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Posts posted by melancholera

  1. so its a acrylic painting, digitally upgraded then? I was kinda imagining the upper part could be done materially too.


    The "mountain" part is pretty much a photographed painting (scanner didn't want to work) and the background is a picture from that website that's (unfortunately?) pretty much exactly as you see it. But the background isn't digital in nature because all that stuff from the British Library is just scanned in from old books. I put it all together in photoshop.


    The background effect could be pretty easily achieved with marbling, however. https://www.google.com/search?q=marbling+art&biw=1366&bih=681&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiRgIyFkrjOAhUHKiYKHeA2AvwQ_AUIBigB

  2. how is this even close... how many things does trump have to say... he's for nuclear proliferation, he's against porn, he thinks american pows shouldnt be considered war heros, he makes a prejudiced insult about the mother of a killed american soldier, he makes fun of a female politician's face, he says mexicans are rapists, he says he is going to ban muslims from entering the country, women who seek abortion should be punished, america should torture more, a judge of mexican descent makes poor rulings because of his ethnicity, he boasts about the size of his penis on tv, says obama would have gone to scalia's funeral if he were muslim, does a mean-spirited impersonation of a disabled person, talks about a debate moderator being on her period, incites violence at his rallies, chooses a notoriously anti-gay guy for his vp...


    honestly i am not trying to talk politics here this is just deeply disconcerting. it shouldn't have got this far.


    you know what people like about trump? that he's a bigot.


    a repulsive, contemptible, wretched, disgusting, abominable, grotesque, repugnant, detestable, reprehensible, deplorable, apalling state of affairs


    Couldn't agree more.

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