes are visually breathtaking. I once sat in my spaceship for 10 minutes, looking out the window, watching a bizarre herd of one-eyed llama creatures graze through a field of purple grass as acid rain cascaded onto the roof of my spaceship. No Man’s Sky is like playing an interactive ambient noise machine while dreaming, especially if you have a great pair of headphones. The fantastic sci-fi soundtrack doesn’t hurt either. However, doing any of those things entirely depends on whether you have the resources to do it. I’ve talked to a few people who say the resource gathering and inventory management bogs them down (a fair complaint), but for me it’s a zen-like process that’s become second nature. Those restrictions work well with the sometimes-overwhelming openness of space exploration. It’s the perfect balance of “I need” versus “I want.” You want to go to that place over there? You can, but you need these things first. It’s a stark reminder for me that the real world is just as interesting and explorable, but I have to do the work first. Even the simplest tasks in life still require resources and effort. No matter what you want to do, or where you want to go, you have to fuel your “ship” first. No Man’s Sky also makes me feel alone—which is a good thing. We may be social creatures, but we need time alone: time to think, time to reflect, and time to process our past, present, and future. And as I play, I’m not worried about scores, winning, or what another player is up to. Every experience I have is mine and mine alone; something to cherish. Nobody will ever see what I see, hear what I hear, or do exactly what I did. No Man’s Sky shows you that, in an age of always being connected, you don’t need someone else to have a good time. All you need is a willingness to go it alone and explore. Best of all, I gain a little perspective every session. I tend to overstress about the minor problems in my real life, but when I play, I’m reminded how small we all are in the universe. Even if I’ve made some mountains out of molehills, those mountains are still barely visible from orbit. Maybe things aren’t as bad as I’m making them out to be. Maybe there are bigger fish to fry. Maybe things will be better on the next planet. Perhaps the game resonates with me so much because it’s comfortable, and in a way feels like a metaphor for the way I view my life. I drift from planet to planet, making the best of each one, learning something when I can, and leaving when I’ve had my fill. I meet a wide variety of intelligent beings and have positive interactions with some, and negative, more educational interactions with others. I feed a few animals to make them happy because it makes me happy. No matter what, though, I know that it’s still just me and my ship. Sure, there are others like me out there—I know that. But I may never meet them, and that’s okay. As long as I have my ship and the knowledge I need to keep exploring, I will. Really makes me not want to play/want to play NMS.
  21. I preordered the Day One Edition, which apparently includes the Japanese dub as a bonus, which means either it by default does NOT come with the JP Dub and you'll need to pay extra for it as DLC. Typical Square gouging. I agree with parts of what you're saying. I was talking to a friend of mine last night about the game. Neither of us have played it, so we're probably just talking out our asses in some ways, but we were talking about the marketing of the game. I think the marketing hurt the game. Actually, I think most marketing hurts most games unless you're super careful about what you show and tell. The best marketing the last couple of years have been for The Witness. Jonathan Blow said that it's a game where you solve line puzzles - and that was it. He didn't promise anything else and instead people discovered all sorts of stuff for themselves. The same goes for Inside. And yes, I know you can't do this for any title. It'd be kinda weird to publish COD19 without saying a word - then on the other hand, I don't know how much you can say about COD these days. Anyway, I wonder if it ended up hurting the development and the marketing that Sony jumped in to support No Man's Sky. Did Sony require all sorts of Triple-A marketing from a small publisher that was basically developing a $20-30 indie game? What if it had been just another Steam game that one day showed up on the frontpage and then became popular over night due people talking about it? Anyway, I'm just babbling on... I'm getting more interested in NMS, but I still hesitate due to the price (although via Amazon Prime I can get it for 48 USD), and also the potential of it just being "not fun to play". I'll read one account where it is the most amazing, meditative experience ever in a game, to the polar opposite where it's boring and lifeless. Still on the fence. And I think you are absolutely right - had there been no hype behind this, I bet the final product would have been received much better by the gaming community.
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