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Everything posted by zkom

  1. I don't really know how much Dugin is behind Russia's foreign policy in reality but he has some interesting ideas about Russia's old pal China for sure https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics
  2. Oh looool, it's not like this is a fucking secret. Come on.. Here's the fucking Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Koreans_in_Russia CNN piece https://edition.cnn.com/2018/01/15/europe/russia-north-korea-labor-intl/index.html Le Monde Diplomatique piece https://mondediplo.com/2006/04/08koreanworkers The Guardian piece https://www.theguardian.com/football/2017/jun/04/like-prisoners-of-war-north-korean-labour-russia-world-cup-st-petersburg-stadium-zenit-arena The Moscow Times piece https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2017/03/31/north-korean-slaves-building-key-russian-world-cup-stadium-a57602 The Independent piece https://www.independent.co.uk/news/long_reads/north-koreans-in-russia-work-basically-in-the-situation-of-slaves-a7841831.html South China Morning Post piece https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/3042820/un-deadline-looms-north-koreas-overseas-workers-return-home I could go on and on but it doesn't just hinge on one BBC video
  3. Yes, as I said it's unverified but funny. I don't think it's true. Russia and DRPK are bff because Kim sends his citizens to work as slaves in Russia for peanuts https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-33614982
  4. Not verified but funny: ‘Too insane for us’ Kim humiliates Putin after Russia begs North Korea for help https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1580806/russia-news-kim-jong-un-vladimir-putin-begs-help-north-korea-ukraine Also China's "friendship" with Russia is not that strong maybe? This can't be good for the Russia's partnerships: Russia to suspend grain exports to Eurasian Economic Union until Aug 31 https://www.reuters.com/business/russia-suspend-grain-exports-eurasian-economic-union-until-aug-31-2022-03-10/ And..
  5. Foxconn shutting down factories that produce for example iPhones in Shenzhen due to a covid lockdown https://www.theverge.com/2022/3/13/22976414/foxconn-production-shenzhen-lockdown-apple-china-covid Anyone wanted some more supply chain problems?
  6. China has managed pretty well with the zero-covid policy so far but is the omicron variant finally going to break it? Hong Kong was also doing well until they got the shit kicked out of them by omicron. China battles worst Covid outbreak for two years as cases double in 24 hours https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/13/china-battles-worst-covid-outbreak-for-two-years-as-cases-double-in-24-hours China locks down city of 9 million amid new spike in cases https://apnews.com/article/covid-health-china-changchun-fbe63032924a44e4f7874d0bf0a2988f Covid News: China Dismisses 2 Mayors and Shanghai Closes Schools as Case Numbers Rise https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/03/11/world/covid-19-mandates-cases-vaccine If the omicron gets out of control in a country of 1.4 billion people with a bit questionably vaccine efficacy and coverage then oo boy..
  7. Well, just my guesses: 1) You can't really do an occupation with just air strikes and drones, you need military on the ground to take over the cities 2) Drones cost a lot of money, conscripts and contract soldiers are cheap 3) Russia thought that there's not going to be a much of resistance, just show up with superior firepower and people will surrender Even if Russia takes over Kyiv and installs a puppet government it takes a shit ton of troops to keep the occupation going. The historical data says you need 5-50 troops per 1,000 inhabitants. Ukraine has a population of 44 million. That would mean a Russian occupation would need somewhere between 220k to 2.2 million troops to keep the occupation going. Russian military has 1M active personnel and 2M reserves. This would seriously deplete the Russian military. The cost of occupation AND the economic sanctions combined, that's going to be something.
  8. The (unverified?) intelligence is that Putin has put a bunch of FSB chiefs into house arrests and sacked generals for this complete failure of an operation which would suggest that there was no plan B that could be implemented at this point. Also this is destroying the Russian economy completely. Even if the sanctions are lifted who is ever going to invest in Russia after they threatened to nationalize foreign assets? The brain drain has escalated to completely new levels. All the trains from St. Petersburg to Helsinki are filled with Russians with visas or double citizenships escaping the country. And who the fuck knows how long it will be until they can open the Moscow stock exchange again and when that happens people start panic selling their stocks in Russian companies to get at least some money back. This is a major fuck up on the part of Putin and his gang.
