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Posts posted by zkom

  1. Ok, first to get it out of the way. Fuck the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party.

    But as people I get along with the Chinese people pretty well, I guess. I mean my girlfriend is Chinese and I have some Chinese friends and former colleagues who I got along well and I still keep in contact with some of them even though the professional relationship is over. Funnily enough they're all females so there might be something there. And they're all academics or have lived outside China or worked for foreign companies so that might cause some bias. I have heard from them some pretty horrible and heart breaking stories not just how the Chinese government but also the Chinese society fucks over women and girls. There's also this kind of weird mix of nationalism and a total mistrust of their own government and society that sometimes manifests in surprising ways.

    Anyway, I can't ever see myself moving to mainland China while the current system exists, but I can imagine myself living in Hong Kong or Taiwan easily. I've spend some weeks in HK on several occasions and it has started to feel a little bit like home or at least like a familiar place, in some weird way.

  2. 56 minutes ago, IDEM said:
    14 hours ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

    SFWP: facebook Scrabble chat censors the word "cons"?  Is this some hip new slur I wasn't aware of?

    Maybe they just want you to stay positive?

    Imgur censors "coons" which makes Maine coons look like "Maine [bleep]". Took me a while to realize what the original word was. Maine fuckers?

  3. I was on a 4 hour flight last week and they had the in-flight entertainment systems on the back of the seats. For some reason the flight information was not coming through to the panels. You might think that that's not a big problem, you can't see the flight details or whatever and I guess that's how it would be normally. But whoever was the asshat who designed this system designed it so that when you try to play any kind of content it checks how much flight time you have left and if the content is longer than the remaining flight time you can't play it. Also the system assumed that flight time is zero if there is no flight information available. So in combination of the flight information missing and the idiotic playback system all content was unplayable because everything is longer than 0 seconds. Gah.

    Anyway, why the fuck would they even have this kind of flight time check? What if I want to start watching a movie on the first flight and continue on the connecting flight? Fuck this shitty design.

    • Facepalm 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Soloman Tump said:

    Well it happened, and the lights are still on.


    Can't wait for the first anti-Brexit headlines to appear!

    Brexit causes cancer!

    Brexit leads to accelerated erosion of Dover cliffs!

    Brexit gives you Coronavirus!


    Well, the Brexit really didn't happen overnight, like the hard Brexit would have, now there's the transition period going on and who knows how fucking long this is going to last. December 31st they say, but let's see.

    From the BBC. I bolded the the funny part.


    The transition (sometimes called the implementation period) is due to last until 31 December 2020.

    During this period, the UK will remain in both the EU customs union and single market.

    That means, until the transition ends, most things will stay the same. This includes:

    • Travelling to and from the EU (including the rules around driving licences and pet passports)
    • Freedom of movement (the right to live and work in the EU and vice versa)
    • UK-EU trade, which will continue without any extra charges or checks being introduced

    Now transition has begun the UK will automatically lose its membership of the EU's political institutions, including the European Parliament and European Commission.

    So, while the UK will no longer have any voting rights, it will need to follow EU rules. The European Court of Justice will also continue to have the final say over any legal disputes.


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, 714681746476436 said:

    Yeah, they are pretty much. I did do a census of what language people spoke or what “ethinc group” they identify as - cunts all the same to me.

    Yeah, I think this pretty much settles the discussion for me. Nice racism there you got labeling an entire nation as cunts. But I guess by watmm rules in where titties are an unspeakable horror but casual racism is ok I think you're fine.

    • Like 3
  6. To be fair, in my experience all of the East Asian cultures are a bit xenophobic, but China is far from the worst. Me and my German friend who was speaking perfect Japanese were denied a taxi in Japan because we were foreigners. My co-worker wasn't allowed in the hotel bar in the hotel he was staying in South Korea because he wasn't Korean but a white European. I also got shouted at in South Korea by some passer-by. All the months I've spent in mainland China and ethnically Chinese regions like Taiwan I've never experienced anything like that.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, 714681746476436 said:

    I don't believe it to be more diverse than anywhere else I've been. Generally I'm the only non-chinese man within 100 miles and I've never seen a black dude there either. In my experience the Chinese people are quite united - fucked governments tend to do that to people. There's still very little outside influence on China, they're just int interested (unless they can make money from you).

    I've probably spent ~ a year of my life in various parts of China. You want diverse, come to the UK or France or Germany. 

    So you mean if you can't see any black people or only Asians it's homogenous? You don't count at all the indigenous groups, local ethnic populations, regional languages etc as diversity? 14 different official languages plus dozens of indigenous and regional languages isn't diversity? People in Tibet are similar to Inner Mongolia? Or people from Shanghai are similar to the islamic areas in the west?

    Btw, I was in Guangzhou last November for a few weeks and I saw a ton of black people.  Visited also shops owned by black people.

  8. 1 minute ago, 714681746476436 said:

    Yeah, no shit we have to make generalisations when talking about a nation. There’s nothing wrong with that. You would rather address all 1.4billion individually? What a nonsense comment. 

    What I mean China is more diverse than most other countries. I would say more so than say US. If I say all people in US are gun toting rednecks who support Trump, would that be fair?

    China is much more diverse than people think and imo that view is partially the fault of the Chinese government who likes to paint a picture of a homogenous Han China under strict control of the central government when it's far from the reality.

    • Like 2
  9. The thing with deadly viruses is that generally the deadlier the virus is the slower it spreads and easier it is to contain, due to pretty obivious symptoms and the carriers basically dying off. What can actually threaten to kill humanity is a virus that spreads fast but you get the symptoms and die several years after the infection. That's a nice thing to notice after 90% of the population is infected..

    • Farnsworth 1
  10. Apparently it spreads relatively easily but the mortality rate is low.

    My gf was supposed to visit me during the Chinese new year and arrive today, but she's working in a hospital in China and none of the staff can leave the city as they are on alert now so she's just spending the holidays at her home. Most public venues have been closed down also due to either the virus or the new year. She's also saying it's too dangerous for me to come over to China now.. meh. This sucks.

    • Sad 1
  11. 23 hours ago, Braintree said:

    Some people need to remember that the first year started at zero. The second year was year 1.

    Ackchuyally.. Gregorian and Julian calendars don't have a year 0. They just jump straight from 1BC to AD1. And, yes, it's bullshit, but the Roman numerals didn't have a concept or symbol for zero.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, StephenG said:

    Lol best doner I had was in Vietnam of all places. $1.50 off a street cart in Hanoi. 

    I had a really good döner meal in southern Azerbaijan for about 0.80e including a small Coke.

  13. 12 hours ago, darreichungsform said:

    It's not wether you're an alcoholic or not, it's how you handle your alcoholism.


    Having been in Mongolia I think the statistics are way too low for them.. Also the Iranians like to drink, it's just illegal in Iran so probably does not show up in any statistics.

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