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Everything posted by melancholera

  1. Try Wild at Heart and Raising Arizona if you happened to miss either of those. More Cage goodness.
  2. I'm a Better Call Saul fan as well. I'm in the U.S. so I buy the eps from Amazon the next day.
  3. this show is incredible this s. 1 ep. 11 is the episode TIMJ be referring to fantastic theme song [youtubehd]ikpc1BN4nN8[/youtubehd] 'Tis my ringtone.
  4. Been wearing out this mix lately:
  5. Had to stop after 5 episodes because it was so upsetting. May watch the some time down the line.
  6. I thought this was interesting. http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/books/2013/02/06/genius-of-dogs-brian-hare/1861497/ Q: How do you know dogs can retain thousands of words? A: The interesting finding there is that from a scientific standpoint, it's not amazing. What's amazing is how the dogs learned the words. They learned it through inferential reasoning, the same process kids learn words. ... You can put a dog in a room full of toys and put new ones in, and give the new ones odd names. The dog will bring back the toy it's never seen before because it's called by a name he's never heard before. Q: And dogs can make inferences? Explain. A: That's one of the main things we're trying to communicate. They have the ability to use inferential reasoning. There are problems you have to solve quickly. Nature has equipped them with being able to make inferences. They can read our gestures. They're inferring what we're trying to tell them.
  7. Did you see the most recent South Park on Yelp? Fucking great it was. They're getting sued for it though lol. Nah. http://www.snopes.com/south-park-yelp-lawsuit/ The new season has been pretty ace though. The continuity has really refreshed their format imo. I should have known it was false. South Park has a good legal team. Yeah, this season and the last have been really good. I enjoy that there is some continuity between the episodes, like in last season the lorde bit coming on through more than one episode you know? Yeah, for sure, last season they introduced the concept. I think they may be handling it a bit better this time around. Funny enough, the last episode (where everybody thought Craig was gay) had very little to do with the rest of the season and it turned out to be my favorite so far. Maybe up there with their best work. Goes both ways I 'spose.
  8. Did you see the most recent South Park on Yelp? Fucking great it was. They're getting sued for it though lol. Nah. http://www.snopes.com/south-park-yelp-lawsuit/ The new season has been pretty ace though. The continuity has really refreshed their format imo.
  9. So ready for this. And although they tended to stay away from direct parody and topical humor, they still have 15+ years of culture to draw from since Mr. Show ended. Interesting to see how it shapes up.
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