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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. I'm more interested in his Last Step output than his Snares stuff. Agree with you on Cylob; some of his stuff you really have to listen carefully to extract the subtle bits and appreciate them.
  2. so i have a rarity then! (and i was thinking about selling it... aaaah NAAAW! ) oh bugger... now i really need to make a proper compilation of remixes myself... You can hear the difference?
  3. VSnares has specifically asked we don't feature a fan forum about him, so that's off the books... I have been considering Ceephax recently as the guy certainly can hold his own with his brother's output...
  4. Never got an email back from him regarding this, so whatever. Not removing the subforum either, as it's for fans of his music, not him.
  5. WARP wasn't asking for people to provide MP3s or FLAC files; they wanted the original CDs to master from...
  6. Joyrex

    Rare AFX Blog

    We already covered that several pages pack...
  7. Cylob has an extensive back catalogue, and was one of the big names in the electronic music scene in the 90's when his peers Aphex and µ-Ziq and Squarepusher were redefining electronic music as we knew it. He's a great musician, even if some of his later output was a bit too tongue in cheek (IMO) versus the sonic masterpieces like Flicklife, Diof, and my personal favourite, Kobal. His Ventolin remix is one of the best ones out of the set.
  8. Is this rant archived anywhere? rss shows nor rant, just what was posted here. aside from some incoherent stuff from 4th of june that just got deleted. how do we know this is directed at watmm? Who else would feature his RSS feed anywhere?
  9. Please explain to me in what universe I am "in the wrong" by having an RSS feed from his site create posts here so fans of Cylob's music can keep up to date on what he's doing without having to visit his site every day. Sorry joyrex i didn't mean to imply that. i don't know the rules about RSS feed or anything so i wouldn't know. just sayin he was being rude to you, either way. Ah, I see. no offense taken. I'm hoping he took it down because it was a mistake, although he could have removed it after posting it knowing the RSS feed removal wouldn't subsequently remove the post here. Perhaps, but Snares at least had a civil (private) conversation with me about it, and gave his reasons for not wanting WATMM to have a subforum dedicated to his music, even though I'd wager there are a hell of a lot more Snares fans here than Cylob fans would would appreciate a subforum in which to discuss his music.
  10. Please explain to me in what universe I am "in the wrong" by having an RSS feed from his site create posts here so fans of Cylob's music can keep up to date on what he's doing without having to visit his site every day.
  11. Yeah, this is funny and all, but isn't anyone a bit mystified/questioning by/why Cylob's apparent misunderstanding of why we have an RSS feed of his sites' content come here? After all, it's certainly not harmful to him, and if anything, helps promote what he's doing as an artist as well as keeping his fans here at WATMM up to date on what he's up to - it's not as if I'm benefiting from this in any way...
  12. So much for trying to bring more exposure to Cylob's work... You might want to read up on what RSS feeds are for and how they work, Mr. Jeffs.
  13. Why don’t you write your own damn website, instead of leaching off mine, you thieving ucking unt? View the full article
  14. Joyrex

    Rare AFX Blog

    The credits are different now: Yep, sorrry guys we credited Joyrex (and you guys) without asking really. Me and Joyrex swapped rareties years ago, but appreciate that here on WATMM everything is above board so to speak. Same goes on RARE AFX too (almost everything we link to is on Youtube), just being close to the core we had a few extra bits and pieces from over the years, not all linked to yet. Apologies for any errors on our site, we built it pretty quick from our own AFX discographies/collections and upgraded our own memories as we went. We'll keep maintaining/correcting it as we go. Feedback is always welcome. And re: Morley 1992, We were there... aeioux/sf101 Hey, no offense taken at crediting me - drop me a PM and remind me who you were way back when - I may have some other stuff you might be interested in
  15. Joyrex

    Rare AFX Blog

    Maybe just to f*ck with people. No other reason. Create dialogue. Mystery. ...Conversations like this. Then again, maybe he was telling the truth. We'll probably never know for sure (; Talking (or emailing) Richard face-to-face versus what he tells journos or otherwise is night and day - I found in the time I communicated with him, he was a down-to-earth, realistic person who didn't dodge questions or skirt around stuff like that - nothing like he gets portrayed by the journalists - why he would say that to someone (keeping in mind what I just said) makes no sense, unless there's a more complicated story behind it, or he felt it was better at that moment to be evasive about it, if he thought this person might go spreading what he said (which by now, he should probably know anything he makes a statement on to certain people is going to end up being repeated online, etc. It was like the story I heard (after Mike P confirmed Bradley Strider was Richard) that Manuel Sepulveda (guy who appears on Brad's Robot's vinyl label, and was the co-designer for the DrukQs packaging, and other releases) created the Bradley Strider EPs on Richard's equipment, hence why it sounded like his work. I find that laughable at best, but it goes to show you how these rumours or statements put out by legit people or otherwise can blossom and grow into pseudo-truth. Richard could come on here and post and contradict everything I just said; doesn't mean it's exactly proof otherwise, especially when there's evidence to the contrary. My personal theory is these artists like the mystique built up around their professional personas, as it keeps the journos guessing, the fans titillated, and hopefully buying more records. Sometimes it backfires, or goes further than they expected it to, but for the most part, it ultimately benefits them if they're still getting a cheque on a regular basis.
  16. Joyrex

    Rare AFX Blog

    It might also have to do with there being an early version of it called "crappy" that was played on a radio programme...
  17. Joyrex

    Rare AFX Blog

    Didn't Richard also say the Tuss wasn't him either?
  18. Joyrex

    Rare AFX Blog

    UI Green's 12" and 10" are by Richard, and supposedly the 7" tracks are by Grant. UI Red is one of the earliest releases by Richard - 1989.
  19. Joyrex

    Rare AFX Blog

    I've had that for years; at least since early 2000 - it was on a compilation of 'random AFX' tracks that had the Peel Sessions, etc. Whoever is running this site - they're letting a lot of cats out of a lot of bags... CREDITS: SF-101, 381/W, ACO, PBoD, GWC, RYAN J TERRELL, JOYREX [WATMM], WATMM MEMBERS Good thing the only people that care about this type of stuff are members of this forum. I don't think you're understanding what I mean - as mentioned before, there's some stuff that shouldn't be there, as well as stuff that really isn't fit for public consumption.
  20. Sure they could release something with the name 'Aphex Twin' on it - they can't claim it's an Aphex Twin release, but they certainly could say "A Compilation of Remixes by Aphex Twin" (although I would certainly hope they are more creative with a title than that) and not have to pay royalties for use of the Aphex Twin name, since they are not releasing his music, but music he did under contract to other artists/labels. This is done all the time with "Now This Is Music Volume XX" compilations, or tribute albums (although in most cases the artists being honoured give their blessing to the compilation in question). Also, it's unknown if the other label planning on releasing the compilation was doing this on the up and up, versus making a cash grab, as it were.
  21. Joyrex

    Rare AFX Blog

    I've had that for years; at least since early 2000 - it was on a compilation of 'random AFX' tracks that had the Peel Sessions, etc. Whoever is running this site - they're letting a lot of cats out of a lot of bags...
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