  9. I feel like Luke Vibert probably broke all these rules maybe excepting 12
  10. There's an old Finnish joke about Russian technology (not an exact translation because it would be too clumsy, but close): Q: What is something that doesn't vibrate and doesn't fit in your ass? A: A Russian ass vibrator
  11. Bitcoin ATMs Declared Illegal in UK by Financial Regulator https://gizmodo.com/bitcoin-atms-declared-illegal-in-uk-by-financial-regula-1848639960
  12. Things are getting really crazy in Hong Kong. In ‘zero COVID’ Hong Kong, deaths smash global records https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/9/in-zero-covid-hong-kong-deaths-smash-global-records
  13. Thanks to the Russia's invasion of Ukraine there's a lot of talk about removing soviet era (and possibly tsarist era) statues from Finland, a sort of de-Finlandization. First one to go is this communist abomination from Helsinki.
  14. The blurb: IHVH are a duo composed of Touch artists Mark Van Hoen of Locust fame, and violinist Zachary Paul. This album is an electro-acoustic excursion of sorts into the often obscure worlds of mystical religions of our times. The Kabbalah, the Indian mystics, the Christian church…the moods of these belief systems and more, and their sounds as well, are sampled and referenced throughout these 10 tracks. With a mix of real instrumentation, including the violin playing of Zachary Paul and the cello, bass and viola played by guest musicians on some of the tracks, and the many electronic treatments created by Mark Van Hoen including the sounds of insects, African drumming, liturgical droning, and classical and operatic samples…this portentous and mysterious, at times dark, but overall spiritually absorbing album is an imaginary voyage into the realms of Agnosticism, and it’s insinuations into the other major religions of the world. Zachary’s violin is multi layered and processed, often rendered unrecognizable – with minimal ghostly and decayed electronics added by Mark. Most of the tracks were recorded in an improvisation session at Mark’s studio in Los Angeles. Two of the pieces “Black Angels” and “Sister Ferdinande (Kolkata)” were recorded at film sound maestro Charlie Campagne’s studio – and feature him on double bass as well as Katt Newlon of LA’s Sonic Open Orchestra on cello. released March 11, 2022 Digital and CD on Bandcamp https://ashinternational.bandcamp.com/album/the-agnostic This is pretty dope
  15. The same thing happened in 2017 and 2018, just a bit different location. https://www.businessinsider.com/finland-norway-tell-pilots-to-fly-without-gps-and-some-blame-russia-2018-11 Maybe NATO should start jamming the GLONASS frequencies near Ukraine
  16. There are also far-left and anarchist militants fighting against Russia in Ukraine More analysis https://www.militantwire.com/p/ukrainian-anarchists-mobilize-for?s=r
  17. There was a referendum in Ukraine on Dec 1st, 1991 where 91% of Ukrainians voted for secession and independence. But back to the actual dissolution because secession is not really the same thing. There was shit ton happening in 1991, but on Dec 12th the Supreme Soviet of Russian SFRSR ratified the Belazheva accords, that proclaimed that Soviet Union had ceased to exist and CIS was to take it's place. On Dec 25th Gorbachev resigned. On Dec 26th the Soviet of Republics, the upper chamber of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, voted the Soviet Union out of existence. So the Soviet political bodies that legally had the control of the USSR and the republics themselves dissolved the USSR. I don't see how all this was done illegally?
  18. You didn't answer my questions. Under what law was it illegal? Legality isn't about popular support.
  19. Lots of Russian millionaires there so maybe Putin won't nuke it?
  20. Terror bombing Ukraine to submission seems like the likely strategy.. The evacuation of women and children from the sieges is going like shit: Russian forces shelling the evacuation route https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/08/ukraine-war-civilians-sumy-irpin-refugees-russia Mining the evacuation routes also https://www.businessinsider.com/land-mines-proposed-ukraine-evacuations-humanitarian-corridor-red-cross-2022-3 Evacuation routes proposed by Russia lead directly to Russia and Belarus https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/07/russia-humanitarian-corridors-ukraine-war-mariupol-kyiv
  21. Just not to derail the Ukraine thread more asking this here.. @ilqx hermolia xpli Care to elaborate how the dissolution of USSR was illegal? Illegal under what law? I've never heard this kind of legalistic argument and I like all sorts of cooky political stuff.
  22. lol ok I'm in Tallinn now and there's Ukrainian flags everywhere.
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