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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Notch didn't buy Analogue Bubblebath 5 from him... Richard's concern was that higher quality rips would end up online, effectively scuppering any reason to release them legitamately. I guess I can finally share this bit of the whole story since he's mentioned who bought them ultimately: When we were getting ready to list the Caustic Window LP on Ebay, it was also decided to go ahead and list ABB5 and MFM as well - all was fine until the last minute, when someone sniped both releases - turns out that sniper was Richard himself, as he explained his reasons - the more he thought about higher quality rips getting out there, the less incentive for him to legitimately release them (and he was working towards doing so). So, we talked with Ebay, got the auctions cancelled, and approached Notch Persson, who at this point was buying the Caustic Window LP (and actually was in the running for Melodies From Mars, but Richard outbid him at the last minute), and Grant talked to Notch, who agreed to purchase the others at an undisclosed price, since we were assured Notch wasn't going to rip and leak these online (keep in mind, this was the last known copy of the MFM test pressing - much higher quality than the tapes that got leaked years ago). That's why I had to say nay to the Kickstarters for MFM and ABB5, and why the Ebay auctions happened the way they did. This story is not 100% accurate... ABB5 wasn't bought by Notch. That's correct... the ABB5 was bought by another buyer - I didn't mention this in case they didn't want that to be public knowledge and avoid any potential publicity/scrutiny.
  2. FAN. TASTIC. You were expecting 'Quite Good', eh?
  3. Because 24bit wav IF you care about audio at that quality... if you think iTunes audio sounds good enough, order via iTunes. That's what I did. I actually ordered the physical via Amazon. not interested in the limited edition? Depends on if I get a raffle ticket or not - you do know you DON'T have to purchase from Bleep to enter, right? Honestly, if it wasn't for the obnoxious shipping costs, I'd go for the Japanese CD - that's the complete set, IMO. so that means you're gonna torrent the bonus track like me eh joyboss, you dirty ol' pirate Who says I need to?
  4. Well, they were given away as "apologies" for their Analord binder purchases getting lost - I wouldn't consider a promo being given away a "release", official or otherwise.
  5. I thought AB5 came out in 2005 Erm, ABB5 was scheduled to come out in 1995...
  6. Richard's concern was that higher quality rips would end up online, effectively scuppering any reason to release them legitamately. I guess I can finally share this bit of the whole story since he's mentioned who bought them ultimately: When we were getting ready to list the Caustic Window LP on Ebay, it was also decided to go ahead and list ABB5 and MFM as well - all was fine until the last minute, when someone sniped both releases - turns out that sniper was Richard himself, as he explained his reasons - the more he thought about higher quality rips getting out there, the less incentive for him to legitimately release them (and he was working towards doing so). So, we talked with Ebay, got the auctions cancelled, and approached Notch Persson, who at this point was buying the Caustic Window LP (and actually was in the running for Melodies From Mars, but Richard outbid him at the last minute), and Grant talked to Notch, who agreed to purchase the others at an undisclosed price, since we were assured Notch wasn't going to rip and leak these online (keep in mind, this was the last known copy of the MFM test pressing - much higher quality than the tapes that got leaked years ago). That's why I had to say nay to the Kickstarters for MFM and ABB5, and why the Ebay auctions happened the way they did.
  7. To my knowledge, there is only a CD version of SYRO for Japan: http://shop.beatink.com/shopdetail/000000001850/ Also, I don't know if anyone has noticed yet, but iTunes lists the track times for SYRO: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/syro/id911319255?ign-mpt=uo%3D4
  8. There's a nice interview on Groove.de (German online music magazine) with Richard in regards to the Caustic Window Kickstarter - Richard himself clears up who the 'mysterious seller' of the Caustic Window LP was, and why it was being sold: http://www.groove.de/2014/08/26/aphex-twin-ueber-caustic-window-und-kickstarter/#english It also gives folks some slight hope ABB5/MFM will come out... There's also another nice interview with Richard on Groove, circa 2001: http://www.groove.de/2014/08/21/aphex-twin-groove-interview-2001-english/
  9. Because 24bit wav IF you care about audio at that quality... if you think iTunes audio sounds good enough, order via iTunes. That's what I did. I actually ordered the physical via Amazon. not interested in the limited edition? Depends on if I get a raffle ticket or not - you do know you DON'T have to purchase from Bleep to enter, right? Honestly, if it wasn't for the obnoxious shipping costs, I'd go for the Japanese CD - that's the complete set, IMO.
  10. Because 24bit wav IF you care about audio at that quality... if you think iTunes audio sounds good enough, order via iTunes. That's what I did. I actually ordered the physical via Amazon.
