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Rubin Farr

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Everything posted by Rubin Farr

  1. Elf - yes it's become a classic Xmas/10 Safe House - Crap/10 White Christmas - I love it for its retro cheesiness, 9/10
  2. ordered the White 2nd pressing, and the original Orange version showed up :)
  3. I dissed the 3DS XL when it came out, but I received one as a gift and it's an amazing system. They fixed almost all the probs w the original model, the bigger screen looks beautiful, and the eShop is finally coming along. You can find more than enough $10-15 games to fill it up without bowing to Nintendo and their $40 portable game bullshit. System exterior looks cool, feels great in your hands and actually has a good battery life. After almost a decade of playing DS, the graphics upgrade is a really welcome one. Great Xmas idea if you want a portable gaming fix on a dedicated system.
  4. So AMC has gotten rid of another show runner, after canning Frank Darabont. Are they intent on ruining a money factory? Cutting Breaking Bad's budget was rough, but what's up with their management? They are killing it in Emmy nominations so why fuck that up? http://www.imdb.com/news/ni43243062/
  5. anyone here do any handheld gaming besides smartphones/tablets?
  6. doing my annual holiday double feature this weekend of White Christmas and Brazil. This year on blu-ray for both!
  7. wow check out those 90s graphics! http://mobile.walmart.com/m/phoenix;jsessionid=6573590AC02180EC313CCBB65A10E532#ip/The-Walking-Dead-Official-TV-Game/21001946
  8. online Ghost in the Shell game coming soon: http://www.highdefdigest.com/news/show/MMORPGs_26_posts/Stand_Alone_Complex/Ghost_in_the_Shell/Nexon/Aria_Gloris_Ghost_in_the_Shell_Stand_Alone_Complex_The_Online_Game/10743
  9. EscapeVektor 3D looks pretty sweet for a wireframe game, will be getting on the 20th when released.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m12geJhxPls&sns=em Sorry YT is jackin w me.
  11. So basically the same plot as the Cruise movie, but substitute a black guy for the white one, and add in several Daaaaaayum! or similar Smithisms
  12. Yeah if 33 is a crisis, what happens when u reach 40? Also, if u don't want kids find a chick who likes anal. Lol
  13. enjoying the demo for FIFA 13, any other players on here?
  14. Anyone seen Zero Dark Thirty? It's getting as much love if not more than Argo from critics. Oh, and Wild at Heart
  15. Snow White & the Huntsman - 5/10 decent visuals but Kristen Stewart is the worst actress in Hollywood.
  16. Nice way to work in the eye patch. At this rate, if Rick doesn't get what's coming to him from the comic, it will be the letdown of the series.
  17. The Campaign - 8/10 some classic Ferrell and smart writing, the ending fell apart though Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter - 1/10 so bad in every way we turned it off and went to bed
  18. Halloween 3 creeped us the fuck out as kids, that pulsing music and the flashing lights on tv were crazy. Plus some pretty good titty sucking.
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