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Everything posted by zkom

  1. Well, I'm not very good at genre definitions.. Thanks!
  2. One of Russia's most faithful allies, Kazakhstan, refuses to recognize Donetks and Luhansk. This can get interesting. The Russian "peace keepers" were in Kazakhstan just a moment ago.. https://www.rferl.org/a/kazakhstan-ukraine-separatists-russia-recognition/31787134.html
  3. I've said no to a bunch of lucrative but horrible gigs lately. I need to pick something sooner or later. I'm maybe becoming to picky.. Also kind of wondering is it ok to say to a recruiter that I don't want the job because honestly the product looks like crap?
  4. This is an old techno style track that I just remastered and made some improvements here and there. Not really IDM or braindance or whatever. Very heavy with Doepfer Dark Energy so it sounds pretty modular.
  5. Found a black hooded North Face jacket in a discount rack. Now I look so 'techre.
  6. VST plugins sounding different on different sample rates. And I don't mean just crunchier on lower sample rates but total arse when switching to a higher frequency with some significant distortion. ffs
  7. Some progress in the Finnish NATO membership discussion. Finnish PM: Nato decision must happen this spring https://yle.fi/news/3-12388118
  8. Well, some of the politicians here don't want to do a public referendum also because the referendums can be easily manipulated by disinformation campaigns and there have been negative experiences in other countries in recent years on letting referendums make decisions on foreign policies, if you know what I mean.. One thing is also how other NATO members will react because the membership needs to be approved by all the NATO members. And Orbán being such a good pal with Putin the question is will Hungary approve? Hungarians have their parliamentary elections next Sunday so there's an extra bit of excitement.. Other thing is timing. The Finnish president for example is saying that it's not wise to apply for the membership while the war is going in Ukraine because while Finland is probably not in danger it may escalate the situation between Ukraine and Russia.
  9. Here's the Reuters piece from 3 days ago about Russian troops driving through the highly contaminated "Red Forest" in Chernobyl without any radiation protection https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/unprotected-russian-soldiers-disturbed-radioactive-dust-chernobyls-red-forest-2022-03-28/ I am no radiation expert, but what I've read the radiation in the soil and plants is not that dangerous if it stays outside for short periods of time, but if the soldiers inhaled the radioactive dust then it gets into their lungs and stays there and can cause serious problems because then they are basically just irradiating themselves from the inside.
  10. Shit keeps getting crazier in China Chinese city orders all indoor pets belonging to COVID-19 patients in one neighborhood to be killed https://www.businessinsider.com/china-langfang-district-says-kill-covid-patients-pets-2022-3
  11. The India Today ground reporting from Ukraine is absolutely nuts, holy shit
  12. One of the few places I've actually come across literal neo-nazis was in Kaliningrad, Russia sometime around 2010. I was walking down the street and the nazis had parked their pimped out Lada on the side of the road talking to each other. Once they saw me walking past they all went silent and stared at me. I guess I stood out a bit looking like a hipster idiot with a shoulder bag in Kaliningrad. I was thinking should I run or what but I calmly walked past them and then took an immediate turn in the next corner and then kind of rapidly zigzagged my way the fuck out of that general area.
  13. Kadyrov really is like some Sacha Baron Cohen character Check the gold plated scissors on the desk. Here he is with USD 1500 Prada tacticool boots.
  14. It'll be interesting when these guys head back home to Belarus.. They are not too shy talking about overthrowing the Lukashenko government.
  15. RIP Mira Calix and Philip Jeck
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