  11. Yeah, I just realized that when I kept reading further... *wipes egg off face, removes foot from mouth*
  12. Oh, nice identifying the font! Interesting - a Google search for Silian Rail font comes up with the fact it is in fact a fictional font, most closely visually to Garamond Classico Roman SC... And, it's used quite a bit on fictional business cards - very odd coincidence!
  13. The marketing blitz has begun... They had Tomorrow's Harvest cards too - those even contained a code, didn't they?
  14. That's more of Nintendo milking their franchises - they don't have the resources to do it, so they farm it out to a third party. They've been doing it for years - the Game Boy Zelda games (Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages) were done by Init Creates and Capcom. I think the success (or otherwise) of the Pokemon Card game on iOS will hopefully open their eyes to finally consider developing for other platforms.
  15. LOL, I have about as much influence over Richard's breakfast choices as what music he decides to release next.
  16. Enough with the Kanye bullshit - it's done and dusted - if you like Kanye, great - if you hate Kanye, great, etc. Richard's non plussed about it, so neither should we. RE: WARP asking/demanding/begging for material from Richard (or any of their artists) - it's simply not their style - they don't pester their artists to give them material to release; never have, AFAIK. The only time there was any ever any "pressure" was with Windowlicker/DrukQs as Warner Bros (not WARP) gave a hefty advance (supposedly 90,000USD) for an album, which WARP thought Richard was going to deliver that fall of 1999. Richard, for whatever reason, decided it wasn't time to release anything he was working on, so he simply didn't - This effectively soured the relationship WARP had with WB, and AFAIK, Warner no longer distributes for WARP in the US. DrukQs was as I understand it, the last album as part of the contact Richard had with WARP, but in typical WARP fashion, had no specific delivery dates tacked onto it, so Richard gave it to them when he felt it was ready to be released. This, by the way, all came from a Warner Bros exec I was dealing with when I was in talks with WB about running the US side of WB's Aphex Twin promotional/web site, the old aphex-twin.com (or was it .net? Can't remember). The above obviously scuppered any US promotion Aphex Twin was going to ever have again via WB. Also recall the (in)famous WB memo after SAWII bombed in the US, stating that any proposed "ambient" releases via WB had to have executive clearance before going forward. There were also rumours that WB had some sort of "ownership" over the Aphex Twin name, which some have speculated led to Richard doing the Analord and Tuss releases via Rephlex in the intervening years since DrukQs and SYRO, but I've got no other claims to back that up.
  17. Lornaderek featured his parents, Lorna and Derek James. At the time, Nannou and Nanou2 were rumoured to be named after his then-girlfriend, who was French. The last track on SYRO is apparently named after his wife. Honestly though, let's keep his family/relations out of this and afford the man some respect - discussing tracks obviously named after them is fair game, but as exemplified by my above dip into gossip-ville, it's a slippery slope for sure. I can't help but be amused by the idea of his son following in his footsteps - kids are awesome and the best hope of any parent (myself included) is your children exceed your own abilities and goals by light years.
  18. Nice that he mentions it... would have been nicer if WATMM was mentioned... I have never been so excited about a five year old. /deadpan Would be pretty amazing if true.
  19. Now how would I have been able to do that?
  20. I'm not annoyed that these tracks are on the new release. I just don't want them to be the best tracks on it seeing as I've listened to them forever & thus will lack any major surprise. I wanted 100% surprise for purely selfish reasons. I would agree that the mixes are probably different to some degree & will undoubtedly sound a million times better. I'm hoping Joyrex's foreshadowing implies he's heard Syro somehow & the tracks we haven't heard are beyond the tracks already discussed. But, seeing as Rich has played those tracks in the past to an audience, I would venture to think those are the ones he feels are "best" & what is on the album may be less than. In any case, we have 2 more albums to look forward to after Syro. Trust me, hearing these via shitty phonecam recording vs. hearing them on a proper soundsystem or a decent pair of headphones makes them sound like brand new stuff, not to mention the other tracks. It's amazing this stuff is 6-7 years old, but is groundbreaking and innovative as ever. You really have to admire Richard's dedication to his craft.
  21. I think it's a case that out of all live Aphex tracks, the "Manchester" track gets cited the most frequently, hence WARP identifying it as such. Metz is probably second behind Manchester, and honestly I bet quite a few Aphex fans haven't a clue as to what the Singapore track is.
  22. It's WATMM. This is what we do. fucking lol That is awesome!
  23. You do realize that the majority, if not all of Richard's commercial releases are a few years old (at the least) when they finally come out? ICBYD, which you mentioned has tracks dating back to 1990 on it! Richard takes years to tweak and perfect his tracks - that's why they are so fucking good.
  24. Fucking ace detective work, Jason - and if anyone's in doubt that the rest of the tracks won't hold up to the 'known' stuff he's played live... well, trust me - that's just the tip of the iceberg.
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