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Posts posted by melancholera

  1. aqEeS0L.jpg

    Louisa can jump up, but she can't get down without help…


    This looks exactly like my old cat Quincy. Most laid back and chill cat I've ever known.


    The cat that I have now does this funny thing of responding to my guitar playing. Like if I bend a note a certain way or especially after I let a note ring out, she'll do a silent/barely audible meow. Pretty consistently, too. So yeah, I have a musical cat.

  2. Julian Casablancas + The Voidz - Tyranny


    The name alone is probably enough to turn a lot of people off. But I gotta say, the song "Human Sadness" is an absolute monolithic psychodrama beast of an 11 minute song. It's so glaringly amazing that I've not gotten to give the rest of the album enough attention. It really cut through to something in me. 

  3. :(


    I'm actually in that crowd of white people who grew up poor and whose parents were addicts doing drugs all the time. It sucks when people think that I've had it easy because of my skin color when they have no idea what I've been through. Hey, whatever color you are, did you have to deal with being around a meth lab when you were 14 and entering high school? While your dad was in terrible health too? Privileged piece of shit!

  4. Watched Catch Me If You Can for the first time since it was pretty much new. Very good, but not as good as I thought it was when I was 17. Christopher Walken has a great, maybe underrated role in it. Hanks and Di Caprio are both damn solid. "Want to hear a joke from me?" "Yeah" "Knock knock..." "Who's there?" "Go fawk yourself!"

  5. We are in a post truth world. And that's awful and a nightmare. A friend of mine believes every conspiracy that crosses his path. Some youtube video with eerie music is equal to the results of 

  6. I remember watching Zodiac a few years ago and being bowled over by how perfect it was, i don't think Fincher has been or ever will be as inventive as he was with Fight Club, but i really respond to police procedural serial killer mysteries, Memories of Murder (Fincher was inspired by it) amazed me too in how it builds and builds, year after year, through a decade or longer. I guess it's like a tv show, but you get that exhausting 3 hour experience. I love the scenes where it took advantage of you not knowing who was the killer, so much tension and dread. One of the few films I've watched in the last few years I had to give a ten, i think it's a masterpiece, and I hate that word, and its use, especially when applied to Kanye West albums, so i won't say it. I think it's perfect though.


    Only watched this once and felt about the same. Would be thrilled to watch it again. No Country For Old Men also gives me that damn-near-if-not-totally-perfect movie feeling.

  7. Happy People: A Year in the Taiga 


    A documentary about an extremely isolated village of about 300 people in the middle of Siberia. Mainly follows one fur trapper through the seasons of one year, though. I don't know what's so hypnotizing about this film but there's something. Maybe because it's the polar opposite of a high tech western lifestyle. The main dude was an excellent choice for a central element of the film. He spends most of the year 90 miles from the already middle of nowhere village, basically completely independently surviving in extremely harsh conditions. One main theme also is the relationship between man and dog, and how indispensable the dog is to a hunter/trapper. 


    I don't like when documentaries romanticize the harsh conditions of "simple living" people, but I didn't exactly get that here. Saying that to preface that there's a certain zen to this movie. I watched it two nights in a row. If anybody has any recommendations for similar stuff, go ahead.


    It's on Netflix (US) right now.

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