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Kilgore Trout

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Everything posted by Kilgore Trout

  1. http://www.borderlandbeat.com/2015/07/chapos-escape-video-and-more.html
  2. Cartel Land - sweaty palms/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkYBbBK0qoM i saw it the day el chapo escaped from prison( http://www.borderlandbeat.com/2015/07/additional-information-chapo-guzman-1st.html), seemed appropriate. http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/05/05/the-hunt-for-el-chapo ^good read about el chapo guzman, written while he was still in custody.
  3. new brandon graham & james stokoe comics out today!!
  4. ba bu dweee. ba bu zowww... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIJ53t7Pgag
  5. i love chet baker concerts post getting his teeth kicked in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vilHhh6H3_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bADlEECpm6o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CYV52lU-38 i want a vibraphone...
  6. ^ "when you take pride in what you do, you can go wrroooong" *SLAM DUNK* fuck yeah
  7. bought these cassettes in a dublab pack a few years ago. i'd never even heard of the guy, really nice new age/ambient music. http://www.discogs.com/Daniel-Emmanuel-Wizards/release/2908133 http://www.discogs.com/Daniel-Emmanuel-Rain-Forest-Music/release/2254714 http://www.discogs.com/Daniel-Emmanuel-Trance-Formations-I-Ancient-Minimal-Meditations/release/776032 http://www.discogs.com/JD-Emmanuel-Trance-Formation-I-Ancient-Minimal-Meditations/master/340615 http://www.discogs.com/JD-Emmanuel-Peaceful-Kingdom-Concert-1982/release/3386478 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWFUt7w6ZOM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksNlqTMamlo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elVJ1N6duKE
  8. yeah, i'll reread and get all caught up soon. i do want to see what happens to the 'lying' cat and the devil space baby.
  9. i know everyone loves saga, but after the first 10 issues i remember just thinking it was so-so. fiona staples is perfect for all the spacey art though, some incredible coloring as well. ... wow.. really stoked i got the first 10 issues now because apparently the single issues are worth an f load of cash. issue 1 is going for $75 on amazon. jaysus. edit:FUCK the 5TH PRINTING is going for $75 the first is $150+!!! im rich y'all.
  10. well that was different. i'll check it out. i just remembered this thread had some good recommendations http://forum.watmm.com/topic/77964-post-your-anime-favorites-seriesshort-filmsfull-length-feature-films/
  11. i'm half way through Beserk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWt5WB7wtJ0 what anime should i watch next?
  12. last year i started playing cs-go after a 10 year counter-strike hiatus. i think i'm addicted again. i don't play that much, but i get these... urges. mostly play cs_office reflex server. steam user id: barbelith19 i just learned you can take silly pictures
  13. ahh the green dragon tavern.. i got so drunk at this place last christmas.. had like 10 beers and just as many oysters, then wandered the streets of boston like a maniac...happy fourth fellow patriots!
  14. i'm just happy hes been writing a lot creator owned/original stuff lately. i think he needed a break from the superhero game. Sinatoro was going to be like an acid western right? i haven't heard anything about it for a couple years. edit: ah, ok, just googled. so sinatoro's being released as a comic by black mask studios.
  15. but i wanted ice cweam! ... wait, whats this about the coming revolution rich is starting? i feel the turtle head pokin' out on this imminent shit.
  16. then the cheeseburger is yours, my friend. eat away.
  17. yeah, it's a lovecraft comic by alan moore. i hate to use the word but it's very meta. the universe is mostly just like ours where people know lovecraft as just some scifi horror writer, but everything he writes about is true(dagons, cthullu's and the like. there are also other turn of the century weird fiction influences there like chambers' carcosa/suicide booths ect) i would check out the courtyard and neonomicon first though. providence takes place in the 20's and is the third part in the series. the courtyard and neonomicon are set in the modern day.
  18. just read the most recent issue of Southern Bastards. jason aaron's on fire with this series, highly recommend. some nice art as well. that coach boss origin story was like some fucked up version of rudy. looking forward to Providence #2 tomorrow.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8C4lK41SX-Q http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x55xt7_and-the-beat-goes-on_sport
  20. these comps are great. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3583hgirqg
  21. RIP Aqua Teen Hunger Force http://www.vice.com/read/aqua-teen-hunger-force-forever-is-the-end-of-an-era-111?utm_source=homepage not a good sign for adultswim. c.n. should let dave willis do whatever the fuck he wants.
  22. EAT originally thought night. a few years ago converted to eat. sup, fellow believes of eat. everybody else *shakes fist*
  23. hey burgler, your music's awesome and you're awesome for making it.
  24. i think it's better than the original album.... AND I FUCKING LOVE THE ORIGINAL ALBUM
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